Holograms and Clones for Satanic Ritual

In order to attempt to weaken, confuse and destroy spiritual leadership and ascension groups committed to planetary stewardship to achieve consciousness liberation, these individuals are heavily targeted for satanic ritual abuse that is programmed into an artificial alternative reality. The NAA save a special brand of spiritual warfare to attempt to emotionally devastate and fracture all those in spiritual leadership positions that choose to represent Krystic attributes and the Christos blueprint on the earth, which they believe is an intrusion made upon their farming territory. Historically, the NAA have used members from the Emerald Founders and Blue Flame Essenes as mock effigies for sacrificial burning funeral pyres, these are cloned light holograms of torturing Christos-Sophia in Moloch and Wicker Man rituals running throughout the artificial and phantom matrices. These funeral rituals are used specifically for enforcing the crucifixion and satanic ritual abuse of the Christos-Sophia consciousness and to automatically target these individuals and couplings with assorted black magic, anti-hierogamic splitter technology and other forms of sophisticated technology used for psycho-spiritual warfare. Many of these burning pyres and cloned mock effigies are set up in the artificial Christ Consciousness matrix from within the astral plane, which is being technologically controlled as the false ascension matrix from the phantom areas.

Further, cloned images of Guardian family and ascension stewards, like myself, are replicated into holographic inserts that run reality pictures of the highest derelict and depravity, designed to project artificial realities that attempt to spread malicious lies that defame my character and assign my life’s work and mission to satanic ritual corruption. Essentially, this action is the same as some person you have never met that holds contempt towards what you represent, and for no apparent reason but to spread hatred and malice, decides to photoshop your face into satanic ritual abuse backgrounds. Then paste this digital image of your mock demon persona in order to position this fake image in the most grotesque environment that is designed to defile your character in any way possible. Then further circulates these artificially faked pictures on every social media platform and email server they have gained access to in the fields, by those unconscious people that are run by negative ego that act as dark portals, spreading this malicious gossip for entertainment.

Spiritual community, please recognize that this is happening to many of your colleagues and fellow travelers, and be willing to stand up for humanity by identifying and then rectifying this problem, which is a major issue of dividing the ascension and disclosure communities with imaginary grievances. Many of the images you think you saw on the astral plane, are simply not true, they are deep fakes of artificial reality pictures designed by the NAA to attack and divide the awakening groups that are involved in promoting ascension, disclosure and truth seeking. The artificial intelligence uses sophisticated holographic insert technology that is plugged into the collective race consciousness to generate a virtual reality interface that projects mental indoctrination through the mass production of essentially, AI spawned nightmares.

The most important action to avert the residue impact of artificial holographic inserts embedded with SRA is to hold compassion, empathy and tolerance for your fellow human being. Knowing that they are also being subjected to an onslaught of mind control and hidden technologies that are designed to siphon their life force and attempt to steal their personal sovereignty. Expand your consciousness beyond personal judgments and prejudices of the pathological predator mind, and focus on the common bonds that unite all human beings, while supporting each other to choose love and grow spiritually.

The phenomena of cloning light images, happens to all effective public leaders in the new age, ascension or disclosure space, and is designed to generate as much confusion, fear and mistaken identity in those awakening groups as possible. The spiritual neophytes just learning how to perceive these realities are being manipulated to assume these deep fake holographic realities are actually real or sourcing from organic consciousness, when it is actually being artificially generated by alien technology for the purpose of psycho-spiritual warfare. This is how technological mind control warfare on earth is being waged by the NAA groups against human beings, with the assembly line of artificially generated clones and imposters wearing masks of other people being spewed out in projected mental holograms, and this tactic has been ongoing for multiple millennia.

Remember that the more control you have over your own thoughts, beliefs and functions of your mind, the less power these holographic inserts will have to manipulate you with false information. Through the intentional embodiment of the Christos blueprint, artificial technology such as holographic inserts are made immediately visible or perceived in your lightbody, and once recognized can be cleared off and removed quickly.

False Flag Manipulation in Targeted Groups

The concept of False Flag operations and False Fronts used to confuse the human population with elaborate deceptions is also helpful in discerning spiritual warfare commonly used by the Controllers to target awakening people in the truth seeking or spiritual communities. A false flag is a military term used to define a covert operation that is carried out for psycho-spiritual warfare for the purpose of divide and conquer. This is designed to deceive the targeted individual or group to break down trust and destroy the foundation of the community and their objectives from the inside. The deception, which is usually generated from some event the targeted person perceives as an attack made against them, such as psychic attack, black magic, implant sprays or dark entity harassment, is then attributed to another individual or group that has nothing to do with the supposed attack that was carried out on that individual. Usually, during this event of targeting people with dark entity harassment, both parties are sent holographic inserts with the facial recognition or energy signature of the other, that the dark entity is placing as the bait for assigning the blame. The deception creates the appearance of a particular individual or group, via holographic insert, being responsible for some nefarious activity, while disguising the actual source of responsibility, which is usually the NAA groups or human Controllers.[1]


See Also

Phantom Matrix

Reading Energy Fields

Language of Living Knowledge

NAA ‘Read the Field’ to Control Language