HGS Manual A

AA Michael Sword Splitter 185

Acceleration Code (1-12) 61

Accretion 195

Activate Seed 195

Addiction Control Inserts (ILRR) 71

Addiction Looping 104

Addiction Machinery 59

Addiction (NRG) Tracker Software 103

Addiction Sentinels 104

Addiction Soul Splitting 104

Addition Transits 104

Addiction Webbing 104

Ages or Epochs (pg.55 HGS) (1,000, 2,000, 5,500, etc.) (What is meaning of numbers? 1,000 = first 1,000 years of Earth's existence? Etc.)

AIM 56 Alien Implant Module

Akhenaton 56

Albicans 46

Alchemical Container 25

Alien [….] Note: Most terms prefaced by the word 'Alien' are listed alphabetically below. Example: 'Alien Cages', is found under 'Cages (Alien) '.

Alien Abduction 56

Alien Body Parts 56

Alien Capture 56

Alien Genetic Viral Miasma 46

Alien Machinery 56/88

Alien Metals; Metal Fields 89/118

Alien Reversals 62

Alien Software 45

Alien Surgery 56

Alpha Draconis/Orion Group 184

Alpha Omega (911) Agenda 184

Alter DNA Coordinate 49

Alveoli 45

Amoeba 46

Amoraea Flame 72

Amplifier /Talisman 30

Amplitude - Disorder/Increase 49/119

Anael (Venus) (Arc-Angel Egos) 75

Ancestral Attachment 84

Ancestral Cleansing 59

Ancestral Cords 84

Ancestral Meridian 57

Anchor 12D 66

Anchor Bodies 57

Anchor Rod/Staff 193

Anchor Shields 193

Andromeda Core 57

Andromeda/Neptune (Future Genetics) 83

Andromedan 66

Annubian Black Heart 60

Annubian Black Heart Network 86

Annunaki 56

ANS/CNS (Clear) 59

Anti-Christ Conflicts (Clear) 64

Anti-Matter Influences 117

Anu 6th & 7th Seal (Wings Cut Off Trauma) 185

Anuhazi 107

AoA Electric Alignment 61

AoA Elemental Clearing 59

AoA Magnetic Alignment 61

AoA Transduction Reset 61

APIN Network 86

Apparthi Receiver Damage 185

Apparthi Upgrade 60

Aquaferion 159

Arachnid (pg. 183 HGS) Any wingless, carnivorous arthropod of the class Arachnida, including spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks, and daddy-longlegs, having a body divided into two parts, the cephalothorax and the abdomen, and having eight appendages and no antennae.

Arc Codes (Reversal) 186

Archangel Michael Collective 63

Archetypal Filters and Eyes 75

Archetypal Mind 5D 60

Archons/SPE's 73

Arcturian 66

Arcturus/Omega Centauri (Future Genetics) 83

Armageddon Software 88

Artifacts (Harmful Alien) 56/180

Artifacts (pg. 56 HGS) Lemurian, Atlantian, Sirian, Orion, Draco (Astral Body Distortion) Are they distinguishable?

Artificial Body Parts 117

Artificial Intelligence 84

Artificial Machinery 59

Artificial Mutations 49

Artificial Software 88

Artificial Timeline 88

Aryan (DNA Strand 4) 187

Ascariasis 46

(Partial) Ascended Master Lineages 183

Ascension Timeline Rebellion 85

Ascension Vehicle 57

Asher (pg. 83 HGS)  ? Zilpah/Jacob. Hibiru 12 (Hosting) Tribes

Aspergillus (pg. 46 HGS) A genus of fungi that includes many common molds.

Astral Abduction 56

Astral Bindings 102

Astral Body 38

Astral Body Matrix 60

Astral Body Nets 88

Astral Communication 56

Astral Delusion 56

Astral Manipulation 56

Astral Mind 4D 60

Astral Mirrors of Delusion 118

Astral Movies 71

Astral Sex 56

Astral Slime 89

Astral/Soul Implants 60

Atlantian Holocaust 85

Attachments 38

Atomic Body Treatment 69

Atomic Doorway Silver Chakra (pg. 196 HGS) 9D

Atomic Regulator 68

Atum (Egyptian Nine Ennead) (pg.76 HGS) Atum was considered to be the first god, having created himself, sitting on a mound, from the primordial waters. Early myths state that Atum created the god Shu and goddess Tefnut by spitting them out of his mouth. See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ennead

Aura 42

Auric Black Hole 84

Auric Body Part 84

Auric Clone 84

Auric Doppelganger 84

Auric Enslavement 84

Auric Fetus 84

Auric Harness (Alien) 68/180

Auric Hole/Tear 84

Auric Inversion 84

Auric Negative Form 84

Auric Phantom 84

Auric Portal Open 84

Auric Twin 84

Aurora (pg. 57/162 HGS)  ?. Also, as an Amplifier (Talisman) for HGS session it is defined as: Tri-Tone Dragon – Aurora Luminary Grid.

Aurora Body 194

Aurora Buffer Field 104

Aurora Crystal Kingdom 194

Aurora Crystals 193

Aurora Elemental 55

Aurora Host 66

Aurora Host Gate 108

Aurora Host Hub 76

Aurora Host Matrix 104

Aurora Host Ray 76

Aurora Krystal Matrix Re-encryption of Elemental Body 43

Aurora Pillars 55

Aurora Portal Network (APN) (pg. 159 HGS)  ?. Also, part of the Guardian Planetary Grid Network defined for HGS session work as: Override Networks, Inner Hub or Parallel Gates (Krystal Star).

Aurora Re-encryptions 76

Aurora Transplant 109

Aurora Upgrade 59

Avalon/Aveyon 183

Avatar Aspect Rays (120-132-144 Harmonics) 67

Avatar (Call in) 62

Avatar – Luminescent One (Sephiroth) 75

Avatar Mind 12D 64

Avatar of Ascension 66

Avian (Genetic Ascendency) 107

Axiatonal Alignment 27

Axiatonal Axis 4D/7D 62

Axiom Seal 185

Azure Crystal 57

Azurites 107