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[[File:4-Emerald-Order-and-Ruby-Order.jpg|thumb|Emerald Order and Ruby Order Mission]]
Until the earth underwent the [[Ascension Cycle]] and reached the threshold in which the crystalline grid was able to hold the highest [[Christos]] frequency and the intelligent coding that was contained in these discs, the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Founders]] assigned members of the [[Sirian High Council]] to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom in these holy records for the future benefit of the earth. Thus, those assembled in the [[Sirian High Council]] that were primarily in the Universal Christos lineages of the [[Emerald Order]] and [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]], were acting as the primary [[Archivists]] of earth’s vast genetic library and timeline history, through the [[Gnosis|gnostic process]] of their own consciousness embodiment.
Until the earth underwent the [[Ascension Cycle]] and reached the threshold in which the crystalline grid was able to hold the highest [[Christos]] frequency and the intelligent coding that was contained in these discs, the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Founders]] assigned members of the [[Sirian High Council]] to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom in these holy records for the future benefit of the earth. Thus, those assembled in the [[Sirian High Council]] that were primarily in the Universal Christos lineages of the [[Emerald Order]] and [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]], were acting as the primary [[Archivists]] of earth’s vast genetic library and timeline history, through the [[Gnosis|gnostic process]] of their own consciousness embodiment.

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During the Founder [[Guardian Yeshua]] Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua through access to his higher embodiment as a [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks|Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek]], to help regain control over the [[Essenes, Christos Templars|Essene Christos Templar]] translations from the [[Emerald Founder Records|12 holographic discs]]. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records, by transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts in order to return this spiritual knowledge of the [[Inner Christos]] back to all of humanity. This knowledge included humanities true origins from the planet [[Tara]] that extended from other Universes, and the historical accounts from the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] and [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] as directly given to him from the Emerald Founder records.  The Yeshua Essene team included his genetic equal wife and twelve people that acted in the role of [[Gridworker|grid workers]], to run rainbow frequencies into the earth ley lines. They were organized with the mission to help realign the [[Planetary Grid Network|planetary grid network]] and stargate system, from outside of the control of the [[NAA|alien invaders]]. The spiritual mission was to restore alignment back to the angelic humans and the true representatives of [[Christos]] consciousness on the earth, when the [[Stargate]]s finally opened during the [[Ascension Cycle]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3470-emerald-founder-records Emerald Founder Records]</ref>
During the Founder [[Guardian Yeshua]] Mission, it was the purpose of Yeshua through access to his higher embodiment as a [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks|Universal Blue Flame Melchizedek]], to help regain control over the [[Essenes, Christos Templars|Essene Christos Templar]] translations from the [[Emerald Founder Records|12 holographic discs]]. His embodiment was divinely purposed to retrieve much of the Founder Records, by transferring that information into written manuscripts and sacred texts in order to return this spiritual knowledge of the [[Inner Christos]] back to all of humanity. This knowledge included humanities true origins from the planet [[Tara]] that extended from other Universes, and the historical accounts from the [[Luciferian Rebellion]] and [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] as directly given to him from the Emerald Founder records.  The Yeshua Essene team included his genetic equal wife and twelve people that acted in the role of [[Gridworker|grid workers]], to run rainbow frequencies into the earth ley lines. They were organized with the mission to help realign the [[Planetary Grid Network|planetary grid network]] and stargate system, from outside of the control of the [[NAA|alien invaders]]. The spiritual mission was to restore alignment back to the angelic humans and the true representatives of [[Christos]] consciousness on the earth, when the [[Stargate]]s finally opened during the [[Ascension Cycle]]. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3470-emerald-founder-records Emerald Founder Records]</ref>

==Founder Records==
The [[Founder Records]] are also referred to as the [[Emerald Covenant CDT Holographic Plates]], which originally belonged to all of the human [[12 Tribes]] and were the principal spiritual teachings that were commonly understood during the Lemurian and early Atlantian timelines.  Each holographic disc was protected and administered to by an assigned [[Maji Grail King]] on the earth, who acted as the main Guardian of the planetary stargate of his tribe. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3470-emerald-founder-records Emerald Founder Records]</ref>

==Essene Divide==
During the [[Guardian Yeshua|Yeshua Guardian Mission]] intended to protect the 11th Dimensional Stargate and [[Giza]] Stargate from the Nibiruian control exerted over the planetary grid network, the entire Yeshua team was raided by [[Luciferian Knights Templar|Knights Templar]] and [[Thothian Leviathan|Leviathan races]] in an ambush in [[Amarna]]. This attack rendered the intended mission to reclaim the stargate from NAA control as a mission failure which deeply impacted the [[Essenes]]. This particular timeline trigger event was incredibly painful to the Blue Flame Holders, the original Essene groups, this ambush event meant that the Essene translations of the [[Founder Records]] brought by Yeshua teams and the direct technology used to access the [[Stonehenge|11th Stargate]] system was placed directly in the hands of the invading [[NAA]] entities and [[Galactic Federation]]. As a result, there was an ideological conflict that rippled through the Essene groups and subsequently fractured them, this was an action of divide and conquer to split the Essenes apart. This emotional fracture is the soul trauma and heart pain of the Essene Divide which led to the Azurite shield split, the seeds of spiritual betrayal and negative ego that were implanted and manipulated by the dark forces through the [[Victim-Victimizer]] mind control programming. For the [[Essenes, Christos Templars]], all of the Christos people, our true heroes are found in the King and Queen archetypes of our past. Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, Michael and Mary, Arthur and Guinevere. These archetypal forces can be turned against us from within our unhealed inner pain and emotional conflicts. We intend to address these timeline, find the soul wounds, and heal our hearts, minds and body from the spiritual pain of the [[Essene Divide]].<ref>ES July meditation</ref>

