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Many times I am asked about what the difference is between [[5D Ascension]] plan (the original evolutionary schema or [[Ascension]] plan for our planet) and the Ascension Mission Upgrade(s) which is known as [[Ascension Plan B]].Some Ascension Guides or Presenters will say [[5D Ascension]] because they do not have the language to describe what has changed in the collective [[Consciousness]] and the [[Timelines]]. Some of this Ascension ground crew are working specifically to help those that were working for [[5D Ascension]] to transition the [[Soul]] bodies to a higher point of comprehension in consciousness and within dimensionalized time. Naturally there is an [[NAA]] agenda to prevent and thwart that from happening.Like the Reptilian preferred method to create disinformation and confusion, so they can infiltrate - they recruit Indigo's to go create groups to take the place of contractually trained Galactic Emissaries. The [[Oraphim|Founders]] and participating councils have training methods for Galactic work, and the first order of energetic self mastery is to overcome [[Mind Control]] and have a developed skill set of Psychic Self Defense. This is why so few of the human race has been able to move past the density of confusion int eh [[Astral Plane]], the technological [[Mind Control]] is incredibly destructive, making it nearly impossible to perceive reality from clarity, accuracy and balance. From the place of mind control, unhealed trauma, and emotional woundedness we are then prime targets for [[Negative Alien]] reptilian manipulation, thoughtform or spiritual possession. With inner discipline, there is still potential [[Imposter Spirit]] harassment, however one learns how to be free of psycho-[[Emotional Manipulation]] or any level of energetic [[Possession]] - eventually and ultimately.==False Ascension Matrix==
[[File:SoulTriad.png|thumb|Soul on 5D Earth]]
The [[False Ascension Matrix]] is a inorganic alien technology [[NAA]] that was installed into the [[Astral Plane]] (4D) and is primarily controlled in the higher sound field dimension of 5D. It is a [[False White Light]] current ( aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the [[Imposter Spirit]]) that is sourcing and manipulated from the lower [[Soul Matrix]] dimensional realms. This false white light creates an intricate webbing with many [[Alien Implants]] and bio-neurological [[Mind Control]] technology which is exerted upon the human's soul body and mind ( through use of lower frequency wave manipulation) of the human being. Through this larger webbing in the Astral plane, it is possible to use holographic inserts and install software programs (like the Horseman Pulsing of the [[Armageddon Software]]) that [[Mind Control]] human beings to generate and promote belief systems for fear, religion and tyrannical control. It is a part of consciousnesses suppression of humanity in this Ascension cycle which forces reincarnation into the lower realms of time fields on earth, which from the Guardian perspective, is a type of "soul recycling" for creating "worker bees" that are subservient to the on planet and off planet [[Archon]]s. This is desired by the Archons, NAA because of the power source that can be generated and then harvested from both the planetary body and human electromagnetic energy source. This false white light interrupts the vertical connection into the higher spiritual realms and access into the spiritual bodies, blocks access to the organic Christos Consciousnesses and is highly manipulated through mind control technology by the NAA and their [[Archontic Deception Behavior]].

The [[5D Ascension]] is the original evolutionary schema or [[Ascension]] Plan for the planet Earth at the end of the 2012 [[Timelines]] or at the end of the [[Ascension Cycle]], or the end of an [[Ages of Humanity|Age of Humanity]]. This original plan was aborted by the [[Krystal Star]] Guardians, and in my knowledge, I was shifted from my original Ascension mission in 2004 to learn how to best work for the Guardian [[Aurora]] teams who were active building [[Krystal Star]] hosting architecture for planet earth. In 2005 I was made aware the original plan was aborted and councils disbanded and reassembled to work on the new mission upgrades, called [[Ascension Plan B]]. This was necessitated because of the damaged consciousness fields and their [[Timelines]] as a result of [[Alien Machinery]], [[Dead Light]] and [[Bi-Wave Influences]], and the [[NAA]] invasion of the planet, which created extensive damage from the bio-neurological [[Mind Control]] and [[Alien Implants]] used in the public and in the planet to enslave [[Consciousness]].

From the combined result of multiple levels of damage to the architecture and low levels of participating [[Consciousness]] in the [[Ascension]] Process, the result is [[Soul Fragmentation]] and disconnection of the human race from their spiritual source. Thus, making it very dangerous to open the inner [[Stargate]]s of earth during the [[Ascension Cycle]], that had become under the control of many of the [[NAA]]. For these and many other reasons, in order to protect the human genetics on earth, the original [[Ascension]] plan was aborted and alternatives in the management structures are in the process of being manifested. The [[Aurora]] Guardians and [[Krystal Star]] are working together with representatives on earth to build new [[Trinity Wave]] architecture to handle the plethora of consciousness issues, required transiting and repair the energetic damage made on the earth from [[Alien Machinery]], [[False Ascension Matrix]] issues of recycling and static [[NET]]s.

[[5D Ascension]] was the [[Stargate]] merge with the parallel harmonic universe to which our 3D reality of planet earth would unite with its counterpart in the parallel 5D reality, our planet in the future timelines. In the future [[Timelines]] planet earth is called planet [[Tara]].

