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==Inner Armageddon Dismantling==
==Inner Armageddon Dismantling==
In physical matter, and within our own bodies, during this time we may feel this stretching and splitting apart sensation which may feel very harsh to our emotional body and heart space. Because the nature of the ego mind is mostly connected to the false light architecture, what is occurring is similar to the disintegration of the [[Three Layers of Ego|inner ego structures]] and its [[Imposter Spirit]] from continuing to block the [[Crystal Heart|higher heart complex]]. This is activating many people into [[Ascension Stages|spiritual initiation]] to align into their highest expression resonant to that energetic state of heart based being. There is a pushing and pulling between the lower mind internal structures and the higher heart intelligence which may feel like an internal and external war over the body consciousness. The [[Bifurcation of Time]]lines is changing the reality bubbles and as they are pushing and pulling apart space-time, where we all coexist, this may bring upon an Inner Armageddon sensation or relative [[Phantom Death]] experience. During this phantom death experience we will be presented with choices to move into higher integrity alignment and be reborn into a new spiritual energy. This is occurring at the microcosm and macrocosm levels of reality.<ref>[ Revealing the Imposter]</ref>
In physical matter, and within our own bodies, during this time we may feel this stretching and splitting apart sensation which may feel very harsh to our emotional body and heart space. Because the nature of the ego mind is mostly connected to the false light architecture, what is occurring is similar to the disintegration of the [[Three Layers of Ego|inner ego structures]] and its [[Imposter Spirit]] from continuing to block the [[Crystal Heart|higher heart complex]]. This is activating many people into [[Ascension Stages|spiritual initiation]] to align into their highest expression resonant to that energetic state of heart based being. There is a pushing and pulling between the lower mind internal structures and the higher heart intelligence which may feel like an internal and external war over the body consciousness. The [[Bifurcation of Time]]lines is changing the reality bubbles and as they are pushing and pulling apart space-time, where we all coexist, this may bring upon an Inner Armageddon sensation or relative [[Phantom Death]] experience. During this phantom death experience we will be presented with choices to move into higher integrity alignment and be reborn into a new spiritual energy. This is occurring at the microcosm and macrocosm levels of reality.<ref>[ Revealing the Imposter]</ref>
==Dissolving the 3D Personality==
The incarnated station of our identity that was our [[Three Layers of Ego|personality matrix]], the aspect that was enmeshed with the lower three dimensional frequencies, is also dissolving. What this equates to is the dissolution of our personality matrix or station of identity that was located in the lower three dimensions, and moving that aspect of our identity into the higher frequency bands of our [[Soul]] matrix or higher station of identity. '''What happens to the people on the earth who believe that they are only their personality identity, when it begins to dissolve?''' We can see the effects of that consciousness shift now in the global scape. The range of experience for some people is from sensations of great anxiety, stress, and mental confusion all the way to the descent into madness and insane behaviors.  Most people are not aware they are losing [[Coherence]], and are unaware of the causality of what is actually influencing the way they think and behave.
The lower dimensional contents that exist in the planetary collective consciousness fields are undergoing massive reconfiguration in multiple ways. This energetic change in the 3D reality has reached critical mass, which means it is greatly impacting all people of the earth. Whether asleep or awake, the self-mastery that has been either lost or gained is measured in how you personally deal with stress and chaos. No person on this earth is exempt from the exposure to the massive fields of chaos, confusion and darkness that exist in the collective mind of humanity. During this time, our inner energetic integrity is tested in order to hold neutrality, while facing the great forces of chaos. This is being tested in every person, just from the mere fact of being on the earth at this time.  How well are we able to adapt to change and hold neutrality in every kind of stressful situation? We have to measure our competency level now.
If we are not doing well with adaptability, flexibility and neutrality in our life situation, we must make adjustments to gain strength with this skill set. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the madness of the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the [[Dark Night of the Soul]]. What does this take and what is being asked of us? All people must take responsibility for the quality of their thoughts, behaviors, actions, as all consciousness that is created has a direct cause and effect.
Since 2009, we have consistently emphasized the necessity of moving out of the 3D consciousness fields, and from feeding those energies, by identifying and clearing the three layers of the negative ego that are run in the lower dimensional fields. The clearing of negative ego is mandatory in order to adapt to the shifting timelines, and to maintain coherence and sanity. It is imperative to address unresolved conflicts that create anxiety in our mind, emotions and body, and apply clearing and healing tools that replace our previous ways of thinking with neutrality, love and peace.<ref>[ Cause and Effect]</ref>

==Accept As It Is Now==
==Accept As It Is Now==