Strong Moral Character

From Ascension Glossary
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God-Sovereign-Free (GSF)

To better identify conduct in people and groups that are representative of trustworthy behaviors, we will also need to improve our understanding of the conduct that defines both trustworthy and untrustworthy behaviors. Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct we observe in people with Strong Moral Character and strong core center. Untrustworthy behavior is modeled as unethical conduct in people with weak moral character and weak center.

This is not to create bias or withdraw one’s love and compassion towards observing people that exhibit untrustworthy behaviors through weak moral character. When we see untrustworthy behaviors in ourselves we want to apply loving forgiveness as well as commit to heal our weakness through strong character development. As we identify trustworthy attributes inside ourselves we gain immense self-trust which helps us discern the levels of our trust that is appropriate to give to others.

The purpose is to make improved choices about where one chooses to place trust with others and how to build strong moral character and thus, build trustworthy attributes in the self.[1]

Ego Pitfalls in New Age

In the New Age movement there is a common language used to shape belief systems that generally promote delusional fantasies about the nature of reality, through the denial of personal responsibility to recognize the difference between perpetrated deceptions and authentic truthful behavior. These attitudes reinforce weak character development with low moral values in those communities.

Previously, this issue was discussed here Shifting Foundation of Identity, Update for 2014 about discerning between the intelligence of light and dark without bias, such as with the image used in “calling the car the color red”. To factually call the car the color red is not a judgment, it is describing an attribute of the car. This is to make distinctions between judgmental bias as a description and factually stating the color of the car. If a person says, “the car is red and that is bad”, well that is a judgmental perception. If a person says “the car is rainbows” and it is really red, that person may be pathological or delusional.

The changing foundation of people’s life during the Ascension Cycle will radically alter people’s perception of reality and their capacity to trust. This is the time for greater discernment and yet, going even deeper to be as the compassionate witness.

Many people are afraid to own up to actual events with factual statements because in the New Age movement, people will react by telling them they are being judgmental. Our goal is in making an accurate assessment of character, to better discern the conditions present, rather than making judgments which assign a good or bad value system. As in the car example, stated factually without bias it is not good or bad that the car is “red”, it just is what it is. To evolve beyond base ego drives and instinctual addictions from controlling our bodies, we must identify the difference between the weak moral characteristics of Imposter Spirit (darkness, deception, ego, etc.) and the strong moral characteristics of the truth spirit (eternal self, transparent, Krystic values).

In the New Age movement, there are evasive manipulation strategies in the “throwing around” of terms that we all recognize and resonate with, such as “unconditional love”, “unity” and “ego does not exist”. Many times these terms are used seductively by forceful personalities looking to forego personal Accountability to actions, to easily continue to promote deceptive belief systems, to gather flocks of admirers or followers and to reinforce self-entitled delusions.

Grounded Ethical Behavior

Unfortunately, if a person has not grounded in a strong ethical character and moral fabric before entering the New Age consciousness belief systems, most all of these terms are misused and abused in order to perpetrate deceptions, manipulations, predator behaviors and exert control over good intentioned, heart based, unaware and innocent people. Many of us in our community know this and have suffered through the learning experiences of great betrayals of trust while listening to the superficial flowery words with no substance or meaning behind them. This of course is the unchecked negative ego behaviors which influence low moral conduct.

Across the board in every life experience, whether a self-proclaimed “spiritual person”, an ascension guide, a spiritual guru, raw foodie, green earth activist, or banker, lawyer or accountant – whatever the personality; will we find the same common Negative Ego themes potentially present in all human beings.

Many of us have made the error that because we believed ourselves to be of “spiritual character” and we meet others that say they are of “spiritual character” too, that this inherently means they are trustworthy, ethical people with a strong moral character. This is not so and we must accept this fact as spiritual adults, while learning better how to identify those traits and strengthen our own moral character of trustworthiness.

Strong character is established by the conscientious adherence to moral values, not by words made in lofty rhetoric or with good intentions. Another way of saying that is, building strong character is ethics in action and demonstrated in personal conduct every day.

When we assess situations and discern for trustworthiness, it is wise to look at the personal characteristics of the people involved as well as discern the ethics (virtues) that are highly valued in the organization or group. In most situations, however, when we are talking about a person’s character we are referring to the sum total of his or her moral qualities possibly balanced against his or her imperfections (imbalances). To say a person has a solid moral character does not require that they are perfect; however, it does mean we feel this is a solid person worthy of our trust.

So when we say someone has strong character we are expressing that his or her nature is defined by worthy traits like integrity, courage, and Compassion. People of strong moral character are guided by ethical principles even when it’s physically dangerous or detrimental to their careers, social standing or economic well-being. They do the right thing even when it has a personal cost.

A strong moral character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character.


