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Moon: From the [[Guardian Founder Races|Guardian]] perspective our moon is an inorganic structure, and did not come from our solar system. It was brought here during the last war between the [[Pleadians]] and Reptilians. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a [[Reptilian]] and [[Grey Alien]] base. Apparently there are beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet.
[[File:Moon-Platonic-Solid.jpg|thumb|Moon and Black Cube]]
Moon: From the [[Guardian Founder Races|Guardian]] perspective our moon is an inorganic structure, and did not come from our solar system. The moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body's magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the [[Pleiadian Groups|Pleiadeans]] and [[Reptilians]]. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and [[Military Grey Alien Technology|Grey Alien]] base. Apparently, there are many beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The [[Moon]] base has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates that keep the connections open to the wormholes they have created. Our solar system is damaged because these entities were creating rips and holes in time as well as, inorganic wormholes. See [[Lunar Matrix]].
==Moon and Black Cube==
We have recently tracked the introduction of the artificial satellite [[Moon]] base in which the proportions of the moon were made to be proportionate to a time cycle that is identical to the series of cataclysmic floods that were used as weapons in previous timelines on the [[Earth]] surface. This recon was for the purpose of completely destroying the possibility of the use of the moon base and artificial magnetism to generate another catastrophic flood, as NASA dutifully warned us as the dire message given from their [[Archon]] masters.  The radius of the [[Moon]] is stated to be 1,080 miles, the diameter of the moon is stated to be double that at 2,160 miles. If we multiply the diameter by 108, we get the supposed distance between the Earth and [[Moon]] of 233,280 miles.
[[File:Moon-Platonic-Solid.jpg|thumb|Moon and Black Cube]]
The [[Lunar Matrix]] of false magnetism transmitted from the moon is designed to emit artificial waves in the geometric shape of eight lines of reflective symmetry in octagonal cymatic shapes, and the internal angles of any octagon is [[1080 degrees]]. The octagon shape has a 1080 Hz frequency that can be doubled harmonically to form into and transmit [[Black Cube]] geometries with a 2160 Hz frequency. The [[Dome of the Rock]] in Jerusalem is the 2nd grail Stargate that was built with an octagonal floor plan aligning it with the moon base and therefore a black cube matrix. We can notice octagon geometry can be found in many ancient structures built on powerful ley lines throughout the Earth grid as well as black cube designs used for religious worship such as in [[Mecca]]. This all goes back to the moon and lunar control. The moon’s artificial matrix became an embedded source of magnetic control with a primary octagonal pattern made in sound waves to manipulate and harvest massive amounts of energy from the Earth grid network.
The Octagon Group in located in Davos, Switzerland and is the same group behind the current World Economic Forum and fourth wave of the transhumanist [[Great Reset]] that have a [[Black Sun]] chain of command extending to the moon and other planets. These same lunar entities and their preferred bloodlines have been administering an assortment of surface cataclysms by obliterating chosen demographic areas for decimation. The [[Moon]] as a magnetic weapon has been a part of their arsenal against human beings on the surface, in which gratefully, during this next cycle will not be operational due to [[Guardian Host]] protective intervention.<ref>[ Lost Knowledge of Human Civilization]</ref>
==Insertion of Moon Satellite==
The insertion of the [[Lunar Matrix]] was accomplished in part through dragging in the [[Moon]] satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation. This led to human female reproductive distortions such as enforced [[Breeding Programs]] and alien hybridization, designed to overpopulate the earth for the purpose of the ultimate [[Blood Sacrifice]] during the planned end time wars for the Armageddon timeline. War and killing is normalized in the NAA death culture and used for satanic rituals of [[Blood Sacrifice]] to harvest [[Loosh]] for the [[False Alien God|Alien Gods]]. [[911 Timelines|Armageddon]] was their final conflict plan to sweep up massive amounts of loosh through setting off a deliberate global cataclysm that would kill most of the inhabitants of this planet, thus stealing their soul energy at the point of death passage. This timeline will not ever manifest and that alien nightmare is over. Humanity is no longer alone. Our true God Parents and spiritual family have returned for us during the opening of the [[Stargate]]s during the [[Ascension Cycle]].<ref>[ Solar Feminine Christ]</ref>
==Saturn Base Transmission to Moon==
Additionally, it has been recently observed that the Solar System Stargate 7, located inside the planet [[Saturn]] was also transmitting [[AI|artificial intelligence]] beams through the [[Moon]] that corrupted the [[Violet Ray|ultra-violet wave spectrum]] in our planetary [[Magnetosphere]]. The impact of several technologies used from this [[Archon]] base, seem to have been recently neutralized in some of their effects. Like 7D reversal technologies that allowed for having operable [[Hibernation Zones]], used in [[Phantom Matrix|phantom areas]] as ambush pockets, to get into the earth field quickly though parallel doorways. The parallel doorways appear to lead directly into [[Lake Titicaca]] underground water base, which have been closed off and secured. Many underground bases scattered throughout the earth are in some kind of spiritual or material conflict for control and security.
Correction of this particular AI distortion appears to help people on the earth, to potentially align with higher frequencies and to have a better functioning [[Crown Chakra]], or 7D energy center. The moon transmissions have been especially difficult on the human mental body and the ability to actually have a brain and nervous system that actually functions well. The anticipation is for an easier clearing out of [[Glandular System Implants]], [[Pineal Cage]]s and related [[Crucifixion Implants]], that can be more easily dissolved from the lunar distortion impact as a result. For those on the ascension path, this will gradually lead to clearer thinking, higher functioning glands and the ability to build the [[Perceptual Bridge]] that accesses the functioning of the [[Higher Mind]].<ref>[ Geomagnetism]</ref>

