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A [[Reversal Networks]] are collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants, and creating more black force and [[Miasma|miasm]] in the planet by sending energetic currents into reversal patterns and synthesizing them into [[AI]] machinery on the planetary grid network. We can refer to that reversal pattern as an anti-life pattern, which also means the anti-Christ pattern. When collective life force is moving in the reversal patterns, it creates blockages that disconnect that person from the organic supply of eternal energy that is accessed within their own spiritual body. Instead, that life force energy is being collected and harvested for certain preferred groups on the earth, generally for those who keep the reversal networks running for the [[NAA]]. As an example, the [[NRG]] grid is a harvesting station of global life force that exists in the center of the United Kingdom. As the [[Albion]] body awakens, it starts to disrupt the function of this specific reversal network and it gradually collapses sections of its operational structure. Additionally, there are many Black Heart Reversal Networks scattered in the main cities, generally the bigger cities on the planet throughout the earth. Black Heart Reversal Networks feed into other types of [[Alien Machinery|alien architecture]] designed to oppress the collective consciousness, such as holding planetary crucifixion implants in a geometry pattern called the Rosy Cross. [[Reversal Networks]] are held on the [[Ley Lines|planetary grid]] by [[Vesica Pisces|bi-wave geometry systems]], that run on the low frequency energies that are generated in the masses.
A [[Reversal Networks]] are collecting life force from the collective fields of all earth inhabitants, and creating more black force and [[Miasma|miasm]] in the planet by sending energetic currents into reversal patterns and synthesizing them into [[AI]] machinery on the planetary grid network. We can refer to that reversal pattern as an anti-life pattern, which also means the anti-Christ pattern. When collective life force is moving in the reversal patterns, it creates blockages that disconnect that person from the organic supply of eternal energy that is accessed within their own spiritual body. Instead, that life force energy is being collected and harvested for certain preferred groups on the earth, generally for those who keep the reversal networks running for the [[NAA]]. As an example, the [[NRG]] grid is a harvesting station of global life force that exists in the center of the United Kingdom. As the [[Albion]] body awakens, it starts to disrupt the function of this specific reversal network and it gradually collapses sections of its operational structure. Additionally, there are many Black Heart Reversal Networks scattered in the main cities, generally the bigger cities on the planet throughout the earth. Black Heart Reversal Networks feed into other types of [[Alien Machinery|alien architecture]] designed to oppress the collective consciousness, such as holding planetary crucifixion implants in a geometry pattern called the Rosy Cross. [[Reversal Networks]] are held on the [[Ley Lines|planetary grid]] by [[Vesica Pisces|bi-wave geometry systems]], that run on the low frequency energies that are generated in the masses.

In our planet today, we have levels of geometric architecture that are based on [[Bi-Wave Influences|bi-wave geometry]], that have been installed in the [[Planetary Logos|planetary brain]] to create static [[NET]]s and reversal fields. The [[Artificial intelligence]] architecture is synthesized into the planetary field in order to collect energy, harvest it, and sends it to off-planet sources, or to their preferred people here on planet Earth that are carrying out their control agenda. So those energies are collected and basically given, with preference, to humans or nonhumans that serve the control and enslavement agenda. As Reversal Networks are gradually taken offline, the feedline of the parasitized energy throughout the food chain stops, essentially starving them by denying them access to the collective human power source. Although this is very positive for the planet and the collective human consciousness, it escalates the forces of chaos in the field from desperate entities.
In our planet today, we have levels of geometric architecture that are based on [[Bi-Wave Influences|bi-wave geometry]], that have been installed in the [[Planetary Logos|planetary brain]] to create static [[NET]]s and reversal fields. The [[Artificial intelligence]] architecture is synthesized into the planetary field in order to collect energy, harvest it, and sends it to off-planet sources, or to their preferred people here on planet Earth that are carrying out their control agenda. So those energies are collected and basically given, with preference, to humans or nonhumans that serve the control and enslavement agenda. As Reversal Networks are gradually taken offline, the feedline of the parasitized energy throughout the food chain stops, essentially starving them by denying them access to the collective human power source. Although this is very positive for the planet and the collective human consciousness, it escalates the forces of chaos in the field from desperate entities.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2786-timelines-shift Timelines Shift]</ref>

<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/2786-timelines-shift Timelines Shift]</ref>
==Reverse Merkaba Ratios==
Reversal 555 and 553 are the two timelines hijacked by the [[NAA]] in our 3D dimension to progress into the Alpha Omega or the 911 [[Armageddon Software]]. 55 and 53 are the fractional ratios which determine the spin of the electron vs.proton ratios in the merkaba. So it would be like seeing the two (2) tetrahedrons of the [[Merkaba Star]], one on top spins clockwise and it spins at 33 1/3 ratio, see [[CW Male]]. The bottom half of the merkaba always spins counter clockwise and it spins at 11 2/3 ratio, see [[CCW Female]]. The spin rate creates the 45 degree repositioning of the body template, the [[12 Tree Grid]] or Tree of Life. When we do processes this is coded into the shield and group work with [[Guardian Host|Guardian support]]. ( add the ratio of top and bottom spin and you get 45 degree) The 55 represents the distortion rate of spin at 55 degrees, that formula the [[NAA]] uses to horizontally position the timelines therefore the [[Consciousness]] or spiritual bodies away from the [[Krystal Star]] proportions, which interferes and blocks 10D Krystal [[Avatar]] communication. This is why reversal 10D comes out of Iraq-[[Iran Gate]], [[10th Stargate Network]] and infects the [[GEG]] which drills down into the timelines and people's consciousness of course. Clearly why there is so much war and bloodshed and animalistic mentality near the epicenter of reversal 10D transmission. Hitchhiking on the original timeline architecture of this dimension, these were/are manipulated by [[Alien Machinery]] related [[AI]] technology (i.e. militarized technology such as HAARP, etc.) used to control and modulate the electron to proton ratio in the overall quantum field.<ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/forum/16-lisa-renees-journal/60140-the-nature-of-polarity-and-eternal-consciousness, Nature of Polarity Eternal Consciousness]</ref>
==Gender Reversal and Reversal Networks==
The energetic imbalance between the electron and proton spin rates was being harnessed by controllers through hijacked creation code and inorganic architecture, one such structure known as the [[Vesica Pisces]] a bi-polar geometry. The hijacked [[Vesica Pisces]] code kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the [[Trinity Wave]] (unity) code would not be accessible. Effectively, this produced [[Reversal Networks]] used to harvest bio-energy which also generated [[Gender Reversal|Gender Reversal]] in the human lightbody. This process of splitting gender and reversing [[Gender Principle]] on the planet is referred to as [[Anti-HG Technology]].
This forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions. It also was creating [[Monadic Reversal]] patterns which split us up from reuniting with our [[Monad]]ic or "Gender Twin Consciousness Matrix". This machinery intends [[Gender Reversal]] or [[Gender Splitting]] in humanity, and this is related to the [[NRG]] and the [[Sexual Misery]] programs inserted to genetically alter the human race.<ref>Bali HGS Lecture 2012</ref>
==Sophianic Body Desecration==
Through repeated session work in the planetary fields and by remote viewing the grid network, the many layers of artificial [[Alien Machinery]] that have been used to spread [[Dark Mother]] reversals, that clone and replicate the Sophianic female principles via the [[Lunar Matrix]] and [[Beast Machine]], have been revealed. The [[NAA]] have employed an assortment of [[AI|artificial intelligence]] structures and [[Frequency Fence]]s for enforcing technological abuses, in which they intended to eliminate and destroy the [[Holy Mother|organic mother principle]] in creation, thus generating ripple effects and causing an array of genetic distortions in the Sophianic female principle embodiment on the earth. For this and many other reasons, this planet has not had access to the organic mother principle and [[Sophianic Template]] in previous time cycles, which prevented the full spiritual realization and embodiment of the organic state of the [[Solar Feminine Christ|Solar Feminine]]. See [[Sophianic Body Desecration]].<ref>[https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/3834-sapphire-diamond-shield Sapphire Diamond Shield]</ref>
==Daath Portal and Grual Points==
During the most recent 10:10 window, the [[Base 10 Math|base 10 architecture]] met with a massive [[Cross Spirals|cross spiral]] of Krystic forces that dissolved and annihilated sections of the infrastructure of the [[AI Signal]]s used for controlling the [[Golden Eagle Grid]]. These are the transmissions used to relay reversal 10 patterns that enforce the base 10 mechanics in this reality, along with propping up the Base 10 [[Artificial Tree of Life]].
==Red and Black Dragon Trident, False Rod and Staff==
[[File:Anti-Hierogamic.jpg|thumb| Thothian Leviathan Anti-HG AI Cube System (by Tomás August 2021)]]
''Transcript August Update 2021:'' [[TEE|Enki, Enlil, Thoth groups]]. Think of Thoth as an Ai run program. Thoth’s mind, his consciousness was uploaded into an Ai system with the information that he stole from the [[Emerald Tablet]] and the [[Founder Records]] when he defected. The Ai program of that information became the basis of how they built these extensive and complex [[Anti-Christ]] structures into our [[Universal Time Matrix|time matrix]]. So this is a part of timeline control and creating an [[Anti-Christ]] that is in control of these timelines so that we are experiencing these timeline reversals and the inability to evolve and expand forward into higher frequencies and so on. This is a part of that construct as well, in that those who control or hold [[Rod and Staff]], control time. So this is an [[Anti-Christ]] version of rod and staff to control timelines, and it's also referred to as [[Red Trident]].
[[Enki DNA|Enki signature]] embodies lunar male rod black dragon that lives in the [[Gender Reversal|anti-hierogamic]] [[Leviathan]] black dragon trident false staff and false rod structure with a serpent tail. The [[Enki DNA|Enki body]] connects through a part of 11D distortions connected to [[Typhon Tunnels]] in [[Lyra]], and is connected to hive mind constructs in the Ai system through black cube and [[Red Cube]] spawning. So the black and red cube they multiply or maybe replicate would be a better word. [[Red Cube]] Ai cloning and soul capturing of [[Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon|18th dynasty identities]] along with human soul snapshots brings up [[Baphomet]] forces. As you know, [[Baphomet]] is all inversions of Sophianic consciousness that uses the reversal 10:10 or electrified [[Reversal Current]] that powers up the [[Base 10 Math|base 10 structures]].
