
As we evolve into higher initiations of Embodiment we are then increasingly able to become more Transparent to the external environmental energies. Learning how to become more transparent to the external pressures and energies is a necessary skill at this time. This starts with total Neutrality and non judgment, applied to all that is being observed externally. A good practice now is to strengthen and develop your witness consciousness now moment awareness, to include Neutral Association to all events, circumstances and situations as best as you are able. This means you will be less likely to interfere or become entangled with external events that may drain your energy. Protecting your energy field by becoming self contained and inner directed is important at this time. The 12D Shield practice is a primer to this process of learning energetic self containment.

During this time humanity has an increased access similar to a broadcast channel to higher intelligence fields, where our Higher Self has a Station of Identity existing at that plane. These current stellar alignments greatly assist us in accessing the clarity of communicating with our higher aspect or Inner Christ Self. Many of us are being spiritually initiated now.

It is important at this time to learn how to become Transparent to these external energies. Do not attach or make judgment on any external behavior, only observe and hold peace inside yourself. We are traversing some major phases of growth, which require we witness what has happened to our race so that we can become aware of what has happened in so we may choose to heal and change. The change starts from within us. [1]


Being Transparent and clear when exposed to adversarial energies sourcing from the environment and others is a much needed skill set these days. Without using ego judgment, or assigning a label, test out the personal resonance of people, events and circumstances that you are choosing to engage with or exchange with, determining which is either aligned to your person or not aligned to your person, in that moment. There is no right or wrong answer, only personal resonance and choice. That answer may change continually in different timelines depending on when you ask the question and what powers of discernment are cultivated. Learning personal discernment builds our necessary boundaries to discover what is productive and supportive for fulfilling our spiritual path or not. Discernment allows for continual productive growth and for the effective use of our personal energies and focused attention. By upholding our personal boundaries and applying discernment towards all things that we focus our energy and our attention upon, we are more effectively managing our Consciousness and life force.


See Also

Compassionate Witness

Service to Others