Be honest • Don’t deceive, cheat, or steal • Be reliable (do what you say you’ll do) • Have the courage to do the right thing • Build a positive reputation to be credible • Be loyal to those who have earned your trust,


Treat others with respect; follow the Golden Rule • Be tolerant and accepting of differences • Use good manners, not bad language • Be considerate of the feelings of others • Don’t threaten, hit or hurt anyone • Deal peacefully with anger, insults, and disagreements,


Do what you are responsible for • Persevere (never give up!) • Always do your best • Use self-control • Be self-disciplined • Think before you react and consider the consequences • Be accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes • Set a good example for others,


Play by the established guidelines • Take turns and share • Be open-minded; listen to others • Don’t take advantage of others • Don’t blame others carelessly • Treat all people fairly,


Be kind • Be compassionate and show you care • Express gratitude • Forgive others • Help people in need,


Do your share to make community better • Cooperate • Build trust in community • Stay informed • Follow guidelines when they make sense • Respect authority when it’s earned with trust • Protect those less privileged •

Strong Spiritual House

When we cultivate our physical self and personality to be disciplined to build a strong moral character, we are building the physical foundation to be strong enough to house the higher attributes of Christ spirit. If our body and mind is morally weak, it is also physically and energetically weak. These physical and energetic weaknesses translate into low moral character in most humans who are not aware of the Archontic Deception promoted as a value system. Since many humans are not taught to develop strong moral character, the mind and body are increasingly weakened when we are easily made consensual to low morals and low ethical standards. Many people cannot tell the difference between high ethical standard and low ethical standard as they are mind controlled through religion, gurus or other control mechanisms.

We are so desensitized to what has become the norm, that we must put focus on the study of strong moral character, ethical conduct and demonstrating an exercise of these higher human traits in our day to day.

A strong moral character is the physical ballast which is directly related to the capacity of embodying the personal virtue (frequency) created by the Spirits of Christ. So we could think of the physical body as the practical reality of grounding into our being a strong moral character in our actions every day, while the spiritual-energetic body expands relative to one’s ethical conduct. Together, this focused mind-body partnership attracts the higher virtues (spiritual gifts) of the Spirits of Christ. This is the key to embodying the Spirit of Christos while in a physical body.

Spirits of Christ

1. Purity 2. Generosity 3. Patience 4. Kindness 5. Discipline/Conservation 6. Diligence 7. Humility

Trustworthy behavior is modeled in the ethical conduct we observe in people with strong moral character. Strong moral character in partnership with placing value on the ongoing spiritual development of krystic attributes manifest emotionally stable, consistent, balanced, loving, compassionate and peaceful people. When our community places value on these moral characteristics as an inspired goal for self-improvement - this creates an invincible strength when the group is unified within community consciousness.

This is the exact reason this community is tested continually to strengthen itself through its individual members by determining what they truly place value upon. If together we place our dedication to the strengthening of our group moral character in partnership with the Spirits of Christ, it is very hard to interfere with our influence on the earth. This is our highest expression and inspiration here and is the trusted value system of the Law of One.

To break strong moral character from building in our group, to break apart trust and confuse issues of trustworthiness, a person(s) of low moral character will reveal itself and create dissent. A low moral character that practices unethical behavior cannot embody the Christ spirit. It can only replicate what it can memorialize as the impostor.

It is important to witness this neutrally and understand why it is occurring, as it is a valuable lesson for all. This is not to create bias or withdraw one’s love and compassion towards observing people that exhibit untrustworthy behaviors through weak moral character.

This is to make improved choices about where one chooses to place trust with others and how to build strong moral character and thus, build trustworthy attributes in the self.

Characteristics of Trustworthy People

  • Authentic
  • Actions and words match
  • Able to say “no” respectfully and “yes” dependably
  • Keep agreements or renegotiate if necessary
  • Able to admit it when they do not know something
  • Able to be both flexible and reliable
  • Show genuine feeling for you if they need to let you down
  • Willing to make compromises but never compromise core principles or personal integrity
  • Consistent ethics, positive values, or principles inform their behavior
  • Willing and able to tell you things you do not like to hear–kindly
  • Able to disagree without needing to argue, or to have friendly disagreements that lead to increased understanding
  • Let you know how they feel, where they stand, and how you stand with them
  • Able to recognize, accept, and enjoy the differences between you
  • After considering others, be sure to turn the same list around on yourself.

Next, I would like to expand on untrustworthy behaviors modeled in people with weak moral character, to comprehend the relationship between low moral character and the Negative Ego, through its main filters; egotism, Narcissism and Psychopathy. The purpose of promoting egotism and narcissism (i.e. alpha male, tyrants) as a positive traits is purposed to maintain low moral character and unethical standards as acceptable characteristic behavior in human beings. This is an Archontic Deception Strategy of which when we can see it working to influence our environment, we can change the course of its direction.


See Also


GSF Behavior

12 Practices of Self Awareness

Law of One


Krystic Qualities Article