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[[File:3DEgotriad.png|thumb|right|3D Ego Triad|3D Level of Intelligence]]
[[File:3DEgotriad.png|thumb|right|3D Ego Triad|3D Level of Intelligence]]
In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as “Houses of Ego”, it requires the awareness that there are three main layers the [[1st Chakra]] of the [[Unconscious Mind]], the [[2nd Chakra]] of the [[Instinctual Mind]] and the [[3rd Chakra]] of the [[Conscious Mind]].
In order to understand the Internal Structures of Ego which we also refer to as [[Houses of Ego]], it requires the awareness that there are three main layers the [[1st Chakra]] of the [[Unconscious Mind]], the [[2nd Chakra]] of the [[Instinctual Mind]] and the [[3rd Chakra]] of the [[Conscious Mind]].

The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how [[Ego Filters]] operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances stemming from the [[Negative Ego]] or [[Predator Mind]].
The three layers of mind work together to serve the functions of the ego in all human beings. Each energetic layer has separate functions yet all three layers are interconnected and directly impact each other. As we learn about the layers in the internal structure of the ego, this clarifies the purpose of identifying what the ego is and how it operates within us. When we understand how [[Ego Filters]] operates inside our mind we are better equipped to heal the energetic imbalances stemming from the [[Negative Ego]] or [[Predator Mind]]. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2260-internal-structures-of-ego Internal Structures of Ego, August 2013 Newsletter]</ref>

==1D Memory Storage==
==1D Memory Storage==
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''Third Internal Layer'': This is the conscious mind layer of the ego of which we all perceive as a self or personality. If one pays attention to their conscious thoughts, one becomes aware if they are having negative ego thoughts as defined above by the Seven Houses of Ego. All Houses of Ego are formed by making judgments of people and the external circumstances. The third layer is directly impacted by the first and second layer to the degree the painful memory has created walls of separation and traumatized sub-personalities. If the main areas of the walls of separation are not dismantled and sub-personalities brought into transparency for healing, these hidden influences control and manipulate the strength and power within the person’s Houses of Ego. Essentially the more weak and in pain a person is, the more strong their walls of separation (pain body) which create the judgments which build the Houses of Ego. In most cases the houses are also created as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness experienced in the 3D world. The Houses of Ego are a direct rejection of God’s spirit and repel the Christos spirit from dwelling within one’s body.  If the Houses of Ego are extremely strong and the person replays its characteristic behavior repeatedly, that ego behavior builds an internal “house” which then attracts a “spirit”.  As example, if a person has an addiction problem sourcing from unhealed trauma and replays the addictive behavior repeatedly, a “House of Addiction” will be built as an internal structure of the ego mind. Once that “House of Ego” is built internally, it attracts a spirit, the same consciousness energy that will match the vibrational quality in the internal house. The Spirit of Addiction is a demonic spirit.  So as one builds a House of Addiction inside their mind and body, it attracts a demonic spirit to dwell within their house. As the laws of energetic structure states, one has built an internal house and has thus created the energetic agreement for a demonic spirit to dwell inside that house. This is the consensual agreement that unaware humans make for demonic spirits to dwell inside their body and then later, the consent they give the predator force to use their body as a dark portal.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2260-internal-structures-of-ego Internal Structures of Ego, August 2013 Newsletter]</ref>
''Third Internal Layer'': This is the conscious mind layer of the ego of which we all perceive as a self or personality. If one pays attention to their conscious thoughts, one becomes aware if they are having negative ego thoughts as defined above by the Seven Houses of Ego. All Houses of Ego are formed by making judgments of people and the external circumstances. The third layer is directly impacted by the first and second layer to the degree the painful memory has created walls of separation and traumatized sub-personalities. If the main areas of the walls of separation are not dismantled and sub-personalities brought into transparency for healing, these hidden influences control and manipulate the strength and power within the person’s Houses of Ego. Essentially the more weak and in pain a person is, the more strong their walls of separation (pain body) which create the judgments which build the Houses of Ego. In most cases the houses are also created as a coping mechanism to deal with the harshness experienced in the 3D world. The Houses of Ego are a direct rejection of God’s spirit and repel the Christos spirit from dwelling within one’s body.  If the Houses of Ego are extremely strong and the person replays its characteristic behavior repeatedly, that ego behavior builds an internal “house” which then attracts a “spirit”.  As example, if a person has an addiction problem sourcing from unhealed trauma and replays the addictive behavior repeatedly, a “House of Addiction” will be built as an internal structure of the ego mind. Once that “House of Ego” is built internally, it attracts a spirit, the same consciousness energy that will match the vibrational quality in the internal house. The Spirit of Addiction is a demonic spirit.  So as one builds a House of Addiction inside their mind and body, it attracts a demonic spirit to dwell within their house. As the laws of energetic structure states, one has built an internal house and has thus created the energetic agreement for a demonic spirit to dwell inside that house. This is the consensual agreement that unaware humans make for demonic spirits to dwell inside their body and then later, the consent they give the predator force to use their body as a dark portal.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2260-internal-structures-of-ego Internal Structures of Ego, August 2013 Newsletter]</ref>
==3D Personality Matrix==
[[File:Universal-Time-Matrix150.jpg|thumb|right|Universal Time Matrix|Universal Time Matrix]]
3D (three or third dimensional) Consciousness in used in describing the limited perception of the world as being only that which is perceived in the physical.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2705-separation-of-worlds Separation of Worlds]</ref> A person who limits their perceptions to the basic 5 senses would be considered a 3D person. Such a person would not have had an [[awakening]] experience and therefore not have fully developed [[HSP| Higher Sensory Perception]] or an ability to sense energy fields and their quality.
A 3D person is usually much more developed mentally than emotionally, leading them to perceive everything through their intellect. This results in dismissing Higher Sensory Perception experiences in others as well as in themselves. See [[Materialism]].

