Sun Disc Network

The Universal Ankh Body and Sun Disc Networks have been restored in the planet during the ongoing Paliadorian Activation sequences that began in 2017, as the guardian host families of the Paliadorians worked to repair and power up the Sun-Star Networks into the Earth. Thus, Christos Starseeds and ascending humans that have naturally activated their individual Diamond Sun templates are able to build their personal Ankh Solar Body which allows them to gain access into the Sun Disc Networks.

Sunarc (Sequoia art)

The Sun-Star Networks allows the embodied Aton God Body to transfer and move consciousness through portals, when the Ankh Solar Lightbody is embodied. The sun-star networks allow direct arcing and time travel through the sun-star networks if the keys to the suns have been built and embodied in the solar embodiment of the Avatar Christos-Sophia. This is a part of the eternal returning to the Godhead creator through the journeying in ones personal tree of life.

The stars and solar bodies in our galaxy, which includes access into the Andromedan Seven Higher Heavens contains the star maps of intelligent Godhead energy that belongs to the angelic humans on the planet. [1]

Crystal Core Sun Disc Instruction Sets

From deep within the Crystal Core of the planetary body, new instruction sets are being transmitted from the planetary staff into the earth’s crystalline grid, which is in a process of releasing a tremendous amount of crystalline current and non-polarized current throughout the planetary grid network. This has activated Sun Discs and Sun-Star crystals that also interconnect with the underground crystal caverns that hold information about the hidden timeline histories of Earth, Tara and Gaia. Essentially, we are in a phase of receiving more positive energy and benevolent technology that is designed to support human Ascension and planetary liberation. The crystalline imprints are supporting the recoding of the kundalini forces that were missing an assortment of proper sub-harmonic frequencies, as well as igniting a vast network of previously dormant Crystal Caverns and star crystals. The crystal caverns are being reconnected through the Sun Disc Network in multiple timelines of the Earth, Taran and Gaian bodies in which they exist.

Plasma infusions have been made into the earth’s Crystal Core, which include the process of weaving an array of Aqualine light and sentient solar vapors from the Galactic Suns. This allows an interactive fusion between multiple Paliadorian Sun-Star bodies that have recently birthed into our Solar System network. This has increased the pearlescent color waves of the Eye of God that are becoming interlaced into the crystalline lattice of earth, stacks of interwoven chains that are connecting into the golden Sun Disc network. The Blue Rainbow Galactic Suns from the Aqualasha matrix in the heart of Andromeda, are one of the Galactic Sun-Star bodies that have shown up for grid projects and are supporting crystal transmissions for planetary ascension.[2]

Platinum Crystals and Sun Discs

The Platinum Crystal in the earth is connected with the Sun Disc Network, and this activates stages of balancing for the feminine-masculine principle and the mental bodies. Connection with these crystalline frequencies will begin to heal anti-life reversal current, metatronic reversal and artificial signals of Mind Control. In the individual lightbody, the entire solar plexus area reconfigures the mental body layers into a Golden Solar Gate energy vortice, which is called the RA Center.

The Platinum Crystal and Platinum Ray current activate the Sun Discs which are organic spirals of gold crystalline technology that are embedded in the planetary grid which extend out into a highway of holographic light frequency patterns. The planetary grid is organized intelligently into layers of geomantic blueprints holding living crystal consciousness, which perform specific functions within a precise layer of a crystalline lattice. Thus, when the Platinum Crystal became activated in the earth body, the Sun Disc technology that had been dormant since the time of the Atlantian Cataclysm also began to come online. The Sun Disc gold spirals generate the crystalline lattice that connect directly with the crystal core and run throughout the earth body and into the celestial map of Sun-Star networks located in the Galactic and Universal plane. The planetary grid is a living ancient mapping system of multiple energy spectrums of stellar and crystal consciousness filled with intelligent geometric patterns of Universal Creation code.

The Sun Discs are vortices connected on the earth grid that interconnect with these stellar networks on multiple planes of reality, it is similar to viewing the holographic projection of the Cosmic Map of the Celestial bodies and Stars. Essentially through connection with the Sun Discs on the earth grid, it is possible to travel intergalactic highways of coherent crystalline solar light that allows for consciousness transport to other dimensions. The Sun Discs are being sequentially activated through the changes that have transpired in the Planetary Staff, shifts in the planetary axial tilt, the change in rate of spin, matter and anti-matter converging, and transmissions of an assortment of crystalline frequencies.

Recently the Sun Disc network has been highlighted during Solar Activations for this Summer Solstice, as a new Universal Layer of Paliadorian Solar Bodies have recently interconnected with the planetary Sun Disc network. The Paliadorian Suns have also been referred to as Sun-Stars, as they appear to transmit star crystals and star bodies, as well as a range of stellar frequencies. As a result of Paliadorian activation, new crystal bodies are being grown from the plasmic light activity in the crystal caverns, earth core and Albion body. This appears to be a transmission of healing crystal frequencies for the human tribes and race lines in the formation of new crystal stars, designed for healing solar bodies, in which those on earth with fractured souls are given crystal stars at some point in the timeline in order to heal their consciousness body.

