Father Arc

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Healing the Father Archetype

This is one reason the Cosmic Holy Father principle is returning us back to the base issues now, to learn how to cultivate the character building virtues and ethical principles that we need to strengthen our own spiritual roots. As we become more adept at feeling completely safe with God, we can build trust with the father principle inside ourselves. When we have full trust in our relationship with God, we know we are ultimately protected and we stop generating fear based karmic backlash to ourselves and others. We can stop being victims or bullies. As such, we will find ourselves being sent back to heal the unconscious issues located at the base root in our personal Tree of Life. These are wounds that have kept us weak, stagnant, blind or unable to expand further from beliefs that promote archetypes of victimization or bullying.

When we are in right relationship to the masculine principle, we are grounded; stable, and secure with a strong sense of the inner core self. When one has strength at their foundation, one can progressively build upon that foundation which generates self-esteem and self-worth based upon the inner and not the outer. The inner sense of security and stability has nothing to do with the external, this feeling of secure connection is available even if one finds themselves currently homeless or penniless. ( See the Spiritual Nomad Article)

Humanity will not progress beyond self-enforced tyranny or evolve spiritually until the Father principle is healed, grounded and integrated at our base. At this time we are returning to the origin of the root blockage to overcome the damage perpetrated from the mind control of the False King of Tyranny. We must discern the difference between the outer imbalanced False Father archetype that operates as a tyrant and bully in the material world andthe Cosmic Holy Father principle whom is the internal aspect of our inner Christos compassionate witnessing. In order to recognize what base frequency and belief systems are operating in our spiritual foundation, we must see this "father paradox" working in our consciousness within the inner, outer and in-between worlds.

Finding Base Security with Father

Finding Base Security and Inner Stability One must make a sincere effort to stop the delusion of basing one's self esteem being made on the appearance or assumption of outer circumstances. For many of us, this is our immediate task at hand, to be mentally and emotionally freed of being bullied, intimidated, and threatened against one's sense of inner security, stability, foundation and wellbeing. We must master this lesson with the Cosmic Holy Father.( Father Arc) He is embodied here in matter to give us his hand in supporting this truth. It is only the Trinity of which leads us back to the inner One, that is our real security. That relationship is totally up to each of us. Only you can develop trust in that relationship with God, no one can do that for you on the outside.


Return of the Father December 2013

Yod of Father God

As an HGS Amplifier (Talisman) as it is defined as Father's Rod of Power – Magenta Wand: Magenta and Gold Founder Ray merged with Mother Arc. Yod of Father God, also Father Arc, is the Living Compassion of the God head, and the Hand of God’s compassion in action, which is activated through our Heavenly Father.

This is a term to define the "hand of God in compassionate action to help his children, as a active part of the Father God principle".

Page 161, HGS Manual