CNS damage from hybridization related to Maldek and Tiamat: Difference between revisions

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Something about the energy of the logos of [[Tiamat]] and [[Maldek]], and in acknowledging and witnessing the exchange of those histories of imbalance between the consciousness forms, we ask here and now through the light of God itself to open all channels of the origination of the genesis of source. That which connects to the God source to again resolve and assist in the resolution of all cause-and-effect that has been assigned, taken on, agreed, superimposed or vowed on this being through all timelines past, present and future, through all stations of identity. Again we ask through the monadic family and the connection to this being through the monad, that all aspects of the soul extensions through all time and space, assist in integrating this particular issue. And assisting by healing this issue, by bringing anything to our attention that needs to be witnessed, healed and resolved through the light of God consciousness, in which we command the space of the sovereign power of God here and now. And through the grace the infinite grace and perfection of God allowing all imperfections, all shadow, fragments, all beings, all circumstances to be brought into the truth into the illumination into the light of God's source here and now.  
Something about the energy of the logos of [[Tiamat]] and [[Maldek]], and in acknowledging and witnessing the exchange of those histories of imbalance between the consciousness forms, we ask here and now through the light of God itself to open all channels of the origination of the genesis of source. That which connects to the God source to again resolve and assist in the resolution of all cause-and-effect that has been assigned, taken on, agreed, superimposed or vowed on this being through all timelines past, present and future, through all stations of identity. Again we ask through the monadic family and the connection to this being through the monad, that all aspects of the soul extensions through all time and space, assist in integrating this particular issue. And assisting by healing this issue, by bringing anything to our attention that needs to be witnessed, healed and resolved through the light of God consciousness, in which we command the space of the sovereign power of God here and now. And through the grace the infinite grace and perfection of God allowing all imperfections, all shadow, fragments, all beings, all circumstances to be brought into the truth into the illumination into the light of God's source here and now.  

==Hybridization Programs and Nephilim==
As we command this space as the space of consciousness in God's name and in the authority of the Christ and crystal consciousness of one, we ask that the unification principle and the unifying principle of the field of that cosmic Christ consciousness to again assist in weaving and re-organizing the structures of all conflicting energies, from parallel realities or other universes or alternates. We are connecting to the two planetary systems between our planetary logos, the third dimensional earth and the logos of the fifth dimensional planet of Maldek. Okay this is acknowledging the programs of polarity integration and assistance of healing multiple life forms that are both human and nonhuman. This is about a hybridization program between Nephilim consciousness and human consciousness. Nephilim consciousness having been a hybrid of reptilian and human or Christ consciousness races, and Maldek was a planet in the fifth dimensional timelines.  
As we command this space as the space of consciousness in God's name and in the authority of the Christ and crystal consciousness of one, we ask that the unification principle and the unifying principle of the field of that cosmic Christ consciousness to again assist in weaving and re-organizing the structures of all conflicting energies, from parallel realities or other universes or alternates. We are connecting to the two planetary systems between our planetary logos, the third dimensional earth and the logos of the fifth dimensional planet of Maldek. Okay this is acknowledging the programs of polarity integration and assistance of healing multiple life forms that are both human and nonhuman. This is about a hybridization program between Nephilim consciousness and human consciousness. Nephilim consciousness having been a hybrid of reptilian and human or Christ consciousness races, and Maldek was a planet in the fifth dimensional timelines.  

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As a consciousness the human being and the others that were contributing, because at this time humanity was freely interacting with various races during this particular time, the consciousness involved in that particular timeline was immature and not realizing that the impact of such a cataclysm and destruction on the planet Earth would ring into and vibrate into impacting many other life forms.  This apparently was either not known or not considered because of the arrogance of feeling like one knows better. Or from I guess we could say a place of ego, where we're using our own identity of ego to wield our particular power over others, or on ourselves.  
As a consciousness the human being and the others that were contributing, because at this time humanity was freely interacting with various races during this particular time, the consciousness involved in that particular timeline was immature and not realizing that the impact of such a cataclysm and destruction on the planet Earth would ring into and vibrate into impacting many other life forms.  This apparently was either not known or not considered because of the arrogance of feeling like one knows better. Or from I guess we could say a place of ego, where we're using our own identity of ego to wield our particular power over others, or on ourselves.  

