Blank Slating

Blank Slating is a term that refers to mind wiping technology used by military personnel, usually in organized covert operations to remove current memories or accumulated intelligence of black operation projects when the projects or person become obsolete.

Blank Slating technology has also been tracked remotely to observe that is has been applied to planetary gridwork and Ley Lines by the NAA in their attempt to destroy planetary consciousness memories and historical records of the actual events on planet. Through blank slating the planetary consciousness field, such as the Ley Lines and horizontal networks, this renders many humans beings in amnesia and unable to recall or remember who they are and what their true origins are.

This technology is very effective on human beings that exist in lower frequencies of the Three Layers of Ego. It is less effective on Starseeds, Indigos and people that tend to be naturally empathic and intuitive, and have embodied more of their Soul and Monadic layers.

Blank Slate Consciousnesses Wiping

The Beast Machine is an ancient AI weapon technology that was the brainchild between the Wesa system’s original black hole entities and the Metatron Collective after they suffered the fall into the phantom matrix. In addition to siphoning life force from our Universal system, the technology was continually developed by other NAA entities in order to erase the angelic human history on Tara, and erase the original genetic records held within the Silicate Matrix of human DNA. Upon Blank Slating the morphogenetic fields they inserted false histories and false images that are approved by the NAA groups for maintaining their controlled narratives that hide the existence of the Phantom Matrix.[1]


See Also


Secret Space Programs
