Clear Pathogen Puller Devices

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Beloved God, Holy Father, Holy Mother, Holy Christ Sophia, my Christ/Avatar Self, my Guardian Host Ascension Teams, and my Guardian Medical Technicians and Galactic Surgeons:

Requesting a scan of my body to track any frequency following response during sleep or when I am out in the world where there are areas with groups of people where I might be exposed to vaccinated people or assorted ELFs that are coming out of cell phones that could be directing self assembly energetic programs into the limbs of my human body where I might have weaknesses in my aura and my individuals constitution.

Asking for the clearing of all stiff areas, pain, blockages, dead energy, pestilent programs, and black magic to be cleared from my lower limbs.

Identify, locate, remove and repair all pathogen pullers that are connected to gender reversal programming and anti hierogamic splitter tech that might be scrambling the ability of my left axitonial lines to receive frequencies from my base shield.

Please clear all crucifixion trauma imprints and reversal violet ray in our history that might be used to create an instruction in this transmission for synthetic biology to make rubbery clots from the genetic record of my DNA.

Please extract all programs of antichrist programming.

Please identify, locate remove and repair all clotting mechanisms in the pathogen puller.

Please extract all hydrogel instruction sets. And please clear all the DNA or genetic record from hydrogel instruction sets. I do not consent to anything that is sourced to track blood types, sourced to track genetic typing, sourced to track unvaccinated search scans, or sourced to track hydrogel polymer morgellons nanotech instruction set or any other array of synthetic biology.

I do not consent to any pathogen puller implant that is designed to attach to my lower limbs to block incoming solar light and organic Krystic frequencies as a result of the recent corrections and activations with the Morgana and Merlin corrections.

Please make all corrections for supporting my stomach and spleen connections to my left side related to the spiritualization of my blood and the correction of that relationship to organic earth elements.

Identify, locate, remove and repair pathogen pullers related to hydrogel polymers, morgellons nano technology, synthetic biology clots, and pathogenic substances and organisms that need to be cleared, extracted, removed and detoxified.

I do not consent to any pathogen puller device that is used to bring in any disease vector.

I do not consent to anything attempting to create a disease vector in my body that causes my body’s immunity to be vulnerable to any kind of parasitic invasion or GMO invasion.

Beloveds, please strengthen my immune system so that it is strong enough to combat all disease vectors.

It is done. It is finished. It is sealed God would have it be.

Thank you God. Thank you God. Thank you God.[1]


  1. [Adapted by Laurie from June 2024 Class]

See Also

12-D Shield

Dark Arts Training

Spiritual Crisis