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[[File:Reptilian-shapeshifter.gif|thumb|right|Reptilian in Astral]]
[[File:15a-Black-Sun-Draconian-Agenda.png|thumb|Black Sun Agenda (Satanic) 1/2]]
[[File:15b-Black-Sun-Draconian-Agenda.png|thumb|Black Sun Agenda (Satanic) 2/2]]
The Negative Alien agenda [[NAA]] is to force the planet to serve another multiple species [[Controller]] agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as [[Holographic Insert]]s, [[AI]] and [[Mind Control]], namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid [[Archons|Archon]] extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under the human domain. Much of the [[NAA]] is veiled in the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primary takeover access in the naval forces and in the underground bases of the earth. It appears earth was invaded several times by hostile [[Negative Aliens]] with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the [[Luciferian Rebellion]], [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] and leading to the latest event during the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion]]. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a [[Prison Planet]], being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet [[Controller]]s, such as collecting energetic quanta of human life force and earthly minerals.  
The Negative Alien agenda [[NAA]] is to force the planet to serve another multiple species [[Controller]] agenda, through imposing false replicated time fields using bio-warfare technology such as [[Holographic Insert]]s, [[AI]] and [[Mind Control]], namely created under genetic reptilian-insectoid [[Archons|Archon]] extraterrestrials, at the expense and life force of the human race and the kingdoms under the human domain. Much of the [[NAA]] is veiled in the shadow levels of the ET and human military industrial complex, the primary takeover access in the naval forces and in the underground bases of the earth. It appears earth was invaded several times by hostile [[Negative Aliens]] with a major shift occurring 26,000 years ago during the [[Luciferian Rebellion]], [[Atlantian Cataclysm]] and leading to the latest event during the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion]]. These agendas are still in effect today and impact all human and earthly life as a enforced enslavement on a [[Prison Planet]], being harvested for a variety of resources to send back to off planet [[Controller]]s, such as collecting energetic quanta of human life force and earthly minerals.  

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==The Origins of Black Sun Agenda==
==The Origins of Black Sun Agenda==
The Black Sun DNA is a reversal base 10 genetic template that is sourced originally from Fallen Seraphim and the Orion Winged Draconian reptilians in the tenth dimensional layers as the result of the damage incurred in the Universal Time Matrix, which further generated several hybrid lines. The Black Sun genetic template does not allow for natural biological ascension or cellular transmutation of the consciousness body or organic movement into other timelines. This is the main reason they chose immortality through parasitism and control over humanity, which necessitated building the phantom worlds in the reversal base 10 template, and creating the blended reality system in order to exist in the three-dimensional consciousness on earth. The dark archangels are the fallen counterparts of the original Gold Order Seraphim, which became infiltrated by Orion Winged Dracs and the Azriel lineage of dark angelics. Throughout the lower dimensions, this contributed to proliferation of the Black Sun DNA in the Zeta groups and reptilian insectoid collectives, that over time digressed their DNA even further, unable to procreate in their race lines. Shortly after the Thothian Luciferians orchestrated the Essene Massacre and institution of hybrid breeding programs, the Black Suns infiltrated the material realm with the same goal to take over the earth stargates and gain control from the Belial group, which had just orchestrated their final takeover event after the Atlantian Cataclysm.
[[File:Reptilian-shapeshifter.gif|thumb|right|Reptilian in Astral]]
The Black Sun DNA is a reversal base 10 genetic template that is sourced originally from [[Fallen Seraphim]] and the Orion Winged Draconian reptilians in the tenth dimensional layers as the result of the damage incurred in the [[Universal Time Matrix]], which further generated several hybrid lines. The Black Sun genetic template does not allow for natural biological ascension or cellular transmutation of the consciousness body or organic movement into other timelines. This is the main reason they chose immortality through parasitism and control over humanity, which necessitated building the phantom worlds in the reversal base 10 template, and creating the blended reality system in order to exist in the three-dimensional consciousness on earth. The dark archangels are the fallen counterparts of the original [[Gold Order]] Seraphim, which became infiltrated by Orion Winged Dracs and the Azriel lineage of dark angelics. Throughout the lower dimensions, this contributed to proliferation of the Black Sun DNA in the [[Zeta]] groups and reptilian insectoid collectives, that over time digressed their DNA even further, unable to procreate in their race lines. Shortly after the [[Thothian Luciferians]] orchestrated the [[Essene Massacre]] and institution of hybrid breeding programs, the Black Suns infiltrated the material realm with the same goal to take over the earth stargates and gain control from the [[Belial]] group, which had just orchestrated their final takeover event after the [[Atlantian Cataclysm]].

