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[ November 2012 Newsletter]  
[ November 2012 Newsletter]  
==Case Study of Targeting==
I would like to share my case study on the :I Love You and then I Hate You “Software Program” – a special VV software rolled out by Orion Group. Also known as “Knife Twister”.Stages:1. Level One: Person becomes exposed to the ES field/website, or the persona of Lisa Renee, and has all kinds of images, perceptions and expectations of what this content of LOO is about and who I am “supposed to be”, this may have a pedestal attachment which means I will be knocked down off that pedestal in the near future. Strange intense attachments begin to develop that are stemming from subconscious or astral delusions, may times from dreams or lucid experiences that have commenced. This is perceived as coming from ES/LR, so I can be blamed for both “bad” experiences and/or praised for “good” experiences. The person can become overly excited and go overboard with their spiritual ambition and pace, which usually shows that they will burn out soon. Usually this behavior is a sign of a lack of inner emotional stability, and/or lack of life experience where wisdom has not yet been integrated. Some people have knowledge without wisdom or heart, and this creates the feeling of “sharpness” (in the mental body, like a prickly pear feeling) and an overall lack of emotional clarity that leads to potential hijack. In these cases I always feel weary that the person may be set off by something, as one can feel the “attachment” being made and the lack of emotional stability in their choices. Attachment in any way creates manipulation which leads to a hijack of clarity. Keynotes: Euphoria, connectedness (with attachment and expectation), initial resonance with me as a reflection of the inner self, “I am home”. Conversely the person can hate me for no apparent reason and start a research campaign to find any iota of minutiae to question or defame my character’s integrity.2. Level Two: Over exuberance and commiseration with shared Starseed blueprint or ES related experiences, usually when a person is overly “I love you”, and overly-emotional I know we have a vulnerability, and I note this as a red flag. (I do not want adoration or this kind of attention from anyone.) This pattern begins as a recognition at an deeper level to an archetype of past or future time, such as “ You are ___________ to me/my galactic self, etc.” (Insert image of archetypal reference that person is projecting on Lisa Renee’s person.) I generally have zero animation to whatever the person is projecting as an archetype towards me, because a. its meaningless in the larger picture, b. the person is too attached to the stereotype or archetype. At this stage I hold silent witness to these events, unfortunately the person mistakes this “witnessing” and total acceptance of their own perceptions as that I am “commiserating, approving and endorsing” their personal point of view and experiences. Witnessing and observing is not the same as “endorsement” or ignorance to the larger events unfolding. I cannot specifically endorse anyone, even though I try my best to increase resources that I feel will benefit community/groups with open source information commons of humanitarian based material that can be shared freely everywhere. That makes some people very upset believing I am ungrateful and taking advantage of “all they/someone else has to offer” or what they believe they “gave to me”. Potentially it means that because of copyright laws based on the dark controllers that it is perceived that I am remiss in giving credit where credit is due, even though I have published nothing or taken copyright or monies for any work given freely. Most of the time what is offered is already built into the community field and it’s like receiving a “gift” you do not want of which may be created in order to “obligates you to them or future copyright/use feuds”. Keynotes: expectation and attachments develop, disputes over ascension material or “like material-words”, people start spreading their perception/belief of mistrust to others in the group ( behind the scenes), I start to feel pressure and drain on my energy body, I wait to see if the person/issues will “ self –correct” through synchronic timing. Sometimes they do, sometimes they do not.3. Level Three: Pressures are applied of needed direct personal communication for transparency, pressures to witness “important events” start to formulate with “urgency”. Urgency means I need to stop what I am doing when they “call out” something they feel needs my direct and personal attention. Generally several people come out at the same time demanding urgency during the same day or two where I am overloaded. When the urgency happens at certain moments where it’s impossible for me to get to, the timing always informs me of its source almost 100% of the time, Interference is the experience of traveling on the highway and you know you are moving in the direction you are aligned to, and someone is demanding you take a “ turn off and exit the highway”. Generally they will now try to unconsciously “control” my attention, focus and priorities to something they “believe” is “ more suitable, appropriate or _________”, based on the urgency, therefore stating I am lacking in my “priorities” because I cannot “see what they are seeing”. Sometimes they feel more special than the rest of the community/others and because of that belief, I should treat them accordingly. When I do not take the emotional “bait-hook” of “ special-ness”, or otherwise thanking them for things they did for the community that I never asked them to do, but they expected something from me, this is when the “seeds” of mistrust, hatred and doubt start creeping into the thoughts of the mental body. Keynote: conflicts with ES/LR, self-doubt, fear of misplaced trust, looking for things that may reveal I am a “liar”. This all brings to surface the un-reconciled histories which may be “personal, planetary, or a part of other identities in