==Maldek Remnants is the Asteroid Belt==
This power imbalance created a destruction and a cataclysm, of not only the surface of the planet Earth but of this planet Maldek. Now I'm not aware how close Maldek was as an orbit to the earth plane. But what their showing me now is the asteroid belt, it's now an asteroid belt. That asteroid belt used to be a planet and that asteroid belt is connected to the consciousness that also went through its own "suffering". When we think of a planet exploding, it's understanding that the consciousness forms on the planet are designed to be indigenous to their creation. So it's like understanding the planet is the group body of the individuals that are living on it. Just like in the earth plane there are fields of dimensions that are a part of the planet Earth. And these planes of dimensions that are a part of the planet Earth are connected to our personal light bodies, our chakra systems and aura layers open up into dimensions that interface with the planet.  
This power imbalance created a destruction and a cataclysm, of not only the surface of the planet Earth but of this planet Maldek. Now I'm not aware how close Maldek was as an orbit to the earth plane. But what their showing me now is the asteroid belt, it's now an asteroid belt. That asteroid belt used to be a planet and that asteroid belt is connected to the consciousness that also went through its own "suffering". When we think of a planet exploding, it's understanding that the consciousness forms on the planet are designed to be indigenous to their creation. So it's like understanding the planet is the group body of the individuals that are living on it. Just like in the earth plane there are fields of dimensions that are a part of the planet Earth. And these planes of dimensions that are a part of the planet Earth are connected to our personal light bodies, our chakra systems and aura layers open up into dimensions that interface with the planet.  

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So the conflict between dominion and power over the resources of the earth began during this timeline, which is a memory that your consciousness is holding. The trauma of this memory has been brought through several incarnations that you have experienced as a consciousness. And in this particular timeline because this is the Ascension timeline, and the body that you're in is the body that you are. To a certain degree we would say you're not coming back here in this way. The incarnational cycle of coming into the third dimensional level of experience, which again is one of disconnect from God, an experience of separation. Lots of suffering and fear within the third dimensional system. There are levels of reality that are higher octave realities, where these things cease to exist.  
So the conflict between dominion and power over the resources of the earth began during this timeline, which is a memory that your consciousness is holding. The trauma of this memory has been brought through several incarnations that you have experienced as a consciousness. And in this particular timeline because this is the Ascension timeline, and the body that you're in is the body that you are. To a certain degree we would say you're not coming back here in this way. The incarnational cycle of coming into the third dimensional level of experience, which again is one of disconnect from God, an experience of separation. Lots of suffering and fear within the third dimensional system. There are levels of reality that are higher octave realities, where these things cease to exist.  

==Only Soul extension in 3D representing Monad==
The incarnation of your monad is done with the third dimensional earth and because the singularity point of your soul extension family is utilizing your body for the entire group consciousness, this neurological issue is something that is manifested as a rapid cause-and-effect. Honestly it is like a karma burn off. Its utilizing massive amounts of electrical frequency running through the body to literally alchemically transmute, certain patterns that are serving the whole monad. So what I'm getting at here, what I'm trying to explain is from your monadic family there's only one of you incarnated at this time on the planet Earth. And the monad meaning this is your spiritual family these are parts of your soul extensions they are an extended part of your God consciousness. It is understanding that the monad is the part of you that created identities to have experiences in different scenarios and in different timelines. And what they're showing me is that you now are the one soul extension that is in this timeline of ascension. And therefore the burden of taking on the energies for the entire group, are being filtered through the physical vehicle that you are in in this timeline.  
The incarnation of your monad is done with the third dimensional earth and because the singularity point of your soul extension family is utilizing your body for the entire group consciousness, this neurological issue is something that is manifested as a rapid cause-and-effect. Honestly it is like a karma burn off. Its utilizing massive amounts of electrical frequency running through the body to literally alchemically transmute, certain patterns that are serving the whole monad. So what I'm getting at here, what I'm trying to explain is from your monadic family there's only one of you incarnated at this time on the planet Earth. And the monad meaning this is your spiritual family these are parts of your soul extensions they are an extended part of your God consciousness. It is understanding that the monad is the part of you that created identities to have experiences in different scenarios and in different timelines. And what they're showing me is that you now are the one soul extension that is in this timeline of ascension. And therefore the burden of taking on the energies for the entire group, are being filtered through the physical vehicle that you are in in this timeline.  