==5D Tara==
==5D Tara==
[[Tara]] exploded millions of years ago as a 5D Planet and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which manifested 12 spherical layers of the planetary bodies in our current Solar System, including the 3D version of Earth we inhabit in this [[Vector Code|Time Vector]] of the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. [[Tara]] and [[Tiamat]] were a Binary Star system. [[Tiamat]]s explosion and ([[Maldek]]'s explosion in 3D Solar System) destruction is the reason our 3D planet has an artificial satellite which is our [[Moon]].
==Moon Chain==
[[Moon]] Chain Beings are soulless beings, like the Greys and Zetas, that have been cloned and used by the [[Annunaki]], Draconian, etc. whom have placed these beings as "workers" on various planets. [[Moon Chain]] races are a part of the [[Refugee Races]] that came from exploding planets in our Solar System.  [[Moon Chain]] lineages are also cast offs from other cycles of evolution between multiple planets in our Solar System. The Moon chain lineages have been directly involved both karmically and technologically with purposely creating the "[[Sexual Misery]]" program in the human race during this dark age.  The sexual misery program is to distort, manipulate and abuse the sexual energies, therefore spiritual energies, in human beings incarnated on this planet.The [[Baphomet]] fields are intricately involved in all deceptions and trickery relating to the [[Seducer Archetype]] which promotes the [[Sexual Misery]] Programming of the lunar forces or [[Moon Chain]] Lineages.
==Transfiguration of Lunar Force==
[[File:Transfiguration.jpg|thumb|Lunar Forces]]
[[Transfiguration]] corresponds to the element of Solar Fire, which burns away the shadow forms in the lower chakra centers. The lunar forces ([[Moon]]) connected to the [[Black Madonna Network|Dark Mother]], the lower shadow forms start to rise in our body to be consumed in the transfiguring Solar Fire. The new levels of intracellular light illuminate the lower shadow body reflections, and we are able to sense them, when we could not sense them before. Transfiguration defines many different gradations of the [[Ascension]] experience, where there is [[Negative Form|shadow and lunar]], these will rise from the cellular memory in the body to be seen. Generally, we will perceive the shadow rising into the area of the body where the memory is attached; either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  We witness the shadow rising and all of the negative emotions and pain that are associated with it in our memories, identities and timelines. The shadow is something to learn how to embrace and not fear, as it rises to surface awareness, it is showing us exactly where we need to heal. The shadow highlights weakness in our [[Lightbody]] that needs to be strengthened through spiritual dedication and devoted [[Meditation]] with the inner light presence.<ref>[ Transfiguration]</ref>
==Fall of Solar Dragon Queens, Insertion of Moon==
During the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] cycle, after they conquered [[Solar Dragon Queen Merida]] and stole the 11D [[Emerald Founder Records]] that were entrusted in her Guardian protectorate, this was the last stand of the [[Solar Feminine Melchizedek]]’s that embodied the Blue Staff of [[Mu’a]]. The [[Arthurian Grail Lineage|11D Arthurian Grail lines]] are the [[Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines]] that reside within Ireland and Scotland, which has the highest percentage of people with naturally red hair. Thus, sadly the ongoing covert genocidal agendas to eradicate these lineages that hold the genetic records of the [[Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines]] have a long history of repeated campaigns known as the [[Celtic Massacre]]s and Druid sacrifices.
Approximately 22,000 years ago, the [[NAA]] began the genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and [[Celtic Church|Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis]], with RH Negative tracking, spreading disinformation, and destroying the records of humanity’s star origin and historical artifacts. See [[Historical Timeline Trigger Events]].
The [[Dragon Moth|Dracs]] went to the [[Lemurian Holocaust|Lemurian continent to finish off the genocidal massacres in Kauai]] some 22,000 years ago, in order to kill off all the remaining tribes of Solar Female Melchizedek’s that were also Mu’a staff holders. This was to prepare for a completely [[FKOT|patriarchal society]] on [[Earth]] as run by the invaders which formed into the Atlantian [[Brotherhood of the Snake]] containing; Nibiruians, [[Thothian Leviathan]]s and those connected to the [[Orion Group]] who later formed the [[Luciferian Covenant]]. This was the final genocide of the matriarchal society lineage of Solar Female Melchizedeks running civilizations on the [[Earth]] surface, that was aided by the [[Annunaki]] negotiations and agreements, and was the last stage of the [[Lemurian Holocaust]] and the end of the Atlantian Golden Age.<ref>[ Atlantian Solar Dragon Queen Merida]</ref>
==Lunar Female Demonic Forces==
During the [[Return of Solar Rishi]] and [[Guardian Host]] clearing happening in the planetary grids, we may come to face the clearing of these [[Moon Chain]] archetypal patterns and their entity attachments related to these [[Lunar Female Demonic Forces]]. The true divinity of the angelic human female is [[Solar Consciousness]] based on the [[Solar Feminine Christ]], thus the [[Ascension Cycle]] will require us to explore the [[Shedding the Lunar Woman|shedding of the Lunar Woman]] within, in order to transform our sacral energy centers from running lunar force to solar force to embody our highest divine spiritual expression. See [[Lunar Female Distortions]].
<ref>[ Vatican and Dark Mother]</ref>
==See Also==
[[Lunar Matrix Session]]
[[NRG Implants]]
[[Archontic Deception Behavior]]