time”. Many of these holographic visions are generally imprinted with the VV layers from Orion group and related to the mental reversals which are “splitter-scramblers”. These movies are played with the persona of LR in various devious acts and positions to separate the group’s trust, otherwise known as “divide and conquer”.4. Level Four: From the energetic pressure of expectation I feel being exerted from this person/situation, I “wait it out” to see what piece I will need to correct, allowing only synchronic connections and clear guidance on the “time to intercede”. I will never respond to urgency or create “urgency” as they always have baithooks that create more chaos and confusion. Generally it is not my place to interact or take action while the person is undergoing their own process, even if they are projecting it upon me. Generally in this stage now the person imagines or sees visions of the LR person as “wrong” or “bad” “duplicitous”, that they are convinced these movies are real and that I am really deceiving them and harming others. Sometimes they will generally freak out from their own inner unresolved fears and visions that the dark uses to create separation and chaos in our community field and its body of work. Many times my next communication is related to the person asking me out of the blue in a panic “Are you mad at me? “ Did I do something wrong? They are a mixture of freaked out, panicked or apologetic, they do not know what to think. They explain about some trauma they have undergone that they perceive this trauma as coming from me ( or that I am at fault) in some way. Their mind has formulated “make believe” scenarios that have absolutely nothing to do with me right now with this stewardship body of work. 100% of the time I have no clue what the person is talking about or referring to, and I am totally disconnected from whatever evil visions they have about me as they clearly have nothing to do with me, my personal actions or behaviors. All I can say here, is that I lead form my heart and do the best I can with what I have to work within, I cannot react to urgency or visions.5. Level Five: Disdain or Hatred starts to creep in the person’s mind creating erosion of whatever they have had contact with, sometimes our community will feel this pressure/erosion in the field, of which I am truly sorry. This disdain usually will manifest people doing things in a self-justification to the larger make believe event the VV program has constructed. Most of the time the group has to witness it and watch it unravel without personally engaging with it directly, like what occurred with our former forum moderator. Generally this mind controlled program requires a “do not touch approach”, as it will unravel itself and “self-destruct” as it explodes all the hidden bits to the surface, of which I have seen happen hundreds of times. This is the best way to “detonate” these “hidden programs” as they can be filled with “booby traps” such as scrambler-splitters as we had recently received as a part of the “viral load” mixture of this programs remains of erosion and decay. To observe and stay away is the best way to handle this circumstance in order to allow it to neutralize fully and reorganize. At this stage the Dark ones have infiltrated where there are weaknesses and add some TnT ( like gun powder) to try to gain a maximum foothold to generate chaos or destruction in the community. During these times many people will leave or return to the community, it is like a turnstile impact to the group field. Death, resurrection, rebirth to another level. Seeing the residue and not allowing it to manipulate or control you is what clears and dissipates it faster, again with the compassionate witness holding neutrality with engaged non attachment.This program is a general definition of what I have experienced for many years now, and currently with some of the community members, non-community members, in outside emails from people, etc. This happened in quite a few people before, during and after the Sarasota conference, clearly the planet work done there really got groups of people triggered in a multitude of ways. This “Orion Program” has occurred at every grid project, Damanhur, Egypt, Bali, and with the recent Livestream videos. The Orion Controller Group likes to show me their displeasure and they roll this program out like clockwork, usually trying to take out someone in the “near vicinity” or that has availability to me in the inner levels. I call that inner sanctum infiltration attempt the “knife twister”. They try to get “closer” and closer” to my person as in the strategy of an ambush. If they cannot accomplish that, they will have some bug eyed person scratching at the front door, it is that clear every time.The positive part of this circumstance is to ferret out weaknesses that are hidden, obstructive or in conflict with the overall objective or mission statement of this ES prism of the Krystal Star Guardian Host attempts to bring the physicalization of this material through the online community and technology of this time period. Clearly the Krystal Star has multiple projects on earth attempting in every way to bring the communication hubs and trinity architecture into matter, this is just one of their many projects on earth. However as one notices, how many ascension guides are out there in the world, (not many beyond 5D) and the answer is this part is very difficult because of the attempts to stop the crystal seeds from being planted. This part is not pleasant, and like the many pictures I have seen painted of the Christ, he looks weary. I relate to that very much, as there is most definitely that clear program to target any leader, steward or person that goes public and starts to have an influence that they can track changes in the future timelines. Until the NAA and its technology is understood, they still are able to manipulate people’s mind and emotional state, until one is clear enough to stop being used this way. This is why I share this detail.
[[  VV Software in Stages]]