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[[File:Pegasus IAU.svg|thumb|Pegasus Constellation]]
[[Pegasus]] is part of the Perseus family of constellations, along with Andromeda, Auriga, [[Cassiopeia]], [[Cepheus]], Cetus, [[Lacerta]], [[Perseus (Constellation)]], and Triangulum. Markab is designated as Alpha Pegasi, it is the third brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus and is one of the four stars of The [[Great Square of Pegasus]]. This Great Square location has been a hotbed of exopolitical activity, as well as cosmological architectural corrections to extract AI machinery of shadow imposter Pegasai coding over the past few months.  
[[Pegasus]] is part of the Perseus family of constellations, along with Andromeda, Auriga, [[Cassiopeia]], [[Cepheus]], Cetus, [[Lacerta]], [[Perseus (Constellation)]], and Triangulum. Markab is designated as Alpha Pegasi, it is the third brightest star in the constellation of Pegasus and is one of the four stars of The [[Great Square of Pegasus]]. This Great Square location has been a hotbed of exopolitical activity, as well as cosmological architectural corrections to extract AI machinery of shadow imposter Pegasai coding over the past few months.  

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Additionally, as [[King Arthur]] and his beloved wife are 11D Universal [[Rod]] and [[Staff]] holders of the [[Cosmic Clock]] of the Aeons, the liberation of the Pegasus constellation and the Fall of the [[Vatican]] are extremely important to the liberation of the hierogamic Rod and Staff holders of Lyran-Aveyon. The liberation of Pegasus constellation has interconnection to the history of Elohim enslavement during the [[Lyran Wars|Lyran War]] and the corrections are freeing the ancient living star map system recorded in the [[Albion]]’s holographic geography, dragon lines and stargates that are located in the United Kingdom landmass.
Additionally, as [[King Arthur]] and his beloved wife are 11D Universal [[Rod]] and [[Staff]] holders of the [[Cosmic Clock]] of the Aeons, the liberation of the Pegasus constellation and the Fall of the [[Vatican]] are extremely important to the liberation of the hierogamic Rod and Staff holders of Lyran-Aveyon. The liberation of Pegasus constellation has interconnection to the history of Elohim enslavement during the [[Lyran Wars|Lyran War]] and the corrections are freeing the ancient living star map system recorded in the [[Albion]]’s holographic geography, dragon lines and stargates that are located in the United Kingdom landmass.

The Cosmic Elohei Father Suns entering Pegasus constellation brought assorted solar light corrections that reanimated dead sections of the space-time field as the result of the [[Metatronic Reversal]] and fallen matrices. These metatronic corrections have greatly improved the light quotient within the quantum spaces of the planetary architecture, as well as several interconnected constellations damaged by Lyran and Pegasus inversions, which was similar to a spontaneous and rapid detoxification to purge out shadow bodies from the [[Earth]]. This shadow purge may have brought on very intense inner Armageddon sensations of explosions along with spiritual [[Kundalini]] activations for the inner birthing of the solar egg, or assorted dragon egg activations for rebirthing the Metatron Sun for those that are directly connected to the Elohim lineages that are being liberated. The Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Sun takes expression inside of us by weaving into the [[Scepter Codes]] in the Rishic 15D layers, to alchemically birth the inner sun of the Holy Father’s presence upon the Earth plane, as he embodies fully through his [[Cosmic Christos Metatron]] Pink Sun. Essentially these function as a lightbody upgrade for the [[Amethyst Order]] and Violet Flame in multiple dimensions of time in order to embody the direct connection with the Cosmic Holy Father. This is a [[Cosmic Elohei]] Father override of the alien machinery and shadow forms which have acted as his imposter intermediary force in his absence, by removing those false father [[God]] distortions such as the [[FKOT|False King of Tyranny]] archetypal shadows in the [[Church of Rome]] narratives that put the [[Wounds of Christ|crucifixion wounds]] into the planet to persecute and twist the meaning of Christ.
The Cosmic Elohei Father Suns entering [[Pegasus]] constellation brought assorted solar light corrections that reanimated dead sections of the space-time field as the result of the [[Metatronic Reversal]] and fallen matrices. These metatronic corrections have greatly improved the light quotient within the quantum spaces of the planetary architecture, as well as several interconnected constellations damaged by Lyran and Pegasus inversions, which was similar to a spontaneous and rapid detoxification to purge out shadow bodies from the [[Earth]]. This shadow purge may have brought on very intense inner Armageddon sensations of explosions along with spiritual [[Kundalini]] activations for the inner birthing of the solar egg, or assorted dragon egg activations for rebirthing the Metatron Sun for those that are directly connected to the Elohim lineages that are being liberated. The [[Cosmic Father's Pink Diamond Elohei Sun|Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Sun]] takes expression inside of us by weaving into the [[Scepter Codes]] in the Rishic 15D layers, to alchemically birth the inner sun of the Holy Father’s presence upon the Earth plane, as he embodies fully through his [[Cosmic Christos Metatron]] Pink Sun. Essentially these function as a lightbody upgrade for the [[Amethyst Order]] and Violet Flame in multiple dimensions of time in order to embody the direct connection with the Cosmic Holy Father. This is a [[Cosmic Elohei]] Father override of the alien machinery and shadow forms which have acted as his imposter intermediary force in his absence, by removing those false father [[God]] distortions such as the [[FKOT|False King of Tyranny]] archetypal shadows in the [[Church of Rome]] narratives that put the [[Wounds of Christ|crucifixion wounds]] into the planet to persecute and twist the meaning of Christ.

