Oversoul Matrix

(Redirected from Monad Matrix)

This is the harmonic triad of the 7D-8D-9D layers of Lightbody. These layers are also called the Monadic matrix.

Monad Triad Bodies

The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that best can be defined as the original and organic design and function of the collective human soul/oversoul matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, (the morphogenetic field layers that control time and space), the heart–brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. It has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture on the planet. This heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system (grid network) and the nerve cell(s) of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body.

Third Harmonic Universe

Third Harmonic Universe

For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and Lightbody.These aspects are called the Stations of Identity.

Soul-Monadic Extensions

When we intend to connect with the organic architecture of our Christos Blueprint, this helps to heal and integrate our soul extensions and monadic extensions. Our Soul and Monad is a family of consciousness that contains extensions that are existing simultaneously in other dimensional timelines. The first level of spiritual Awakening is connecting with our soul consciousness and extensions, our soul family is comprised of 12 different individual personalities. As we integrate our Soul consciousness, we integrate these 12 aspects within our consciousness body, and this unifies the triad of the entire Soul Matrix, so that we experience our emotions and the forces of love in entirely new ways.

Complete soul integration leads us to the higher integration of our Monadic matrix or Oversoul Matrix, which contains 12 oversouls, each containing 12 souls within them, for a total of 144 monadic or oversoul extensions. With each stage of monadic integration there are significant expansions of consciousness that unify the monadic matrix in our consciousness body, and then we find that we are connected to everything, living in a massive Universe that is filled with many possibilities to explore. The process of soul extension and monadic family reintegration is happening at an accelerated rate at this time, because this has been made possible when the transduction birth records were shifted into organic Timelines.[1]


November 2012 Newsletter

See Also:


Monadic Integration

Term first found HGS Manual: Page 107