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[[Ego Death]] is overcoming the resistance to surrenedereing to the porcess of spiritual awakenign or spiritual [[Ascension]]. If you fight the changes and trsanfromation which require the death of the prior identity stages that have been outgrown, the new [[Expanding Consciousness]] and  [[Christos]] self cannot be reborn. The enlightenment process is an infinite spiral of [[Ego Death]] and rebirth throughout time and space through remembering the Eternal nature of the self.
True power is inherent the death of the former [[Ego/Personality]] self, thus the first stages of spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis correspond well to the Kübler-Ross stages of the grieving process:
True power is inherent the death of the former [[Ego/Personality]] self, thus the first stages of spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis correspond well to the Kübler-Ross stages of the grieving process: