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Time and consistency will always reveal to you the truth in the matter, if you are willing to patiently seek the truth over remaining in denial because it may be more comfortable. As we learn improved skills to identify these harmful behaviors and stop feeding them, we can also connect the dots to see the direct relationship these behaviors were designed through the AD strategies to weaken and [[Mind Control]] human beings. The Psychopath is the profile of the [[NAA]] extradimensional entity. We can see the logic of their hive mentality being installed in the human collective to value what they value, which is the tyrannical control and oppression of the “weaker” through militarized predatorial methods.
Time and consistency will always reveal to you the truth in the matter, if you are willing to patiently seek the truth over remaining in denial because it may be more comfortable. As we learn improved skills to identify these harmful behaviors and stop feeding them, we can also connect the dots to see the direct relationship these behaviors were designed through the AD strategies to weaken and [[Mind Control]] human beings. The Psychopath is the profile of the [[NAA]] extradimensional entity. We can see the logic of their hive mentality being installed in the human collective to value what they value, which is the tyrannical control and oppression of the “weaker” through militarized predatorial methods.
[[Gaslighting]] is a form of psychological-emotional abuse that Controlling types of personalities use to which a victim is manipulated into doubting and discrediting their own memories, perceptions, experiences and sanity.[[Sociopath]]s and [[Narcissism|Narcissists]] frequently use gaslighting tactics, on individuals or to control larger groups of people to their personal advantage. [[Gaslighting]] is also used commonly in the mass media, as a form of controlling the dissemination of information given to the public, such as intended for political control, or to control the perception of the public to be favorable in moving in the direction of supporting specific agendas. It is a mass psychological tool that spins half-truths and deceptions in order to manipulate information and factual data in ways that obfuscate the whole picture. Controllers and tyrants, whether they are personal family members or active in public affairs, want to remain in control and their agenda is more important to them than anyone else’s. Thus, they seek to suppress or remove any information they feel is threatening to their agenda, and stop it from being made public knowledge. These people are duplicitous, and they show different faces to different people, in order to get whatever they want, and usually they could care less about the cost that will have to other people. When people do not have the whole picture of events, and they are being deceived and manipulated with only limited access to the truth contained in circumstances, it obfuscates their ability to make informed, clear and well thought out decisions. No person can be truly self-determining and make positive choices in their life direction, if they are reliant on people that are lying and deceiving them with false information. This is a critical reason to discern liars and manipulators, and get them out from influencing our life decisions, stop giving them access to our most intimate and vulnerable aspects. All people need to earn our trust by demonstrating trustworthiness. We can unconditionally love people that are deceivers and manipulators, even as some may be biological family members, but we need to become 100% clear that we never allow that person to exert any type of control over us, by setting strong boundaries. It does not matter who they are and what their position in life is, or that they have doctorates and titles, or they are blood relations. If they demonstrate these negative behaviors, if they become abusive when you reveal your true self to them, stay awake and alert, observe everything and be wary of them.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/2796-gaslighting-101 Gaslighting]</ref>

==Top 5 AD Strategies for Mind Control==
==Top 5 AD Strategies for Mind Control==