
(Redirected from Aryan Druids)

Due to their Krystic and holy nature, their outward appearance and behavior reflected the highest qualities of human kindness, ethical conduct, refinement and intelligent nobility, which many thousands of years later led them to be referred to as the Aryans. The word Aryan is a description that originally held the meaning of being a respected compassionate teacher that leads by example, a self-actualized individual that presented as highly civilized, noble and free, without reference to any ethnicity or caste. Unfortunately, the term Aryan is an example of how words can be hijacked away from their actual meaning and further manipulated for the sinister purposes of promoting Mind Control ideologies used by the Controllers. [1]

19th century Indian-Zoroastrian perception of Zoroaster derived from a figure that appears in a 4rd century sculpture at Taq-e Bostan in south-western Iran.

Imposter Spirits Imitating Aryans

Since the Luciferian Rebellion, the invasion of angelic humanity’s advanced culture was being infiltrated with lunar imposters wearing cloned solar garments such as Enki, by manipulating the planet’s sacred sound tones and holy names of God. By artificially wearing Holographic Inserts of the energy signatures of those whom we trusted because they were known to be the most benevolent, spiritually developed and holy among us, these imposter entities were decked out with cloaked lunar lightbodies imitating the spiritual jewels and Krystic frequencies of Aryans, as they were incarnated directly into grail lineages and then rapidly raised into global leadership positions. Since the Atlantian Cataclysm, the luciferian bloodlines were inserted by NAA in order to masquerade as humanity’s highest Solar Dragon Melchizedek Priests, Aryan Druids and Maji Grail Kings and Queens running our global civilization through their shared bonds of serving the Luciferian Covenant, carrying out the ongoing Mind Control methods and agendas for instituting consciousness slavery in the masses.

Thus, the landmass of Éire was known by the Sumerian-Egypt invaders to be the special island designated for the return of the Cosmic Mother and her Edenic Blueprint, and that she alone held the purity and beauty of God which held the immense spiritual power of the cosmic holy spirit to ignite and open the contents of the Emerald Crystal Heart of Éire. These sacred lands were once at the center of the most developed Atlantian Mystery Schools headed by compassionate Aryan Teachers with generational lineages of ancient Druid wisdom, which was purposed to educate the people that came to Éire from all over the globe, some seeking initiation into the sacred arts and mysteries of spiritual Ascension.[2]


See Also

Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings


Solar Dragon

Amethyst Dragon Kings