[[Tara]] exploded millions of years ago as a 5D Planet and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which manifested 12 spherical layers of the planetary bodies in our current Solar System, including the 3D version of Earth we inhabit in this [[Vector Code|Time Vector]] of the [[Universal Time Matrix]]. [[Tara]] and [[Tiamat]] were a Binary Star system. [[Tiamat]]s explosion and destruction is the reason our 3D planet has an artificial satellite which is our [[Moon]].

==Moon Chain==
[[Moon]] Chain Beings are soulless beings, like the Greys and Zetas, that have been cloned and used by the [[Annunaki]], Draconian, etc. whom have placed these beings as "workers" on various planets. [[Moon Chain]] lineages are also cast offs from other cycles of evolution between multiple planets in our Solar System. The Moon chain lineages have been directly involved both karmically and technologically with purposely creating the "[[Sexual Misery]]" program in the human race during this dark age.  The sexual misery program is to distort, manipulate and abuse the sexual energies, therefore spiritual energies, in human beings incarnated on this planet.The [[Baphomet]] fields are intricately involved in all deceptions and trickery relating to the [[Seducer Archetype]] which promotes the [[Sexual Misery]] Programming of the lunar forces or [[Moon Chain]] Lineages.

Latest revision as of 02:41, 2 June 2023

Moon: From the Guardian perspective our moon is an inorganic structure, and did not come from our solar system. The moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body's magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleiadeans and Reptilians. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and Grey Alien base. Apparently, there are many beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The Moon base has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates that keep the connections open to the wormholes they have created. Our solar system is damaged because these entities were creating rips and holes in time as well as, inorganic wormholes. See Lunar Matrix.