Okay so I'm going to ask, can that be relieved? Is this a vow or agreement of manipulation? Okay they are showing me this is much more than a birth contract. This is a lot more than just a planetary third dimensional birth contract this has much larger repercussions into the consciousness development of the monad, the group consciousness and the physical level of how this is changing the bodies. At the human level of the human body it's doing something at that level. Okay, in resigning from the program is that clear? Okay we would like to include the entire monadic family, I would like to request the Melchizedek guardians anchor support and witness the release of this program. Again we are clearing memory, cellular record, stations of identity, fragments of identity, both of Nephilim, Serpent, Reptilian and of human causation. Through all of the levels of agreements that have been placed within the singularity of this being here and no, we ask to apply the resignation from the programming of the level of the polarity and the game or the matrix that is a part of the consciousness experience as a result of this history that we are being shown within the holographic record and memory of the body.  
Okay so I'm going to ask, can that be relieved? Is this a vow or agreement of manipulation? Okay they are showing me this is much more than a birth contract. This is a lot more than just a planetary third dimensional birth contract this has much larger repercussions into the consciousness development of the monad, the group consciousness and the physical level of how this is changing the bodies. At the human level of the human body it's doing something at that level. Okay, in resigning from the program is that clear? Okay we would like to include the entire monadic family, I would like to request the Melchizedek guardians anchor support and witness the release of this program. Again we are clearing memory, cellular record, stations of identity, fragments of identity, both of Nephilim, Serpent, Reptilian and of human causation. Through all of the levels of agreements that have been placed within the singularity of this being here and no, we ask to apply the resignation from the programming of the level of the polarity and the game or the matrix that is a part of the consciousness experience as a result of this history that we are being shown within the holographic record and memory of the body.  

We would like to ask for a dispensation of clearing and releasing holographic insert, holographic memory, holographic record and holographic pictures associated with this as it's connected to all levels of memory contained in the cells, the muscle, the molecular structure, the atomic structure. Okay... all the way nuclei, sub-nuclei, atomic, sub-atomic, molecular, quantum, energy to matter to energy all the way to the smallest particle unit of consciousness. We ask for a clearing and release of the cellular memory record if it is in harmony with God's infinite light, law and illumination. Again we are asking for the Law of Forgiveness and Grace, the illumination of God itself to release all of the constituents, layers and levels of these programs and interactions and complexities. I can see various layers of complexities in the webbing etherically that connect to the neurological structures. Please apply the resignation from mind control programming, we ask you beloved guide one, those that are connected to the star seed matrix. Please show me your frequency color? Okay, we're working with the neurological structure in removing the resignation of the programming, mind control and matrix that is a part of that connection into the brain, spinal cord, neurological structures and all structures that contain that memory through the neurology of the body.  
==Etheric Cleansing==
We would like to ask for a dispensation of clearing and releasing [[Holographic Insert]], holographic memory, holographic record and holographic pictures associated with this as it's connected to all levels of memory contained in the cells, the muscle, the molecular structure, the atomic structure. Okay... all the way nuclei, sub-nuclei, atomic, sub-atomic, molecular, quantum, energy to matter to energy all the way to the smallest particle unit of consciousness. We ask for a clearing and release of the cellular memory record if it is in harmony with God's infinite light, law and illumination. Again we are asking for the Law of Forgiveness and Grace, the illumination of God itself to release all of the constituents, layers and levels of these programs and interactions and complexities. I can see various layers of complexities in the webbing etherically that connect to the neurological structures. Please apply the resignation from mind control programming, we ask you beloved guide one, those that are connected to the star seed matrix. Please show me your frequency color? Okay, we're working with the neurological structure in removing the resignation of the programming, mind control and matrix that is a part of that connection into the brain, spinal cord, neurological structures and all structures that contain that memory through the neurology of the body.  

