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Compartmentalization need-to-know-basis is a mind control strategy to contain and control the field of academics, scientists, military and government personnel who are complicit in carrying out the destructive and harmful behavior of the [[NAA]], and are rewarded monetarily and socially for going along with reinforcing the alien invasion of our planet and enslavement of humanity.  
Compartmentalization need-to-know-basis is a mind control strategy to contain and control the field of academics, scientists, military and government personnel who are complicit in carrying out the destructive and harmful behavior of the [[NAA]] and [[Power Elite]], and are rewarded monetarily and socially for going along with reinforcing the alien invasion of our planet and enslavement of humanity.  

If a person or group operates in and environment on which your scientific funding or career is based on certain results and those results are focused in a very narrow area of research. If that person is just one of thousands of scientists, physicists and your focus is very detailed and minute, the person's psychology keep themselves compartmentalized so that they do not step outside of the box. Because people will ask that person, why are you asking questions like this, do you want to lose your job? The intimidation is used to blackball people that actually ask rational and intelligent questions. Most people are delusional from being deceived as a product of continual indoctrination and [[Mind Control]], such as in the world of science and the military, by being a cog in the wheel of [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] and the [[NAA]].  
If a person or group operates in and environment on which your scientific funding or career is based on certain results and those results are focused in a very narrow area of research. If that person is just one of thousands of scientists, physicists and your focus is very detailed and minute, the person's psychology keep themselves compartmentalized so that they do not step outside of the box. Because people will ask that person, why are you asking questions like this, do you want to lose your job? The intimidation is used to blackball people that actually ask rational and intelligent questions. Most people are delusional from being deceived as a product of continual indoctrination and [[Mind Control]], such as in the world of science and the military, by being a cog in the wheel of [[Archontic Deception Strategy]] and the [[NAA]].  
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[[Triangulation]] is a situation in which one member will not communicate directly with another member, but will communicate with a third member, which can lead to the third member becoming part of the triangle. The concept originated in the study of dysfunctional family systems, but can describe behaviors in other systems as well, including work.
[[Triangulation]] is a situation in which one member will not communicate directly with another member, but will communicate with a third member, which can lead to the third member becoming part of the triangle. The concept originated in the study of dysfunctional family systems, but can describe behaviors in other systems as well, including work.
This is a common method to spin disinformation between multiple parties to increase compartmentalization within organizations or employ divide and conquer strategies. ( See [[Archontic Deception Strategy]])
==Splitting Behavior==
[[Splitting Behaviors]] reinforce our sense of self as good and virtuous by effectively demonizing all those who do not share in our same opinions and values. Through the course of growing up from childhood into adulthood, we develop coping skills of labeling people, places or objects in the environment as acceptable or not acceptable, according to our belief systems. Ego defenses are similar to mental racketeering programs commonly used as coping mechanisms for reducing day-to-day anxiety, fears, and obsessions, which are related to thought addiction or the need to [[Controller|control the environment]]. When we are addicted to our thoughts, we have lost balance with our feelings and sensory abilities. These allow us to be fully present in the moment and to be in receptive mode, in order to better discern the environment and its energies.
Such a narrow [[Compartmentalization]] of opposing energies leaves the person using splitting behaviors with a distinctly distorted picture of reality, which is limited within a small and restricted range of thoughts and emotions. It also affects that person’s ability to attract and maintain relationships, not only because splitting is exasperating and draining, but also because it can easily flip at any moment. One day, friends and lovers are being thought of as personified virtue, and then when something displeases them, they may suddenly think that same person is evil or bad (this is flipping back and forth).<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2766-coherence Coherence]</ref>
