Morphogenetic Chakra

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The physical body has Seven Primary Particle Chakras that merge with the anti-particle double of the main Chakra centers through Soul and Monadic spiritual body integration which is the process of spiritual ascension. These anti particle double Chakras are also called Morphogenetic Chakras.

Anti-Particle Chakras 8-15

Chakra Function as Energy Centers

The Chakras major functions are:

1. Vitalize the Auric bodies and thus the physical body, organs and glands.

2. To bring about the development of different aspects of self-consciousness. Each Chakra is related to a specific psychological ( higher spiritual blueprint) form and function.

3. To transmit energy between the Auric layers. Each Auric body has its own set of seven major (particle) Chakras, and eight anti-particle Chakras each located in the same place on the physical body. Each progressive layer exists in increasingly higher frequency, each with a higher frequency band than the lower one. Energy is transmitted from one layer to the next through pathways in the tips of the Chakra. Most of these pathways are sealed in most people. They open through the intention to align to expanding their consciousness or through spiritual purification work. Since the Chakras serve to vitalize the body they are directly related to the pathology in the body.

==Morphogenetic Chakras

In higher spiritual development (begins at Monadic Integration), the particle and antiparticle (morphogenetic) chakras merge together into one Unified Column. This is another example of gender unification between the male and female principle chakras in order to create unity or a unified consciousness column.

8th Chakra/Higher Heart Chakra9th Chakra/Atomic Doorway10th Chakra/Solar Star11th Chakra/Galactic Chakra12th Chakra/Earth Star13th Chakra/Earth Core or Universal Mother Chakra14th Chakra/Universal Sun Chakra15th Chakra/Universal Father ChakraTerm first found in HGS Manual: Page 50