Stockholm Syndrome

Stockholm Syndrome is a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity. Stockholm syndrome is also commonly known as ‘capture bonding’. Stockholm syndrome’s significance arises due to the fact that it is based in a paradox, as captives’ sentiments for their captors are the opposite of the fear and disdain an onlooker may expect to see as a result of trauma. Formally named in 1973 when four hostages were taken during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden.

There are four key components that generally lead to the development of Stockholm syndrome: a hostage’s development of positive feelings towards their captor, no previous hostage-captor relationship, a refusal by hostages to cooperate with police forces and other government authorities, and a hostage’s belief in the humanity of their captor, for the reason that when a victim holds the same values as the aggressor, they cease to be perceived as a threat.[1]

Self Enforcing Enslavement

The majority of people on this planet do not have access to the knowledge we have about planetary Ascension, many of us have had direct consciousness experiences or contact as a result of our spiritual ascension process that help us to better navigate the dark, while the majority of the humans have no idea what is even happening to them, and they are traumatized in pain and fear, herded like sheep to be slaughtered by the cruel and inhumane tactics of the NAA. Yet, I know that for us to make it through this phase into the best possible position of helping the majority of the earth population, keeping the ascension timelines and the ascension knowledge alive in human consciousness, we have to walk through the most extreme and depraved levels of unconsciousness and shadows to bring the light of God into the most diseased and damaged areas. As those awakened with inner light, the true light warriors for God, we undergo the decension into the hell realms to fearlessly face the dark experiences, and during travel into the hell realms, we are exposed to some brutal energies in so that we can hold these experiences into Compassionate Witnessing. We are recollecting the time records and recording what really has happened here. This can be exhausting, but it is important to keep focused on why we are here on this earth, to help liberate her, to help liberate earth humans from their alien oppressors, even when they are so traumatized they cannot recognize who the real oppressors are. Humans suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, and fight to enforce their enslavement into the alien structures that have stolen their consciousness away and filled them with darkness. See Wesedrak.

Addiction Sentinels

These are noticed in sexual addiction to such things as pornography websites. The Addiction Sentinels is loaded into the person's lower body parts, such as the Sacral Chakra to stimulate the collection and harvesting of the sexual energies and life force.

Many times addiction trauma memories cannot be removed in the timelines until the Addiction Sentinels is also removed and banished from the person. Similar to a "Stockholm Syndrome" some addicted people are so traumatized and dependent on this Imposter Spirit relationship, they refuse to let it go.
