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==Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt==
==Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt==
The intended spreading of fear, uncertainty and doubt or FUD is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults and propaganda. It is a strategy to control perception by disseminating negative, dubious or false information by an orchestration of tactics that appeal to fear.
The intended spreading of fear, uncertainty and doubt or FUD is a disinformation strategy used in sales, marketing, public relations, politics, cults and propaganda. It is a strategy to control perception by disseminating negative, dubious or false information by an orchestration of tactics that appeal to fear.
==Social Media and Operant Conditioning==
Many people especially in the younger generations have become addicted to online social media platforms from being repeatedly exposed to types of operant conditioning, in which a positive reinforcement occurs from online activity and this induces changes in their brain chemistry. A neurochemical is released in the brain as a reward molecule, after certain behaviors occur in a social media or marketing environment that instigate a positive reinforcement. This is similar to getting a dopamine hit, in which the brain starts to associate dopamine pathways with certain online activity, people, products or propaganda. Operant conditioning is a process of learned behavior from either positive or negative reinforcement, where the person associates something online as being positive or negative, and that information changes their expectations or controls their behavior.