Diamond Sun Paliadorian Activation

From Ascension Glossary
(Redirected from Paliadorian Cell)

In the process of shifting into the next harmonic universe, many in the Krystic family have been enduring an embodiment phase for the new mathematical proportions of the diamond sun 12 Tree Grid pattern for the into the fifth dimensional octave. Additionally, many reclamation of identities and body parts from the parallels have been taking place, such as a return of the Adamic Lines back to the rightful owner to support their current phase of Embodiment. In this small group, all particle chakras have been dissolved. Many people on the earth still have lower Chakras, and so they will still need the support based upon the transmutation of these lower density nets and energies as they shift. The lower subconscious fragments are problematic in generating chaotic static net fields with the AI transmission, and this has amplified symptoms of the shadow and Pain Body in the masses that have not cleared out these trauma aspects.

Krystallah Eternal Body

Krystallah Eternal Light Body

In this activation for higher embodiment, the resonance points for the main energy centers in the physical body have shifted higher, slightly changing their position and adding more lightbody architecture to the skull, head and crown. The changes to the skull and crown have resulted in cranial and sinus pressure, aches and pains in the entire bone matrix with particular emphasis on the skull, Foramen Magnum and Sphenoid Bone. The bone marrow relays intelligent information to the blood stream and throughout the central nervous system to the brain, and thus the entire bone matrix has been potentially over active with several sequential lightbody transmissions.

The third dimensional layers of the 1D and 2D frequency wave spectrums, the reversal nets and their energy centers, such as the 2D-4D split shadow body are completely dissolved and membranes gone, leaving a solar sacrum and higher position for the still point and conscious identity above the navel. With the diamond sun body activation for the eternal light body in 5D, all separated electromagnetic fields in the lightbody release their polarization membranes and electromagnetic barriers, merging the male-female counter rotation spirals into a large orb of light surrounding the body. There are three main orb bodies nested within each other that are built on a trinity of triangles that align in the central vertical channel as the new position for the 3rd Sphere, 6th Sphere, 9th Sphere, and then the Personal Christ at the 12th Sphere. These main energy spheres are located on the central column and are merged into a tri-wave neutral charge, or non-polarized energy centers.

Each of the 3-6-9-12 positions connect to a trinity in one built for the Conscious Identity, Soul Triad, Oversoul Triad and the Personal Christ respectively. The base tones and the overtones that make up the left hand female side and the right hand male side of the eternal tree of life, also exist, but the main areas of the eternal light orb body are primarily directed in the male-female merge that occurs in the central vertical channel. It appears that the Personal Christ may choose to run many different rainbow ray assortments through the main vertical channel into the Orb body, but the current observation has been connected to transmissions sourcing from the Aqualasha diamond heart rays from Andromeda.

Also, the lightbody is no longer connected to the earth core in the same way, and hovers upon the base shield built underneath the feet. The base shield connects into the feedback loop of the 360 degrees of the zero point field or Godhead that runs from within the internal diamond pillar. This current runs from the top of the crown to under the feet, returning back to the zero point feedback loop made through the 12th Sphere Personal Christ consciousness. The 12:12 Electrical Christ Male pattern runs the zero point into a feedback loop between the top position of the 12th Sphere from the Paliadorian Cell, down through the central vertical channel into the base shield under the feet.

On either side of the capstone of the Personal Christ, is the Cosmic Mother Aquamarine Ray on the left and the Cosmic Father Emerald Ray on the right, uniting a trinity of triangles that surrounds the body with a shower of oceanic waves of aquamarine and emerald rays. Many loving waves of celebration for our Krystallah families for achieving their new embodiment configuration during the Paliadorian activation for the diamond sun body in the second harmonic universe. This lightbody configuration is ongoing. It allows more of the human earth family to reclaim their Personal Christ, to build their eternal diamond sun orb body and to continue to have this choice available to them in the future.[1]

Krystallah Merkaba Fields

The base twelve Universal Androgynous Merkaba fields of Christos-Sophia are called Kryst-Krystallah and they make up the instruction set for all merkaba fields within all the timelines and densities throughout the Universes. The twelfth dimensional merkaba field spiral is the Kryst male principle that is generated on the outer fields by the internal Krystallah female principle spiral that is generated from the Aquamarine Holy Mother Arc principle in the 13th Gateway. The 13th Gateway is the Aqua Portal which opens the neutron window that leads into the Seven Higher Heavens through Andromeda. The Krystallah merkaba fields have a gender fin alignment that instructs the direction of the starting position for the rotational spin of the top and bottom merkaba spirals, for the male and female that build the Ascension Vehicle.

The twelve dimensional Avatar Christos intelligence sets the gender fin orientation of the Krystallah merkaba spiral and determines the alignment for the gender polarity spirals in every dimension. Think of the gender fin as the bottom and top tetrahedron that make up the six pointed merkaba star. There is a male principle Gender Fin (Tetrahedron) and female principle gender fin (Tetrahedron) that regulates the starting spin points of our merkaba spirals, and then starts to merge and unify them into sacred union or Hieros Gamos. When we communicate with our Avatar Christos-Sophia intelligence and build our 12D Shield, eventually we rebuild the mini merkaba spirals which start to align how our male and female internal energies will start to spin to help unify and build our merkaba vehicle. By uniting our inner male and female, undergoing the process of sacred marriage or hierogamic union and obeying the Law of Gender, the natural process of communication links with Christ Consciousness begin to build the merkaba fields.[2]


See Also

Rise of Paliadorians

War Over Consciousness

Covenant of Paliador

Diamond Sun Body