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There are four (4) evolutionary rounds of three (3) [[Planetary Cycles]] totaling 12 dimensional timelines that comprise the particle and anti-particle Universe. The Ascension cycle is about accelerating through a gradual particle/antiparticle merge of these 12 timelines. Hence the importance of the 12 strand DNA; each strand corresponds to 1 dimension. 3 Planetary Cycles (4 rounds in each cycle) = 12 Dimensional Timelines.
There are four (4) evolutionary rounds of three (3) [[Planetary Cycles]] totaling 12 dimensional timelines that comprise the particle and anti-particle Universe. The Ascension cycle is about accelerating through a gradual particle/antiparticle merge of these 12 timelines. Hence the importance of the 12 strand DNA; each strand corresponds to 1 dimension. 3 Planetary Cycles (4 rounds in each cycle) = 12 Dimensional Timelines.
==Universal Tribal Shield==
The [[Emerald Founder Records]] reveal that there are [[12 Essene Tribes]] which make up the entirety of the collective human gene pool, or are the descendants of [[Universal Tribal Shield]] that has been originally incarnated onto this planet from the future timelines of [[Tara]]. Each of the 12 Tribes are genetically key coded to their demographic [[Planetary Gates]] location and to that [[Universal 12 Tree Grid|planetary dimensional sphere]] and its [[Ley Lines|ley line network]]. When we incarnate onto the planet, we have genetic time codes in our DNA related to the planetary gates dimensional system that is a part of our main [[Human Tribal Identity]]. We activate our human tribal identity personal planetary keys when we activate our [[Inner Christos]] by running the [[12D Ray]], stringing 144 harmonics throughout our [[Lightbody]], otherwise called the [[12D Shield]]. That identity has had many lifetimes that have participated with the consciousness evolution cycles of assembling DNA codes in the angelic human [[Root Races]] evolving throughout the Solar System.<ref>[ Emerald Founder Records]</ref>
