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Extreme forms of Lust is stemming from [[Mind Control]] miasma that was programmed into levels of the human genetic material from many hidden histories of forced [[Breeding Programs]] with reptilian based races. This is related to both Blood Lust and Sexual Lust. These forced breeding programs initially were attempting to create attraction to have sexual relations with a species that was not desirable to your own race. In the ancient days, on other planets, in many cases people were not sexually nor physically attracted to a being that was not of their specific race or genetic material. This was not necessarily discrimination, it was the natural energetic composition that existed (or differed) between the gene pool, which is a form of collective consciousness. The consciousness of specific genetic material was not designed to hybridize with other species and would naturally repel itself from the desire to do so. This is similar to understanding that a human being would not want to have sex with animal species and procreate with that animal.
It is similar to say that the Royal Lines of Humans from the times of [[Lyran Wars|Lyra]] did not have any attraction or desire to have sex or children with invading reptilian races.  Timelines of this related trauma around breeding programs, forced sexual relations and the problems with hybridization, are all entangled in the sexual misery programming. This posed a severe problem on earth with [[Moon Chain]] lineages, the creatures that digressed into the energetic fields of lusting entities in the earth, and the [[Fallen Angelics|demonic hierarchies]] that feed upon them. These multiple hierarchies are used by the [[NAA]] off planet to enforce, promote and spread the [[NRG]] sexual distortions. This manifests in forms of deviant, disconnected, violent sexual relations connected to lust, which leads to sexual addiction. Any person who is controlled by lust will be a hand puppet for the [[NAA]].<ref>[Divine Infinite Calculus]</ref>
==Lemurian Holocaust==
The Dracs sought out revenge and went to the Lemurian continent to finish out the genocidal massacres in Kauai later 22,000 years ago, to kill off all the Lemurian Race Matriarchal influence and [[Essenes, Christos Templars]] influence on the earth. They took some of the women for their forced [[Breeding Programs]]. This was the final genocide of the Lemurians, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and the last stage of the [[Lemurian Holocaust]]. <ref>compiled by many years of remote sessions and included in the Sarasota presentation, October 2013</ref>
The Dracs sought out revenge and went to the Lemurian continent to finish out the genocidal massacres in Kauai later 22,000 years ago, to kill off all the Lemurian Race Matriarchal influence and [[Essenes, Christos Templars]] influence on the earth. They took some of the women for their forced [[Breeding Programs]]. This was the final genocide of the Lemurians, that was aided by the Annunaki negotiations and agreements, and the last stage of the [[Lemurian Holocaust]]. <ref>compiled by many years of remote sessions and included in the Sarasota presentation, October 2013</ref>