Cosmic Father entering Pegasus appeared to liberate several prominent [[Triple Solar Masculine]] Christos Elohim beings, by performing lightbody restorations made in their divine masculine principle that corrected the distortions with shadow-lunar force clearing and through the reset of [[Metatron Sun]] merkaba (Markab) spin rate proportions. Newly outfitted with [[12:12 Electrical Christ Male|12:12 electrical masculine rod]] spin ratios, the liberated solar masculine Elohim entities were free to find their divine counterparts, in which they connected directly with the Cosmic Elohei White Sun Mother to daughter sophianic Elohim expressions from [[Lyra]]. This event is essentially the liberation of several [[Elohim]] families that were trapped in fallen matrices from the Lyran War and were unable to embody into their correct cosmological-astrological principles, as they were separated from their divine counterparts and fused with the universal shadow body being generated by Wesa [[Black Hole Technology]]. These groups could be considered [[Fallen Elohim]], not that they were evil in the sense of the word, but they were distorted and damaged from their inability to function in the divine principle they were originally created for, in order to carry out God’s [[Natural Laws]].  As usual, the [[Fallen Elohim]] aspects were manipulated by the [[NAA]] invaders who generated a lot of genetic damage by grooming satanic practices into humanity through the normalization of socially accepted [[Death Cult Ideology|death cults]] that became the main organized religions.
Cosmic Father entering Pegasus appeared to liberate several prominent [[Triple Solar Masculine]] Christos Elohim beings, by performing lightbody restorations made in their divine masculine principle that corrected the distortions with shadow-lunar force clearing and through the reset of [[Metatron Sun]] merkaba (Markab) spin rate proportions. Newly outfitted with [[12:12 Electrical Christ Male|12:12 electrical masculine rod]] spin ratios, the liberated solar masculine Elohim entities were free to find their divine counterparts, in which they connected directly with the Cosmic Elohei White Sun Mother to daughter sophianic Elohim expressions from [[Lyra]]. This event is essentially the liberation of several [[Elohim]] families that were trapped in fallen matrices from the Lyran War and were unable to embody into their correct cosmological-astrological principles, as they were separated from their divine counterparts and fused with the universal shadow body being generated by Wesa [[Black Hole Technology]]. These groups could be considered [[Fallen Elohim]], not that they were evil in the sense of the word, but they were distorted and damaged from their inability to function in the divine principle they were originally created for, in order to carry out God’s [[Natural Laws]].  As usual, the [[Fallen Elohim]] aspects were manipulated by the [[NAA]] invaders who generated a lot of genetic damage by grooming satanic practices into humanity through the normalization of socially accepted [[Death Cult Ideology|death cults]] that became the main organized religions.
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The [[Liberation of Pegasus]] and the [[Elohim]] have far reaching impacts beyond the angelic human hybrids on the planet, in which there are further consequences of the [[Solar Synthesis]] activations that are rippling transformations into the [[Collective Consciousness]] of other hybrid species, such as the [[Annunaki]]. <ref>[ Cosmic Elohei]</ref>
The [[Liberation of Pegasus]] and the [[Elohim]] have far reaching impacts beyond the angelic human hybrids on the planet, in which there are further consequences of the [[Solar Synthesis]] activations that are rippling transformations into the [[Collective Consciousness]] of other hybrid species, such as the [[Annunaki]]. <ref>[ Cosmic Elohei]</ref>

==Amethyst Order Father==
[[File:Ramas.jpg|thumb|Amethyst Order Ramas (Art by Sequoia)]]
The third emanation of the Primal Sound Field which represents the third individuation of the God Source is the [[Amethyst Order]]. A part of the [[Cosmic Trinity]]. See [[Threefold Founder Flame]].
The third light manifestation of the [[Amethyst Order]] are [[Violet Ray]] orders comprised of [[Cetacean]], Avian [[Pegasus]] people, and aquatic [[Braharama]] seeded in the fourth harmonic universe on Lyra-[[Aveyon]] through Universal Stargate 11.
==White Mother Merida and Amethyst Father Michael-Merlin==
Recently, [[Solar Dragon Queen Merida|Merida]]’s masculine hierogamic counterpart was revealed to be a [[Dark Matter Elohei Michael-Merlin]], and that they shared twinned Pegasus Elohei [[Aquatic Mer Lineages|Aquatic Mer consciousness bodies]] that are connected to 11D [[Aveyon]], which were heavily damaged during the [[Lyran Wars]]. Thus, they both have been under a covert specific retrieval mission for the rehabilitation of their dark matter rainbow sun-stars, and this particular mission was being directed in stealth by the [[Cosmic Elohei]] Parents. For Merida’s return to this world as the 11D Staff of the [[Arthurian Grail Lineage|King Arthur Grail lines]], her aquatic Mer [[Solar Dragon]] body and organic [[Rod and Staff]] in the form of dual tridents needed to be fully merged in sacred union with her beloved husband, an [[Amethyst Order]] [[Liberation of Pegasus|Pegasus Father Elohei, Michael-Merlin]].<ref>[ Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>

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==See Also==
==See Also==
[[Aquatic Mer Lineages]]
[[Rha God World Creation]]
[[Pink Diamond Elohei]]
[[Cosmic Father]]

[[Emerald Order]]  
[[Emerald Order]]  

[[Cosmic Elohei]]
[[Cosmic Elohei]]