Please track the body for mind control, booby-traps, thought forms, beings, entities, disruptors or programs that are interfering with the vitality and perfect health and resonance of this being and therefore interfering with the free will God expression and sovereignty of self-determination. We claim the sovereign right in liberation for this being. Do I have permission? Okay I'm going to read the program and then they're telling me that they want you, if you're so guided to say it in your own words later. Okay in the brain and the Wernicke's area please remove any thought forms booby-traps or energies, belief systems that are or could create an obstacle into the complete spiritual healing of this issue. Please check the sensory speech area for any mental programs in the Wernicke's or in the temporal lobe of the brain. Check for any structure device or implant within the brain itself, again we ask to be removed of any mind control program structures. As we claim this sovereign right fully through all timelines and any timeline of any time zone in the sovereign light of God and in the illuminating love of the Christ consciousness.  
Please track the body for mind control, booby-traps, thought forms, beings, entities, disruptors or programs that are interfering with the vitality and perfect health and resonance of this being and therefore interfering with the free will God expression and sovereignty of self-determination. We claim the sovereign right in liberation for this being. Do I have permission? Okay I'm going to read the program and then they're telling me that they want you, if you're so guided to say it in your own words later. Okay in the brain and the Wernicke's area please remove any thought forms booby-traps or energies, belief systems that are or could create an obstacle into the complete spiritual healing of this issue. Please check the sensory speech area for any mental programs in the Wernicke's or in the temporal lobe of the brain. Check for any structure device or implant within the brain itself, again we ask to be removed of any mind control program structures. As we claim this sovereign right fully through all timelines and any timeline of any time zone in the sovereign light of God and in the illuminating love of the Christ consciousness.  
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We dissolve and clear any and all manipulation and enslavement or interference, between this being and any person, place, thing, human and nonhuman, entity or being. We ask that any disease booby trap that is implanted in the brain or in the neurological structure be cleared released and terminated from involvement in any of these systems, program or matrix that is connected to this being. Again remove clear and terminate this being from any involvement, clearly state fully resigned from any and all involvement in this program and matrix. He fully resolves and resigns from this game fully and completely. Okay they want me say it in first person.  
We dissolve and clear any and all manipulation and enslavement or interference, between this being and any person, place, thing, human and nonhuman, entity or being. We ask that any disease booby trap that is implanted in the brain or in the neurological structure be cleared released and terminated from involvement in any of these systems, program or matrix that is connected to this being. Again remove clear and terminate this being from any involvement, clearly state fully resigned from any and all involvement in this program and matrix. He fully resolves and resigns from this game fully and completely. Okay they want me say it in first person.  

==Resign from Mind Control Matrix==
Okay I'm going to connect to you here and now through the oneness that is the truth, through the sovereignty of the infinite source light:  
Okay I'm going to connect to you here and now through the oneness that is the truth, through the sovereignty of the infinite source light:  
Remove and clearer terminate me from any involvement clearly stated I resign any and all involvement in this program and in this matrix. I resolve and resign from this game fully and completely. I am free from any entanglement attachment or disturbance now and forever. My authority is taken as God as the Christ in God's name. I command the space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of God's one source light. All spirits, energies, entities and fragments involved in this game or matrix are claimed in their God-given right now. Beloved God open all channels, open all portals, open all communication. Release, rehabilitates and return all spirits and energies involved in this matrix and game from this planet and from any other planet in the involvement.  
Remove and clearer terminate me from any involvement clearly stated I resign any and all involvement in this program and in this matrix. I resolve and resign from this game fully and completely. I am free from any entanglement attachment or disturbance now and forever. My authority is taken as God as the Christ in God's name. I command the space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of God's one source light. All spirits, energies, entities and fragments involved in this game or matrix are claimed in their God-given right now. Beloved God open all channels, open all portals, open all communication. Release, rehabilitates and return all spirits and energies involved in this matrix and game from this planet and from any other planet in the involvement.  

Specific to Maldek the beings of[[Maldek]], the reptilian races, the [[Nephilim]] races, all hybrids in that game. All spirits involved in that game you are claimed in your God-given right, you are sovereign and free you have the right to self determine. You have the right to your own sanity and to choose wholeness. You have the right to leave this matrix and end of this game. You have a right to choose and you are sovereign and free, in the infinite source of God's light.  
Specific to Maldek the beings of [[Maldek]], the reptilian races, the [[Nephilim]] races, all hybrids in that game. All spirits involved in that game you are claimed in your God-given right, you are sovereign and free you have the right to self determine. You have the right to your own sanity and to choose wholeness. You have the right to leave this matrix and end of this game. You have a right to choose and you are sovereign and free, in the infinite source of God's light.  

Beloved God as we open the space fully and completely please merge all energies past, present and future, as mentioned into your field, into their own time space continuum. As we hold the space of God's infinite light love and wisdom, as we restore the plan of Earth to the infinite God source.  
Beloved God as we open the space fully and completely please merge all energies past, present and future, as mentioned into your field, into their own time space continuum. As we hold the space of God's infinite light love and wisdom, as we restore the plan of Earth to the infinite God source.