Sirian High Council

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The Sirian High Council serves as the administrative body for the Interdimensional Free World Councils Task Force to maintain freedom based evolutionary agreements and agendas between all Star Nations.

Guardians of Founder Records

Until the earth underwent the Ascension Cycle and reached the threshold in which the crystalline grid was able to hold the highest Christos frequency and the intelligent coding that was contained in these discs, the Emerald Founders assigned members of the Sirian High Council to guard and preserve the sacred wisdom in these holy records for the future benefit of the earth. Thus, those assembled in the Sirian High Council that were primarily in the Universal Christos lineages of the Emerald Order and Blue Flame Melchizedeks, were acting as the primary Archivists of earth’s vast genetic library and timeline history, through the gnostic process of their own consciousness embodiment. [1]


Archivists are responsible for assembling, cataloguing, preserving and managing valuable collections of historical information. In this case, they were also responsible for mapping out the DNA code that functions as the genetic library for all creations throughout the 12 organic timelines.

This data was compiled upon a master copy of 12 holographic discs and were known as the original Emerald Founder Records, which contained the basis for describing the consciousness mechanics of reality, manifestation, and the unification of all expressions with the eternal, loving, One God Source. These discs include extremely advanced technological information about the planetary templar stargates, Ley Lines, the spiritual-science texts and schematics that are outlined in the Law of One consciousness freedom teachings that unify sacred sciences with spirituality.[2]


See Also

Great Pyramid


Guardian Host