Moon and Black Cube

Moon and Black Cube

We have recently tracked the introduction of the artificial satellite Moon base in which the proportions of the moon were made to be proportionate to a time cycle that is identical to the series of cataclysmic floods that were used as weapons in previous timelines on the Earth surface. This recon was for the purpose of completely destroying the possibility of the use of the moon base and artificial magnetism to generate another catastrophic flood, as NASA dutifully warned us as the dire message given from their Archon masters. The radius of the Moon is stated to be 1,080 miles, the diameter of the moon is stated to be double that at 2,160 miles. If we multiply the diameter by 108, we get the supposed distance between the Earth and Moon of 233,280 miles.

Moon and Black Cube

The Lunar Matrix of false magnetism transmitted from the moon is designed to emit artificial waves in the geometric shape of eight lines of reflective symmetry in octagonal cymatic shapes, and the internal angles of any octagon is 1080 degrees. The octagon shape has a 1080 Hz frequency that can be doubled harmonically to form into and transmit Black Cube geometries with a 2160 Hz frequency. The Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is the 2nd grail Stargate that was built with an octagonal floor plan aligning it with the moon base and therefore a black cube matrix. We can notice octagon geometry can be found in many ancient structures built on powerful ley lines throughout the Earth grid as well as black cube designs used for religious worship such as in Mecca. This all goes back to the moon and lunar control. The moon’s artificial matrix became an embedded source of magnetic control with a primary octagonal pattern made in sound waves to manipulate and harvest massive amounts of energy from the Earth grid network.

The Octagon Group in located in Davos, Switzerland and is the same group behind the current World Economic Forum and fourth wave of the transhumanist Great Reset that have a Black Sun chain of command extending to the moon and other planets. These same lunar entities and their preferred bloodlines have been administering an assortment of surface cataclysms by obliterating chosen demographic areas for decimation. The Moon as a magnetic weapon has been a part of their arsenal against human beings on the surface, in which gratefully, during this next cycle will not be operational due to Guardian Host protective intervention.[1]

Insertion of Moon Satellite

The insertion of the Lunar Matrix was accomplished in part through dragging in the Moon satellite, to be used as a base of operations and for transmitting lunar broadcasts for magnetic field manipulation. This led to human female reproductive distortions such as enforced Breeding Programs and alien hybridization, designed to overpopulate the earth for the purpose of the ultimate Blood Sacrifice during the planned end time wars for the Armageddon timeline. War and killing is normalized in the NAA death culture and used for satanic rituals of Blood Sacrifice to harvest Loosh for the Alien Gods. Armageddon was their final conflict plan to sweep up massive amounts of loosh through setting off a deliberate global cataclysm that would kill most of the inhabitants of this planet, thus stealing their soul energy at the point of death passage. This timeline will not ever manifest and that alien nightmare is over. Humanity is no longer alone. Our true God Parents and spiritual family have returned for us during the opening of the Stargates during the Ascension Cycle.[2]

Saturn Base Transmission to Moon

Additionally, it has been recently observed that the Solar System Stargate 7, located inside the planet Saturn was also transmitting artificial intelligence beams through the Moon that corrupted the ultra-violet wave spectrum in our planetary Magnetosphere. The impact of several technologies used from this Archon base, seem to have been recently neutralized in some of their effects. Like 7D reversal technologies that allowed for having operable Hibernation Zones, used in phantom areas as ambush pockets, to get into the earth field quickly though parallel doorways. The parallel doorways appear to lead directly into Lake Titicaca underground water base, which have been closed off and secured. Many underground bases scattered throughout the earth are in some kind of spiritual or material conflict for control and security.

Correction of this particular AI distortion appears to help people on the earth, to potentially align with higher frequencies and to have a better functioning Crown Chakra, or 7D energy center. The moon transmissions have been especially difficult on the human mental body and the ability to actually have a brain and nervous system that actually functions well. The anticipation is for an easier clearing out of Glandular System Implants, Pineal Cages and related Crucifixion Implants, that can be more easily dissolved from the lunar distortion impact as a result. For those on the ascension path, this will gradually lead to clearer thinking, higher functioning glands and the ability to build the Perceptual Bridge that accesses the functioning of the Higher Mind.[3]

5D Tara

Tara exploded millions of years ago as a 5D Planet and as a result, was sucked into a reversal black hole which manifested 12 spherical layers of the planetary bodies in our current Solar System, including the 3D version of Earth we inhabit in this Time Vector of the Universal Time Matrix. Tara and Tiamat were a Binary Star system. Tiamats explosion and (Maldek's explosion in 3D Solar System) destruction is the reason our 3D planet has an artificial satellite which is our Moon.

