Anti-Sex Reversals

The planetary grid network is harvested by the NAA to gain energetic power from the dark matter of the earth grid, by hijacking and raping the vital essence of the female and mother principle energies. Thus, in order to gain full access to siphon the planetary consciousness energies, as well as the human soul energies, they have set up global Misogyny and Sexual Misery programs, like pedophilia. Sexual energy harvested in Anti-Sex Reversals are especially used to further spread the Satanic forces to take power and control on the earth. Anti-life means reversal of life and reversal of sex. Reversal Networks have been placed all over the planetary grid, in order to siphon the life force of the planet and take the creative forces away from the people. Anti-sex is to define the inability of the sexual partners to create the circuit of Microcosmic Orbit that allows the creative sexual forces to circulate the orgasmic energy into the heart flow, which expands the love that exists between them.[1]


See Also

Sexual Misery

Archontic Deception Behavior

Child Sexual Abuse


Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 56