Recent gridwork involving Guardian projects for Crystal Core Activation have highlighted underground crystal bed networks being activated through Easter Island to link with the crystalline energies that are connected to the Sun Disc vortices in Minas Gerais, Brazil; Lake Titicaca, Bolivia; Rosslyn Chapel, Scotland; Giza, Egypt and Uluru, Australia.[3]

Sun Star Crystals

Plasma infusions have been made into the earth’s Crystal Core, which include the process of weaving an array of Aqualine light and sentient solar vapors from the Galactic Suns. This allows an interactive fusion between multiple Paliadorian Sun Star Crystals that have recently birthed into our Solar System network. This has increased the pearlescent color waves of the Eye of God that are becoming interlaced into the crystalline lattice of earth, stacks of interwoven chains that are connecting into the golden Sun Disc network. The Blue Rainbow Galactic Suns from the Aqualasha matrix in the heart of Andromeda, are one of the Galactic Sun-Star bodies that have shown up for grid projects and are supporting crystal transmissions for planetary ascension.

While working underground in the Crystal Caverns, the Guardians mention that chemical communication is changing in the planetary architecture by way of transport of information into the supramolecular structure generated by ionic crystallization. This appears to be the process of ionization where charged particles are being transferred into matter in order to create massive plasmic based liquid crystals that are growing inside the earth body, and have been observed to produce a variety of smaller Sun-Star crystals. These Sun Star Crystals appear to be filled with crystalline coding that find the lost solar fragments contained in the astral mirror, or repair the Negative Form that was generated from the artificial technologies for soul capture of certain human tribes and Root Races going all the way back to Taran and Gaian histories.[4]

Cosmic Energy Cycle

During the end of the Cosmic Cycle, the Hidden Eighth Sun appears and the Cosmic Aton God Body assembles through the integrated merge that occurs between the Seven Suns of the One. The Seven Suns of the particle matrix merge with the Seven Suns of the anti-particle matrix forming the completion of the cosmic time cycle, that further forms into the Aton God Body on the eighth day which marks the end of the cosmic cycle. The Seven Suns on each side of the material and spirit domains unify and show the position on the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons as the right hand at 10 or 22 hours, and the left hand on 4 or 20 minutes. These positions can be thought of as 10:22, 10:4 or 10:20, which marks the dual time matrix merge that ends the current time cycle and aligns us into zero-point time in the creation door or Neutron Window.

Through the Aton God Body which functions as the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragon body unifier of the Seven Suns into One as a Universal Ankh Body, the Cosmic Krystal Cathedral architecture and spirit instruction sets played in heavenly orchestras from the God Worlds emerge. It is through the Cosmic Krystal Cathedral, which serves as the heavenly vessel for the massive spiritual consciousness body of the Cosmic Mother, that she embodies within and without, internal and external to eternal life. It is a travelling consciousness vehicle that links the Stairway to Heaven spiritual planes of Sun-Star Networks with the material planes of the Earth, and it is the repository for her instruction sets and musical designs for building out the entire Cosmic to Universal to Planetary Krystal Cathedral network for the planet.[5]

Blue Rainbow Bridge

The Blue Rainbow Bridge is a Paliadorian Diamond Sun Starborn embodiment sequence with Crystal Key activations for Ankh Body, in which the genetic keys are designed to act as the gatekeeper access into several intermediary portal systems created between our planetary and galactic consciousness layers and the eternal Cosmic Christos Emerald Founders. The Emerald Crystal Heart portal systems encompass massive living star geometries that are building interdimensional portal systems from the God Worlds throughout Sun-Star Disc systems that link with multiple layers of Universal Ankh Bodies and Krystal Cathedral networks, which are the spiritual dwellings of the Emerald Founders in their Triple Solar Rishi-Reisha God body emanations. [6]

White Rainbow Arc Bridge

Recent grid events progressing in the United Kingdom opened the White Rainbow Arc Bridge for the Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim Anuhazi Mu’a to begin the necessary spiritual retrievals and returns for embodying the Cosmic Mother’s DNA language from within their authentic Arayanas Triple Solar Reisha Sophianic expressions, as preparation for the return of the Emerald Order’s White Queen. The Blue Rainbow Solar Reisha Dragon family from the Cosmic Spirit Suns of Eireayanas, hold the Cosmic Mother’s Blue Rainbow Body which unifies inside of the Emerald Order's White Queen, which begin the restorations of sophianic architecture as they are taking their rightful places within the astrological Sun-Star Networks. [7]

SunStar Networks for Rishic Dragons

During the month of October [2023], the planet endured the next stage of Bifurcation, whereby there was another major event with the separation of worlds between the Lunar Matrix distortions of the 3D zodiacal calendar positions and another new formation with corrected Sun-Star Networks aligning the 5D zodiacal calendar positions. The corrected solar calendar positions for the ascending timeline zodiacal alignments have now begun, there is no turning back. These are the higher timeline positions of the sun star networks that have been anchored into the trifurcated section with the triple solar copper-rose-gold failsafe Solomon Temple and Solomon Chalice Grail platform with three Solomon Maji Grail Red Kings holding the Krystal Star of Azoth (Krist-Krystallah) connecting into the Cosmic Clock central clockshield that was generated for supporting the Aton God Body. This position is where returning Ascended Masters from outside of our time matrix can enter into our reality, and ride on the carrier waves of the White Lotus Triple Dragon Breath channels of Lote, Loti and Lota into the Temple of Khemalohatea located on the Rishic plane. The ascending Christos Starseed family on planet will either be anchored onto this central clockshield timeline within their personal base clockshield, or be able to commune in this area to reconnect with authentic Ascended Master spiritual family members in which to gain further support for their personal ascension process, find their genetic twin and receive spiritual guidance for carrying out their divine mission after the collective event.[8]


See Also



Seven Sacred Suns
