Recent 911 Events (2020)

From Ascension Glossary

Recently, we have endured the amplification of the monsters of chaos and satanic agendas that push the timeline wars during the 911 date stamp. The date of 9-11 in the timeline has been an amplified trigger event every annual cycle since the global event of the 2001 Adam Belial ritual. This is capitalized upon by the anti-human forces to produce as much destruction and chaos in the planetary grids as possible. The 911 Timeline is also known as the Armageddon Software mind control program, and includes psychotronic weaponry and bio-warfare weapons used to suppress and control human consciousness, by harvesting collective consciousness energies for the purpose of propagating artificially generated false timelines for the 3D reality. Thus, leading into the autumn planetary cycle, this phase is commonly harvested for a trigger event to catalyze some tragic event in the timeline to maximize human suffering through; disasters, weather cataclysms, false flag events and other catastrophes. Unfortunately, this has been made evident in the recent tragic wildfire burning in the Pacific Northwest, and other places where arsonists are being protected by satanic forces that are burning down natural resources and some areas of major cities. Essentially the energetic destruction shows up in the energy field as a mass insertion point of satanic force gestalts and the Black Sun group having a rage filled control-oriented tantrum.

Many compassionate and caring humans, lightworkers and Starseed gridworkers have been praying and supporting the western seaboard and pacific northwest land mass where satanic based forces have gathered power through occult rituals and local state governmental power. Thus, intending to spread violence through criminal thuggery and proliferate many demonic energies to cause mass destruction in these areas. Those of us in the field have been made well aware that these anti-Christ forces are absolutely enraged at the return of Mother Sophia plasma shields, and the Solar Christ Feminine template, which are designed explicitly to increase the spiritual protection of the natural kingdom. Thus, they have lashed out aggressively at the natural kingdom, as well as humanity and this has been an incredibly painful experience for earth grid keepers. Many of these interdimensional fallen entities and their shadow creature spawn have been running amok in the fields where the fires and lockdowns are the most egregious and tyrannical. Multiple masses of demonic hierarchies, frankenstein appearing shadow creatures had been generated as a type of fallen entity army, many of these having been purged from underground tunnels and sent out as destroyer forces by AI red wave and horseman pulsing technology. These shadow hierarchies seem to act as the first layers of defense on behalf of the actual alien beings themselves, as they use the shadow creatures to attack and derail remote viewers from finding their hidden location in the field. This activity has been tracked in several locations including underground water bases and satellites, especially targeting the main cities on the west coast from Los Angeles to Vancouver. The Guardian forces are holding ongoing defense in these areas, with the Amethyst Order taking center stage defending the hot spot areas with Dragon Rainbow Shields, and repairing several wormhole rips above Oregon.

From the 3D level, usually the areas that are being targeted for organized destruction serve the purpose of generating massively profitable disaster economies for an assortment of non-governmental organizations connected to the Controllers. This is related to applying global geo-political strategies such as a color revolution via bullying tactics that are designed to divide and conquer that particular area, whether it is a sovereign nation, states or major cities. The power elite globalists draw no distinction of territorial lines between nations, they act to blackmail those in power, install their brainwashed cronies and destabilize any area of their choosing for their own personal gain at the cost and suffering of the working class and under privileged. By intentionally weakening powerful nation-states and attacking western cultural influences, this tactic is infiltration from within in order to subjugate the government and its citizenry to their centralized power center in which the faceless unelected officials act to enforce tyrannical laws and mandates to totally dominate the global resources. The globalist coup being highly funded and organized in the western nations is another aspect of the physical representation of the spiritual warfare that is happening on the earth plane.

Many of us as Starseeds and Indigos have incarnated on the earth with the sacred mission to embody the corrected fire letter sequences in our diamond sun DNA template which send the corrected fire letter instruction sets back into the planetary earth grids. The original angelic human DNA template carries the correct configuration of fire letters and time vector codes that correspond to the activation of higher dimensional life force frequencies to run its coding into the planetary grid network. This supports the spiritual healing and integration of the Universal Tribal Shield. Essentially, all organic lifeforms on the planet have a specific role through their embodiment to anchor a portion of the fire letter sequences that help to eventually evolve and ascend the realms of planetary consciousness by shifting timelines. Transmission of plasmic light codes for the purpose of correcting the fire letter sequences supports the planetary body to restore electromagnetic balance and alignment with the diagonal grids, that help shift timelines to the global ascension and disclosure event.

Every one of us has a valuable part to play in the planetary ascension by supporting the divine plan for evolving humanity towards the disclosure event timeline. It may be that your role is to be loving and kind and to spread spiritual love into the earth, to fully embody your highest spiritual source, or to clear shadow forms from gaining control over your mind. Spiritual ascension is not glamourous, it requires dedication in the self-inquiry process and in clearing miasma with shadow work, being totally honest with ourselves and others, and attempting to open our crystal heart petals as wide as possible to allow the pure love of God to guide us through the maze of confusion and darkness. Stay the course, don’t listen to the demonic voices and echo chambers repeating the controlled narrative of the tyrants and bullies, the world is not ending. The benevolent forces of God Source and Christos-Sophia are reclaiming this earth and Ascension is assured for all, it is only a matter of time.[1]


See Also

Armageddon Software

Religious Violence


Archontic Deception Strategy