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==Discernment of Directing Energy==
==Discernment of Directing Energy==
In regard to the use of Creation Symbols or those [[Sacred Geometry|sacred geometries]] that are hijacked for negative purposes, such as [[STS]] and for [[Black Magic]], this is something that each one of us has to find personal [[Discernment]] in what we connect with and what we feel connected to. Generally, what is a potent way to gain deeper clarity, is to first stabilize the body and to learn how to be consistent with your [[12D Shield]]ing and to use it as a boundary test with what is known as the [[GSF]] triad, which is God Sovereign Free. When you encrypt your [[12D Shield]] with God Sovereign Free, what you are basically saying, is "I'm only allowing that which interacts with me to be in full resonance with God Sovereign Free". When you are able to develop some proficiency with that, doing a 12D shield encrypted with your God Sovereign Free triad and then you use this as a boundary test for sacred geometries or anything else to get better discernment about the quality of energy. Anything that you come across, you want to feel what level of resonance you have with it, and to feel and discern the body's resonance to this coding or symbolism because of the reversals, some of which has been discussed many times in regard to the [[Metatronic Reversal]] field.
In regard to the use of Creation Symbols or those [[Sacred Geometry|sacred geometries]] that are hijacked for negative purposes, such as [[STS]] and for [[Black Magic]], this is something that each one of us has to find personal [[Discernment]] in what we connect with and what we feel connected to. Generally, what is a potent way to gain deeper clarity, is to first stabilize the body and to learn how to be consistent with your [[12D Shield]]ing and to use it as a boundary test with what is known as the [[GSF]] triad, which is God Sovereign Free. When you encrypt your [[12D Shield]] with God Sovereign Free, what you are basically saying, is "I'm only allowing that which interacts with me to be in full resonance with God Sovereign Free". When you are able to develop some proficiency with that, doing a 12D shield encrypted with your God Sovereign Free triad and then you use this as a boundary test for sacred geometries or anything else to get better discernment about the quality of energy. Anything that you come across, you want to feel what level of resonance you have with it, and to feel and discern the body's resonance to this coding or symbolism because of the reversals, some of which has been discussed many times in regard to the [[Metatronic Reversal]] field.
==Fear Clouds Discernment==
Remember that fear will cloud our discernment. When we're feeling fear in our body it confuses our brain and neurological messaging which scrambles our inner compass. When we feel lost and confused and spun out in fear we've lost centre and we've lost our inner directional compass. All of us have an inner compass that is our spiritual guidance system. It will lead us to safety and it will make the best choice for us at all times if we can indeed listen to it. But we have to remove the fear and we have to remove [[Lack of Trust]] in our relationship with our higher spirit and God. At the same time we must make the effort to not become stuck in magical thinking as God and Spirit helps those who are willing to help themselves and put forth the effort. We are here on this Earth to learn spiritual lessons as well as help support the [[Ascension]] process.
All of us must learn to [[Overcoming Fears|overcome our fears]], which dissolves the darkness that exists within the layers of our mind so that we can become [[Spirits of Mental Bondage|free of mental bondage]]. When we are no longer controlled by fear based belief systems and reactions we can stop allowing [[Fear Bondage Loops]] and the dark spirits they attract to make an internal dwelling inside our body, mind and emotions. When we've cleaned out these internal dark dwellings (these are also called [[Demonic Houses]]) the spaces where there was darkness are now filled with light. In this state there is a tangible experience of mental and emotional freedom from fear. There are no more automatic impulses that internalize the [[Frequency of Fear]] or that darkness.