The [[Black Sun]] lineages have since been working towards their ultimate goal of centralized world domination through the management of many crusades and wars that were designed for the biological extermination of the [[Essenes|Essene]] lineages of the original incarnated Taran human souls, to prevent their rise to power. They then placed themselves in the most powerful positions within the majority of the world governments, world banking institutions, federal reserve, global organizations for policy making and further inserted themselves into the majority of the ruling class Power Elite bloodlines that are still actively operating today. The [[Black Sun]] lines that infiltrated the earth over the last ten thousand years made agreements with the Zeta and Drakonians during the 1930’s, which brought them much more power and reinforcement from off planet sources and began their dominance in colonizing other planets. This set up from [[NAA]] Black Sun sources allowed them to dominate the management of the largest and richest multinational corporations and pharmaceutical industries, which were effective storefronts to cover up many crimes against humanity. As well as setting up the shadow military industrial complex in which to develop an assortment of covert weaponry to subdue and manipulate humanity. The evidence for the assortment of weaponized electromagnetic technologies in usage today, such as the weaponization of smart phones, are beginning to be sensed directly and their results made much more visible for those that are awakening during the ascension cycle.<ref>[ Pestilence Program]</ref>
The [[Black Sun]] lineages have since been working towards their ultimate goal of centralized world domination through the management of many crusades and wars that were designed for the biological extermination of the [[Essenes|Essene]] lineages of the original incarnated [[Tara]]n human souls, to prevent their rise to power. They then placed themselves in the most powerful positions within the majority of the world governments, world banking institutions, federal reserve, global organizations for policy making and further inserted themselves into the majority of the ruling class [[Power Elite]] bloodlines that are still actively operating today. The [[Black Sun]] lines that infiltrated the earth over the last ten thousand years made agreements with the [[Zeta]] and Drakonians during the 1930’s, which brought them much more power and reinforcement from off planet sources and began their dominance in colonizing other planets. This set up from [[NAA]] Black Sun sources allowed them to dominate the management of the largest and richest multinational corporations and pharmaceutical industries, which were effective storefronts to cover up many crimes against humanity. As well as setting up the shadow military industrial complex in which to develop an assortment of covert weaponry to subdue and manipulate humanity. The evidence for the assortment of weaponized electromagnetic technologies in usage today, such as the weaponization of smart phones, are beginning to be sensed directly and their results made much more visible for those that are awakening during the ascension cycle.<ref>[ Pestilence Program]</ref>

==Zeta Drakonian Agendas==
==Zeta Drakonian Agendas==
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Those that serve the [[Emerald Order]] Covenant uphold the [[LOO|Cosmic Sovereign Law]] for achieving human freedom and planetary liberation, which extends beyond this Universe into the Cosmic Source Domains and go all the way back to the [[1st God World Creation]]. The other two, [[Belial]] Group and [[Black Sun]] alien AI hybrids originally source from a fallen parallel matrix called [[Wesa]], which serve the [[One World Order]] government with the current transhumanist slavery agenda for implementing the [[Great Reset]].<ref>[ Enlightened Contact]</ref>
Those that serve the [[Emerald Order]] Covenant uphold the [[LOO|Cosmic Sovereign Law]] for achieving human freedom and planetary liberation, which extends beyond this Universe into the Cosmic Source Domains and go all the way back to the [[1st God World Creation]]. The other two, [[Belial]] Group and [[Black Sun]] alien AI hybrids originally source from a fallen parallel matrix called [[Wesa]], which serve the [[One World Order]] government with the current transhumanist slavery agenda for implementing the [[Great Reset]].<ref>[ Enlightened Contact]</ref>
==Thuban's Role in Hijack of Earth==
This takeover of [[Thuban]] was critically important in the hijack of the Earth’s energy currents running throughout the thousands of Pyramids and Sun Clock Monoliths, and other holographic grid features built into the planetary [[Ley Lines]] by the [[Emerald Order|Emerald Founder Elohei]]. These structures functioned as harmonic resonators and cellular memory record keepers for synchronizing timelines with the celestial star patterns gridded in the plasmic webs of constellations. During the [[Sumerian-Egypt Invasion|final setback events]], these plasmic webs and grid constructs were repurposed with [[Alien Machinery]] to control all related Egyptian symbology and tetrahedron geometries, through [[SRA|satanic blood rituals]] that were conducted on major [[Dragon Nodes]] across the globe by the [[Black Sun]] [[Power Elite]]. Over many years, [[Guardian Host]] has been connecting with their angelic human [[Diamond Sun]] counterparts on [[Earth]] in order to reverse engineer how this extensive AI architecture held in [[Thuban]] star was being used by the [[Black Sun]] entities to invade our planet. This was powered up in part through Egyptian based black magic sorcery, used for siphoning massive amounts of collective [[Loosh]] energy to build their phantom systems and [[AI Timeline Wars|AI time loops]].<ref>[ Thuban]</ref>
