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==Obsessions, Intense Desires and Cravings==
==Obsessions, Intense Desires and Cravings==
[[Negative Disincarnates]] and the array of dark spirits in the environment are many times responsible for extremely amplified obsessions, dark depressions or addictive thoughts, that produce intense desires, cravings or addictions. These issues can also be sourced problems that are genetic weakness that are generated as physiological and psychological in nature, but these weakness will be exploited in the energetic realms by [[Imposter Spirit| Dark Forces]] as these weaknesses will make it easy to gain control over their victim. When being harassed by Negative Spirits, that person will experience extreme levels of energetic density, heaviness, gloom and doom, depression, sadness, and this may lead to hearing voices and strange noises, smelling odd or unpleasant odors, and finally, schizophrenic symptoms and other mental disturbances.  
[[Negative Disincarnates]] and the array of dark spirits in the environment are many times responsible for extremely amplified obsessions, dark depressions or addictive thoughts, that produce intense desires, cravings or addictions. These issues can also be sourced problems that are genetic weakness that are generated as physiological and psychological problems in nature, but these weakness will also be exploited in the energetic realms by [[Imposter Spirit| Dark Forces]]. Intense desires, obsessions or addictions are energetic weaknesses that will make it easy for the dark force to gain control over their victim. When being harassed by Negative Spirits, that person will experience extreme levels of energetic density, heaviness, gloom and doom, depression, sadness, addictions, and this may lead to hearing voices and strange noises, smelling odd or unpleasant odors, and finally, schizophrenic symptoms and other mental disturbances.  
The most common forms of manifesting obsessions into addictions, is with the intent to gain control over that persons, mind and body by amplifying the personal weakness that person has. Once the Dark force has control over the persons mind and body, it gains access to the soul or spiritual forces. At this point binding, attachments, artifacts like satanic insignia are placed upon that person's energy field and possessions are made possible. 
As a result of [[Sexual Misery]] and [[Victim-Victimizer]] mind control programming, many people are harassed with an variety of addictions, such as commonly producing intense sexual desires, in order to pervert and steal their sexual energies while exploiting their emotions into feeling guilt and shame.

The most common forms of manifesting obsessions into addictions, is with the intent to gain control over that persons, mind and body by amplifying the personal weakness that person has not resolved, healed or cleared. Once the Dark force has control over the persons mind and body, it gains access to the soul or spiritual forces. At this point binding, attachments, artifacts like satanic insignia are placed upon that person's energy field and [[Possession]]s are made possible. 

As a result of [[Sexual Misery]] and [[Victim-Victimizer]] mind control programming, many people are harassed with an variety of addictions, such as commonly producing intense sexual desires, in order to pervert and steal their sexual energies while exploiting their emotions into feeling guilt and shame. Intense Sexual thoughts are commonly used to disrupt or interfere with the development of purity and dedication in spiritual practices, as lustful desires block the spiritual seekers path from gaining higher access levels to the God Force. Lower sexual energies must be channeled or expressed in positive creative and loving ways through the heart, if they remain stuck in addictions in the sacral center, they can be a source of negative spirit attachment and servitude.