==Primordial Imprints of Separation==
==Primordial Imprints of Separation==
When we came from the potential of the [[Silicate Matrix|12 Strand DNA consciousness]] and came into a body on the earth in two strand DNA consciousness, the pain of that separation was pretty devastating to the human collective soul. The [[Guardian Host]] describes the core separation imprint in the human soul that now which every other trauma and every other fear grows off of as the [[Seed Fear]] that recorded into the [[Three Layers of Ego]]. So after the Imprint of Separation, let's say if we go back into the moment of time where consciousness actually decided to come in to form at this level of density and experience polarity and duality consciousness and these imprints, there was a direct, at the individuation level, an imprint of separation and through those imprints, through our [[Consciousness]] and through our experiences in these lower form worlds, we started to form different emotions that had different energy signatures, but yet they were all still related to the Imprint of Separation. I am going to go through these right now with you and if you are called to as well, when we’re doing holographic re-patterning or as you listen to this recording later you may want to look at the primordial imprints of separation and clear these from your holographic consciousness.

When we came from the potential of the [[Silicate Matrix|12 Strand DNA consciousness]] and came into a body on the earth in two strand DNA consciousness, the pain of that separation was pretty devastating to the human collective soul. The [[Guardian Host]] describes the core separation imprint in the human soul that now which every other trauma and every other fear grows off of as the [[Seed Fear]]. So after the Imprint of Separation, let's say if we go back into the moment of time where consciousness actually decided to come in to form at this level of density and experience polarity and duality consciousness and these imprints, there was a direct, at the individuation level, an imprint of separation and through those imprints, through our [[Consciousness]] and through our experiences in these lower form worlds, we started to form different emotions that had different energy signatures, but yet they were all still related to the Imprint of Separation. I am going to go through these right now with you and if you are called to as well, when we’re doing holographic re-patterning or as you listen to this recording later you may want to look at the primordial imprints of separation and clear these from your holographic consciousness.
The [[Primordial Imprints of Separation]], the first level is shock, trauma and devastation; the second level is the lack of trust, lack of trust in spirit of course; number three is the betrayal and its polarity, abandonment, the two work together the betrayal and abandonment come in together so it's listed as one. The next one is fear, the next one is cosmic rage of cosmic anger, the next one unworthiness, the next one is shame and guilt, apparently that's the same vibration and the next one is feeling entrapped, so entrapment.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/ascension-tools/psychic-self-defense/1661-psd-4-cords PSD #4 Cords Transcript]</ref>

The [[Primordial Imprints of Separation]], the first level is shock, trauma and devastation; the second level is the lack of trust, lack of trust in spirit of course; number three is the betrayal and its polarity, abandonment, the two work together the betrayal and abandonment come in together so it's listed as one. The next one is fear, the next one is cosmic rage of cosmic anger, the next one unworthiness, the next one is shame and guilt, apparently that's the same vibration and the next one is feeling entrapped, so entrapment.<ref>[[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/ascension-tools/psychic-self-defense/1661-psd-4-cords PSD #4 Cords Transcript]</ref>
==First Harmonic Universe==
[[File:Harmonic-Universe-1.jpg|thumb|First Harmonic Universe]]
For human beings, these consciousness bodies exist throughout the densities and are aspects of the higher self and [[Lightbody]].These aspects are called the [[Stations of Identity]].  

# Shock, Trauma and Devastation
* In the First [[Harmonic Universe]] in 1D-2D-3D exists the three layers of the [[Three Layers of Ego|personality matrix]] or incarnated human.
# Lack of trust, Lack of trust in Spirit
* In the First [[Harmonic Universe]] the in 1D-2D-3D exists the Three layers of the earth matrix.
# Betrayal and Abandonment
# Fear
# Cosmic Rage of Cosmic Anger
# Unworthiness
# Shame and Guilt
# Entrapment
During the [[Ascension Cycle]], those particular energies of the [[Primordial Imprints of Separation]] amplify greatly in the worldscape, in order for us to see them surfacing and shift their impact on our consciousness. Let's say fear and unworthiness, the primordial imprints as we list them out, they actually became like physical things, like planes of vibration and these planes of vibration over eons of time of human evolution and having experience that imprint of separation; we started to now create, because these particular energies and these particular experiences had not been experienced before and all of a sudden they are created in the planetary fields and in the human consciousness. So we start to actually have these particular emotions and experiences that all come off the Imprint of Separation that we originally went through in order to have this experience on earth.

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http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2260-internal-structures-of-ego Internal Structures of Ego, August 2013 Newsletter]

==See Also==
==See Also==