==Taran First Human Seeding==
[[File:Elderwisdom.jpg|thumb|Melchizedek Host (art by Sequoia)]]
The matter form body we have embodied as an angelic human being began on the earth’s fifth dimensional future timeline; the future planet [[Tara]] is the true origin of the current prototype for the human tribes on the earth. The angelic human prototype on [[Tara]] was incredibly genetically advanced and was designed to embody and hold all of the Universal Genetic Library, as well as have direct communication links with the celestial management structures and other star civilizations. During the ending evolutionary cycles on [[Tara]], conflicts erupted within those Melchizedek factions that desired guardianship over the spiritual power of the Blue Flame and decided to appoint themselves as the Keepers of the [[Blue Flame]]. As self-appointed [[Blue Flame Keepers]], these groups started experimenting with directing the planetary core Staff with the Blue Flame to achieve certain objectives, often utilizing planned strategic methods in order to gain power over others.  The sixth dimensional wing holders of the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]] faction violated their agreements with the [[Paliadorian Covenant]] through power abuses when they unleashed chaotic underworld forces and then used them as a weapon to infiltrate the [[Egyptian-Serres]] culture on [[Tara]]. The [[Egyptian-Serres]] human tribe acted as the rod and staff holders that synthesized the unity code between the twelve tribes to hold the [[Universal Tribal Shield]]. This power grab made by the patriarchal [[Melchizedek]]s contributed to the ultimate destruction of the planet [[Tara]] and the disintegration of the vertical blue flame staff.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3655-universal-shadow Universal Shadow]</ref>
==Spiritual Betrayal of Blue Flame Melchizedeks==
[[File:Crystallizationprinciple.jpg|thumb|Blue Flame]]
[[Thoth]] incarnated as an Egyptian Priest repeatedly during the time that [[Atlantian Mystery Schools]] were flourishing in [[Egyptians|Egyptian]] culture during the Middle Kingdom. This was in order to maintain control over the Atlantian conspiracy held in place by the NAA since the Flood, and to be kept aware of the ongoing [[Guardian Alliance]] mission that was on the ground. Although he was the great [[Luciferian]] imposter, Thoth as a Great Hermetic Priest was passing off [[Emerald Order]] [[Founder Records]] and the [[Law of One]] sacred sciences it contained as demonstrations of his own high initiation level, purporting to be a Blue Flame Melchizedek. At the height of his Hermes lifetime in Egypt about 1000 years after the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion]], he was accessing the eleventh dimension at his embodiment level. As a result, it appeared to the other [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]] and High Priests in Egypt that he was truly bestowed with the authority as Guardian [[Emerald Order]] Regent to oversee and direct Blue Flame initiations in the pyramids and underground temples.
Instead, [[Thoth]] was committing a grave deception to those that trusted him as the [[Emerald Order]] representative to transmit blue flame frequency for the purpose of Christos spiritual initiation and diamond sun twelve strand DNA regenesis. Thoth originally sourced from the [[Annunaki]] lineages, and felt they were genetically superior to the original Taran angelic humans. When he ascended to the position of the middle layers of the eleventh dimension though the embodiment of eleven and half active DNA strands, he made the choice to lead the Annunaki race lines into genetic superiority over angelic humanity by strategically aligning with the [[Wesa]] invaders. <ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3707-emerald-crystal-heart-and-solar-christ-michael Emerald Crystal Heart]</ref>
==Cosmic Energy Cycle==
The planet entered the [[Cosmic Energy Cycle]] during the hierogamic event of the [[Cosmic Twinned Universal Melchizedek Suns]] earlier this year, with the center core of the [[Cosmic Spirit Body]] layers opening to transmit spirit cell clusters that contain the 1st creation core memory cell of each unique individual’s eternal spirit family. This event further opened the doorway into the [[Universal Mother Dark Matter Matrix]] which holds many [[Solar Reisha]] Worlds filled with assorted mother lineages of Yanas ascended masters, many of which are connected to the original [[Blue Flame Melchizedeks]], [[Mu’a]] and [[Aquaelle]] lineages that serve as [[Keepers of the Crystal Core]]. Subsequent to this, the building out of the organic repair sequences for the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Guardian Ascension Host]] mission upgrades are continuing with excessive speed and substantial intensity, to anchor the [[Sapphire Diamond Shield]] architecture into the [[Iran Gate|10D gateways]] for the return of the [[Cosmic Mother]]’s [[Solar Reisha]] sophianic lineages throughout the planetary matrix.<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==

[[Great Pyramid]]
[[Emerald Order]]
[[Melchizedek Logos]]
[[Atlantian Mystery Schools]]

[[Sirian High Council]]
[[Sirian High Council]]