At this time [December 2012] as our Mother God Parent is returning her heart presence to the earth, many of us will have an opportunity to review the unhealed wounds we have around the False Parent. This is one of the Controller Programs that is a sub program of the Victim-Victimizer software program and a collective miasm that has accumulated over many generations of parental and family unit dysfunction.

The False Parent is the confusion a child has with the belief system that our biological Mother or Father Parent should love, protect and nurture their offspring, but in actuality, none of these emotional needs are met by the Parental role. Additionally the desire to belong to a family, in order to feel connected, is not satisfied emotionally. Depending on the level of Parental dysfunction, love and emotional needs are ingrained to be abusive, painful or selfish, and that “belief system” carries throughout the life experiences. Without correction of this dysfunction, the digression of the pattern continues to define “love” with all interpersonal relationships of the child, leading into adulthood. As long as the pattern continues, the person will feel disconnected, love-less, have unsuccessful marriages, and will seek defense or coping mechanisms to fill the inner void.

The False Parent is both a crude victimizer program and the byproduct of the planetary enslavement to produce disconnected and tyrannical human offspring that serve the alien agenda. How a civilization treats women and children is a definitive marker for the consciousness digression or development of a race. To develop consciousness and begin to heal the parental roles, as well as gender roles, this pattern will need to be understood as a cornerstone of humanities spiritual healing.

At this time we have an opportunity to come into the greater realization that our true Parent is our God Parent. As we find God deep within our heart center, we will begin to understand how we can be free of this abusive False Parent and all the pain we suffered from it. As we take responsibility as the real Parent, we completely forgive our biological parents (and our Ancestors) and learn to Parent our child. We are the Mother, The Father and the Child. We are all three in One. We can access the inner God Parent, and ask them to Parent and love their Child, the physical body. To be a Parent, requires responsibility to the child. This is one way of understanding self-mastery. To be a firm but loving parent means that the child cannot be allowed to run amok with the body playing out all its whims and fancies. The child can hurt itself if it is not given proper parenting and loving discipline to learn.

During this time, spiritual reflection in order to forgive one’s Parents, forgive family issues and resolve other pain related to gender role confusion will be supported to complete these past patterns. Inner balance between the masculine and feminine energies requires that we be cleared of Mother/Father distortions. Sacred marriage with God is the layers of our own inner male and female in balance. Hieros Gamos is the representative of the Three in One, The Mother, The Father and the Holy Sun (child). Through the sacred marriage between the Mother and Father Parent, the Christos Child is born. As we resolve past pain with our false parent, we remove the karmic buttons that have been damaging or have destroyed our relationships and marriages in adulthood. We then can be freed to have relationships that are sourced in Love and not karmic pain. The spiritual resolution of this will bring many of us an ability to experience the first relationships based purely on Love, no karmic history, no gender distortion. Hierogamy or Sacred marriage in Christos Light is fully possible now on planet earth![1]

Victimizer Archetypes

As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. Let us say this is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing traps for ensnarement, and Addiction, like jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability. People around us, including family members may play into these Victim Software archetypes and being aware of the False Parent will help you to stay clear of energetic drain and emotional dramas.

  • False Parent(i.e. Surface: I am your protector/nurturer. Hidden: Let me play this role so I can exhaust you and divert you from realizing your real spiritual path)

HGS Manual

False Parent is listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 2 clearing under Addictions/Phobias. [2]


  1. December 2012 Newsletter
  2. Victim-Victimizer 2 in HGS Manual: Page 109

See Also

Imposter Spirit

Children (targets)

Term first found: Page 102, HGS Manual