Cosmic Spiritual Sun

(Redirected from Seven Sacred Suns)

The Cosmic Spiritual Sun Is the Spiritual Sun behind the Sun.

Seven Sacred Suns

The Sun hides an etheric planet (orb) which is an entrance leading to the Cosmic Spiritual Sun, which holds within itself the first principle of the emanation of the Father’s Eternal Light, The Solar King in his Seven Sacred Suns. The Holy Father principle within the Cosmic Spiritual Sun is what gives light to all things in the Universe. The awakening Holy Father is heralding the reappearance of the Cosmic Christos principle in our Solar System.

They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a “ring–pass–not” around our Solar System from the earth coordinate. Now is the time they return to activity with the earth plane and humanity. The release of the Solar Cross (the ring pass not) is tantamount to the related initiation of the planetary logos and the positive future evolution of collective humanity.

The main Solar Body (our visible Sun) is undergoing an evolution in that its magnetic pole is reversing which is further altering its Solar Ray transmissions to Earth and to other planets. This change also alters the function of the constellation Ursa Major in which its seven main stars are sequentially merging forces with their counterpart, the Seven Sister stars in the Pleiades. The resulting alchemical merge of these constellations of stars is manifesting a new expression of creation in the higher cosmic planes. This is referred to as the Seven Sacred Suns in the One. The collective spiritual suns are also called Aurora Sun.

This allows for the Seven Sacred Suns to unite as one connected solar body to transmit the Cosmic Spiritual Sun plasma waves, which is the source field of building the Christos Diamond Sun body in its Seven tones, KA RA YA SA TA AA LA. This is also known as the Krystal Aegis. The Seven Suns are the Base Shield for building the Eukachristic Body or Double Diamond Sun Body of the Oraphim, the vehicle for Christos-Sophia expressions.

This is vastly significant as it marks the astrological resolution of levels of the miasmatic blueprint of many karmic imprinted histories in stellar and cellular memory record. This is similar to saying that there is a clearing of the akashic record related to some karmic events in time that were committed with humanities cooperation. This is a cosmic convergence between the spiritual source, the stellar bodies and the matter worlds at new levels. Some of what may be called “cosmic evil” and “cosmic rage” stemming from multiple planetary histories is coming into final dissolution within the past timelines.[1]

Galactic Suns

The earth core, at the first dimensional level, has been merged with the core of parallel earths in future timelines, thus, weaving together with the Galactic Suns. The opening of inner gates into the parallel allows for new integrations of Cosmic to Galactic Plasmic Sun Source, that is becoming more accessible in the earth crust, and this is called the Aqualine Sun.

Plasma infusions have been made into the earth core, which include the process of weaving Solar light from the Galactic Suns down into the Earth core sun frequencies, allowing the fusion between these multiple solar bodies to occur. This has activated the Mother Earth’s Inner Sun frequencies, which appear now as deep ultraviolet and bluish waves of oscillating plasma light. The blue flame merge is from the 5D core in parallel earth, and the violet flame is from 7D core in parallel earth, and together they unite the Ultra Violet Blue light with their Galactic Sun counterparts. The Galactic Sun frequency has been transmitting from above and is now anchoring into the earth core, gradually merging together and braiding completely with the Earth Sun. The Plasma light that is being generated is from the merge that occurred with the Galactic Suns, which is transmitting from above, while the Earth Sun is transmitting from deep below. This complete connected circuit of the Galactic plasmic light transmissions that is coming from the earth plane is called the Aqualine Sun frequencies.

Thus, the Mother Earth has woven her Sun’s frequencies, from deep inside the earth core while moving up and through the Galactic layers, uniting with the Galactic Suns. Indigos, Starseeds and the Oraphim are the first waves of conduit for transmitting the ascending Aqualine Sun frequencies into the earth. We are the natural conduit for growing these frequencies on the earth surface, as we help to anchor these plasma infusions on the surface grid, this also serves to repair damaged networks or descending hubs.[2]

At the top of our RA shield, we can now merge with the Galactic Suns and beyond plasma frequencies, KA RA YA SA TA AA LA and bring them down to circulate anywhere into our physical being. As we begin to integrate and unite with the Galactic Suns, we may bring the consciousness memories and instruction set of our eternal Diamond Sun body back into our Crystal Heart, which ignites our true nature to return us back into the consciousness of Oneness. As more of our Diamond Sun Body frequencies are aligned with the physical body, more and more of our consciousness memories will be restored.

Non Polarized Base Shield

The Seven Suns frequencies make up the new base shield template that replace the 3D Grounding Mechanism, that existed in the lower three chakras and in the earth chakra interface. Ultimately this is resetting the lightbody grounding to a Base 360 degrees or Non Polarized Base Shield. The Base 360 Grounding Shield means the center core of the lightbody is stationed in no-time, has Transharmonic ability to enter any timeline from within the center of the 360 degrees. The new non-polarized base shield begins to build the completed Eukachristic Body for the Avatar Christos-Sophia consciousness, which is considered the Stairway to Heaven, the access into the Ascension Earth. Further, this subsequently develops into the Krystallah eternal lightbody, the vehicle for the Omniversal Personal Christ on earth and beyond, in its unified male-female hierogamic expression.[3]


See Also

Father Arc

Yod of Father God