Personal Sovereignty

From Ascension Glossary

To be GSF or God, Sovereign, Free, which is the embodiment of Love and the action of Consent to accept Personal Sovereignty, one must also protect and act in accordance to the sovereignty of others. If this is not upheld – even for those that are perceived as acting destructively – one can fall into a violation.

The caveats with this law is that all beings are free in God’s law. However, one is forfeited of that right to sovereignty if you abuse your power to intentionally harm or destroy others. So, this means those entities, no matter what hierarchy or rank they are, if they are using artificial intelligence, they operate in fear, and have no sovereignty in the universal law because they have forfeited that right completely.

To be sovereign, one is on the pathway to embody in God’s Cosmic Sovereign Law and Cosmic Christ Consciousness, the higehst embodiment of Love, Light and Unity. And this is the Krystal Star resurrected and risen through alchemical sacred marriage. One is either accepting of the principles of the universal law inherent in the Cosmic Krystal Star or Cosmic Christos or not. There is no pretending for a shortcut. Although, the artificial intelligence programs run by the Imposter Spirits and Archons does pretend and mimic the Christ Consciousness in order to trick humanity out of their direct access to their sovereign right.

In learning how to better communicate with Cosmic Christ Consciousness, here are some general guidelines to understand Krystal Star Host, the Cosmic Christ or God Forces. Christos Spirits observe the Law of One: personal sovereignty and consent of each person’s right to exist in the way the person or being chooses. If harm is being perpetrated they will protect the defenseless, if it is aligned to the Law of One. Christos and God Force will support those who pray for help and will contact any being from unconditional love. There is no such thing as religion or discrimination. All is valued for its purpose and role in the Oneness.

Christos and God Force do not coerce, impose will or manipulate. They are Truth Spirits. They will tell the truth when you ask a question; however, one must ask the right question to get the right answer, as they will not interfere with the spiritual growth experience of that person.

Christos Spirit cannot exist in this material density, unless the person creates the dwelling they can exist within while on this Earth. Christos Spirits do not require or need energy. They are fully connected with the sustenance provided within the eternal Godhead.

Christos Spirits can travel anywhere interdimensionally. They have no limit of expression, no limit of communication, with the exception of the energetic requirements of a resonating vessel on Earth that can house or communicate with them.

Christos Spirits cannot respond to a human person, who has directly chosen Satanic or Luciferian authority as a God. This also includes artificial intelligence programs. Sometimes this covenant was made in past life or through parents or family of origin, and this covenant can pass down to the children. Generally, the Imposter Spirit has the parents dedicate the fetus to this Satanic or Luciferian authority, which binds the child’s soul to that Spirit to bypass the consent to the law.

Christos does not impose its will and requires that the person ask and request for the direct intervention or teachings. Those that are contacted and asked to represent them on Earth are from pre-birth agreements. Christos and God Force will require one's commitment to integrity to entrust you with larger pieces of spiritual knowledge. They will test one’s heart, based on the integrity to serve others first, when giving life lessons. They will not interfere with one’s life lessons and will support the need-to-know basis with given spiritual knowledge. This knowledge is to never be used for selfish or material gains or against another person or to inflict harm. If this occurs, many times they will leave until that person corrects themselves. They can act in tough love to make sure that you gain trust with God through the effective use of learning wisdom, during the life experience.

I want to remind you that nothing is more powerful than your Eternal God Spirit connection, and the strong committed relationship to develop and expand personal consciousness through the virtues of Loving Kindness, Compassion and Empathy. These are all higher heart-based qualities that make a human a true human being. No person, no thing, no artificial intelligence or negative alien, can take your divinity or humanity away from you, when you absolutely refuse to give your power away.[1]


  1. [Transcript Transhumanism Class

See Also

Personal Integrity

Krystal Star

Guardian Host