Ascending Hubs

A safe zone location such as a city that is an Ascending Hubs area will also have common higher frequency indicators: environment feels positive and lighter, people seem to be kinder and smiling, the land is alive with more nature and animal spirits, and will have increasing stability economically, in local politics, and be socially reflected in the group awareness of community and humanitarian based issues. (See Reality Bubbles).

Synchronization of Hubs

Ascending Hubs and Descending Hubs

The impacts made to the demographic areas of the earth will also be clarified. As the Bifurcation of Time transpires based on the choices made individually and in groups in regard to vibrational frequency, this has the exact same effect on the surface of the planet in communities, cities, states, countries, etc. Depending on the energetic quality of an area (a localized hub) will determine if that location is an Ascending Hubs or descending hub. That means that land mass or area is either amplified in its energetic compaction or amplified in its energetic expansion depending on a variety of energetic factors. The most important factor is the energetic quality (high frequency) of the group of human beings that live and love in that specific area. The power to amplify high frequency and invite Krystic forces to upgrade the land mass is always an option that can be requested by any heart based and sincere human being.

A location such as a city that is a descending hub area will have common low frequency symptoms: riddled with crime and negativity, perpetuating harmful or destructive actions towards self and others, the land will feel dead or barren, and will become increasing less stable politically, economically, and this will be socially reflected through the communities. For a person who is wearing their 12D Shield, (or has developed Higher Sensory Perception through the soul or higher embodiment) the frequency of negativity will be appallingly amplified and made very clear in energetic discernment. For a person who is disconnected and internally miserable, they will be unable to discern the energetic terrain, and most likely will resonate with that low energy location based on their own unresolved emotional conflicts and suffering.

A location such as a city that is an Ascending Hubs area will also have common higher frequency indicators: environment feels positive and lighter, people seem to be kinder and smiling, the land is alive with more nature and animal spirits, and will have increasing stability economically, in local politics, and be socially reflected in the group awareness of community and humanitarian based issues.[1]

Earth Buffer field

Geographical regions of the planet and its populations protected within a stable Dimensional Energetic Bubble when the Photon Belt alignment created the Particle Conversion of the timelines.These "Safe Zone" areas within the anchored Frequency Field Buffer will remain more stable, environmentally, economically and politically. The plan is to exist in these realities (3D and Multi-demensional) side by side within planetary regions and populations and each will experience a different set of events and frequencies until the final separation.Our bodies and individual energy fields are being prepared to have the cognition and sense of these Safe Zone's and we will be activated to feel the boundaries of these Frequency Field Buffer zones. We will be naturally moved to be in these Frequency Hubs. In 2006 we entered a period of preparation for an Earthly alignment with a Photon belt /Holographic beam, while protected in a type of "Frequency Field Buffer" to protect the grids from too much energetic exposure that if left unfiltered, would create much 3D planetary grid instability. This "Buffer" was held by the Guardian as a type of "field energetic blanket" to stabilize the magnetic fields of the 3D particle base of the Earth. Corresponding geographical regions of planetary "Safe Zones" were drawn into a co-resonance with the higher dimensional magnetic fields that sustained this "Frequency field Buffer" blanket.The Guardians, continued to strengthen and progressively amplify this "Field Buffer Blanket" for an array of purposes. This Frequency Field Buffer was designed to collect and absorb the forthcoming frequency activations. This was also utilized to keep sealed off any interference occurring from various counter evolutionary forces and their technologies, such as their "frequency network systems". These systems potentially disrupt the planetary grids creating further intense weather or surface cataclysms (storms, earthquake, tsunami, volcanic activity, etc).[2]

Synchronization of Frequency Hubs

As more people undergo the Bifurcation of Time this will start to gather and attract similar people with similar resonating frequencies to form into group consciousness or consensus realities. This attraction of gathering people will begin to form reality bubbles of shared belief systems that will be contained throughout the land mass and spread to different locations across the globe. As similar resonance attracts groups to form community and collaboration, these areas on the earth of matched frequency will be increasingly synchronized. This phase begins a synchronization of frequency hubs across the globe, either of descending or ascending vibrational quality.


See Also

Law of One