Moon Chain

Moon Chain Beings are soulless beings, like the Greys and Zetas, that have been cloned and used by the Annunaki, Draconian, etc. whom have placed these beings as "workers" on various planets. Moon Chain races are a part of the Refugee Races that came from exploding planets in our Solar System. Moon Chain lineages are also cast offs from other cycles of evolution between multiple planets in our Solar System. The Moon chain lineages have been directly involved both karmically and technologically with purposely creating the "Sexual Misery" program in the human race during this dark age. The sexual misery program is to distort, manipulate and abuse the sexual energies, therefore spiritual energies, in human beings incarnated on this planet.The Baphomet fields are intricately involved in all deceptions and trickery relating to the Seducer Archetype which promotes the Sexual Misery Programming of the lunar forces or Moon Chain Lineages.

Transfiguration of Lunar Force

Lunar Forces

Transfiguration corresponds to the element of Solar Fire, which burns away the shadow forms in the lower chakra centers. The lunar forces (Moon) connected to the Dark Mother, the lower shadow forms start to rise in our body to be consumed in the transfiguring Solar Fire. The new levels of intracellular light illuminate the lower shadow body reflections, and we are able to sense them, when we could not sense them before. Transfiguration defines many different gradations of the Ascension experience, where there is shadow and lunar, these will rise from the cellular memory in the body to be seen. Generally, we will perceive the shadow rising into the area of the body where the memory is attached; either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. We witness the shadow rising and all of the negative emotions and pain that are associated with it in our memories, identities and timelines. The shadow is something to learn how to embrace and not fear, as it rises to surface awareness, it is showing us exactly where we need to heal. The shadow highlights weakness in our Lightbody that needs to be strengthened through spiritual dedication and devoted Meditation with the inner light presence.[4]

Fall of Solar Dragon Queens, Insertion of Moon

During the Atlantian Cataclysm cycle, after they conquered Solar Dragon Queen Merida and stole the 11D Emerald Founder Records that were entrusted in her Guardian protectorate, this was the last stand of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek’s that embodied the Blue Staff of Mu’a. The 11D Arthurian Grail lines are the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines that reside within Ireland and Scotland, which has the highest percentage of people with naturally red hair. Thus, sadly the ongoing covert genocidal agendas to eradicate these lineages that hold the genetic records of the Celtic-Druid Grail Bloodlines have a long history of repeated campaigns known as the Celtic Massacres and Druid sacrifices.

Approximately 22,000 years ago, the NAA began the genocidal agenda to eradicate Celtic Kings Grail DNA and Melchizedek Christ Teachings from Atlantis, with RH Negative tracking, spreading disinformation, and destroying the records of humanity’s star origin and historical artifacts. See Historical Timeline Trigger Events.

The Dracs went to the Lemurian continent to finish off the genocidal massacres in Kauai some 22,000 years ago, in order to kill off all the remaining tribes of Solar Female Melchizedek’s that were also Mu’a staff holders. This was to prepare for a completely patriarchal society on Earth as run by the invaders which formed into the Atlantian Brotherhood of the Snake containing; Nibiruians, Thothian Leviathans and those connected to the Orion Group who later formed the Luciferian Covenant. This was the final genocide of the matriarchal society lineage of Solar Female Melchizedeks running civilizations on the Earth surface, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and was the last stage of the Lemurian Holocaust and the end of the Atlantian Golden Age.[5]

Lunar Female Demonic Forces

During the Return of Solar Rishi and Guardian Host clearing happening in the planetary grids, we may come to face the clearing of these Moon Chain archetypal patterns and their entity attachments related to these Lunar Female Demonic Forces. The true divinity of the angelic human female is Solar Consciousness based on the Solar Feminine Christ, thus the Ascension Cycle will require us to explore the shedding of the Lunar Woman within, in order to transform our sacral energy centers from running lunar force to solar force to embody our highest divine spiritual expression. See Lunar Female Distortions. [6]


See Also

Lunar Matrix Session

NRG Implants


Archontic Deception Behavior