Heroic Probability

The ultimate Heroic Probability, means the highest expression of your actualization and what the Soul wanted to achieve by incarnating on the earth, as a part of that consciousness expression. This is path of evolution in which the individual person gives their free will choice back to the intent, Consent and authority of the highest self, the Soul, Monad, Avatar and God Self.

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

When we energetically evolve and move up in dimensional frequency bands, we are exposed to more dimensional octaves, therefore more potential timelines. However, in the range of polarities that may exist as potential consciousness experiences, there is only one timeline that is the highest expression of our spiritual identity and that manifests the fulfillment of our Heroic Probability. Within the future timelines are stations of identity, commonly called Soul, Monad, and Christos self. These spiritual identities comprise lightbody parts or whole spiritual bodies of our forgotten future selves. These are spiritual energetic bodies that hold our consciousness intelligence matrices, our mind matrices and that make up our spiritual identity. We are designed to reclaim these spiritual-energetic pieces during the Ascension cycle. This is why those on the spiritual ascension path continually experience their energetic healing by meeting the cellular memories that surface for compassionate witnessing, at different stages of evolution in the multiple timelines.[1]


See Also

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

Timelines Shift

Bifurcation of Time

Dissolving Chakra Membrane