==References==<references/>==See Also==HGS Manual, Page 86[[Category:Ascension]][[Category: HGS Manual]]
==Shifting the 5D Ascension Plan==
Many times I am asked about what the difference is between [[5D Ascension]] plan (the original evolutionary schema or [[Ascension]] plan for our planet) and the Ascension Mission Upgrade(s) which is known as [[Ascension Plan B]].
Some [[Ascension]] Guides or 2012 Ending Calendar Presenters will say [[5D Ascension]] because they do not have the language as of yet to describe what has changed in the collective [[Consciousness]] and the [[Timelines]] of earth. Some of this Ascension ground crew are working specifically to help those that were working for [[5D Ascension]] to transition the [[Soul]] bodies to a higher level of participation in [[Expanding Consciousness]] within dimensionalized time. Naturally there is an [[NAA]] agenda to confuse, obfuscate and thwart that from happening. The [[NAA]] Reptilian preferred method is to create disinformation and confusion, so they can infiltrate and manipulate - they recruit [[Indigo]]'s to go create followings to take the place of contractually trained Galactic Emissaries. The [[Oraphim|Founders]] and participating [[Krystal Star]] councils have training methods for Galactic [[Ascension]] work, and the first order of energetic self mastery is to overcome [[Mind Control]], develop skill sets with dark arts training with Psychic Self Defense and have clear [[Self Awareness]].
This is why so few of the human race has been able to move past the density of confusion and delusion in the [[Astral Plane]], the technological [[Mind Control]] is incredibly destructive, making it nearly impossible to perceive reality with clarity, accuracy and balance. From the place of technological and socially based anti-human  [[Mind Control]], unhealed trauma, and emotional woundedness; we are then prime targets for [[Negative Aliens]] reptilian manipulation, thoughtform or spiritual possession. With inner discipline devoted to training the mind, there is still potential [[Imposter Spirit]] harassment, however one learns how to be free of psycho-[[Emotional Manipulation]] or any level of [[Imposter Spirit]] and dark [[Possession]].
==5D Ascension is the FAM==
The [[Astral Plane]] of planet earth has a false white light webbing, called the [[False Navel]] of the false ascension matrix (synthetic or dead white light in the astral plane), which for most of us undergoing [[Soul]] matrix embodiment, will reach a point in our ascension that we are required to reset and expand our navel and [[Solar Plexus]] in order to embody our organic frequency, our [[Soul Matrix]] and [[Monad]] eternal Light Bodies.Once [[Mother Arc]] trans-gateways are opened the false timeline systems start to collapse and are unable to continue circulation feed of reversal polarity systems or other destructive circuits of energy. Without these reversal feeds circulating it releases many soul bodies that have been impaled for use in these systems as a battery source. One major focus of timeline repair is the False Ascension Matrices and the various [[5D Ascension]] programs that have been feeding into these replicated and inorganic systems. '''Many of these inorganic systems are responsible for the reincarnation programs used on the low astral planes to recycle human souls.''' These inorganic systems must fail and are being dismantled at both levels of the human 3D programs and its 5D contact groups. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/news-shift-timelines/1687-showdown Showdown, June 2011]</ref>
==Second Harmonic Universe==
[[File:Harmonic-Universe-2 .jpg|thumb|Second Harmonic Universe]]
These collective consciousness bodies exist on the planet earth throughout the densities and are aspects of the future timelines and the [[Lightbody]] of the planet earth. The earth consciousness body is directly interconnected in all [[Harmonic Universe]]s to interface with the human consciousness, which is its life form expression in all densities.
* In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the [[Soul Matrix]].
* In the Second Harmonic Universe in 4D-5D-6D exists the three layers of the [[Tara]] Matrix.
==False Ascension Matrix==
The [[False Ascension Matrix]] is a inorganic alien technology [[NAA]] that was installed into the [[Astral Plane]] (4D) and is primarily controlled in the higher sound field dimension of 5D. It is a [[False White Light]] current ( aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the [[Imposter Spirit]]) that is sourcing and manipulated from the lower [[Soul Matrix]] dimensional realms. This false white light creates an intricate webbing with many [[Alien Implants]] and bio-neurological [[Mind Control]] technology which is exerted upon the human's soul body and mind ( through use of lower frequency wave manipulation) of the human being. Through this larger webbing in the Astral plane, it is possible to use holographic inserts and install software programs (like the Horseman Pulsing of the [[Armageddon Software]]) that [[Mind Control]] human beings to generate and promote belief systems for fear, religion and tyrannical control. It is a part of consciousnesses suppression of humanity in this Ascension cycle which forces reincarnation into the lower realms of time fields on earth, which from the Guardian perspective, is a type of "soul recycling" for creating "worker bees" that are subservient to the on planet and off planet [[Archon]]s. This is desired by the Archons, NAA because of the power source that can be generated and then harvested from both the planetary body and human electromagnetic energy source. This false white light interrupts the vertical connection into the higher spiritual realms and access into the spiritual bodies, blocks access to the organic Christos Consciousnesses and is highly manipulated through mind control technology by the NAA and their [[Archontic Deception Behavior]]. <ref>[http://www.energeticsynthesis.com/index.php/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/1769-returning-to-inner-balance Return to Inner Balance]</ref>
==See Also==
HGS Manual, Page 86
[[Category:Ascension]][[Category: HGS Manual]]