Invocation for Sacred Sexual Embodiment: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Glossary
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Revision as of 21:53, 14 March 2016

The practice of *dedicating one's genitals* to the Christ~Forces has been mentioned recently. Drawing upon ES language references familiar to our Dial~Up Sequence with our Guardian Beloveds, I wish to offer some remixed wording to support this.

As always, I trust you will take only what resonates and germinates well in the vast soils of your own unique Garden, while composting anything which does not Serve you and your Intention.


Begin by fortifying 12D Shield.

Beloved God, please open all channels of light. Clear all light fibers to be connected and resonant with the Living Light Code. Infuse your Love~Light into my Sacred Form, that the Flowering Lotus of the Christ, Blooming Life~Force into, through and beyond my genitals may Breathe the In~Breath of the Divine Mother and the Out~Breath of the Holy Father, in Hieros Gamic Union both Within and Without.

I ask that God, my Avatar Self, the Aurora Races, the Aurora Elemental Command, the Mother Arc and the Guardians/ Founder Races, bring the Ascension Template to all my Intimate Relations. Bring true liberation and freedom to our planet. Assist me here and now in reclaiming organic erotic pleasure, restoring heart~based intimacy and repairing healthy sexual bonding as Expressions of God's Sacred Marriage, Embodied Herein.

I consecrate and dedicate my genitals and my sexuality this day and always to the Purpose of One.

I ask that my Sexual Expression, whether engaged in solo practice or within a conjoining, whether procreative or co~creative, be sustained in the eternal power of my God Consecration. I ask for Gate~Keeping to hold the highest creative purpose of my Sexual Vitality and Eros, so that all the past, present and future influences, experiences and exchanges with my Self, my Lover/ HEARTner/ Beloved, Be Fully Connected, Resonant and in Service to the Living Light Code.

I intend Sacred Sexual Unification, the Hieros Gamic Principle as an energetic reality on this planet and within the Creative Sexual Forces of this Body Temple, and the Body Temple of my Lover, here, now and always.

I request the handshake and the hub to fortify my spiritual links into the core of God itself and that which is the source of my Genesis. Beloveds, I ask you to please sanctify and prepare my Body and Spiritual House for God~Consecrated Sexual Intimacy. Please activate the Cosmic Christ Seed within my Genitals, and the Genitals of my Lover/ Heartner/ Beloved.

Please adjust all hormonal secretions, sperm and ovum releasing from the reproductive system, which also affects erotic response and function by fully dedicating all sexual life~force conduits and pathways to the Eternal Love Light of Christ. Guardian Teams, I ask for the appropriate reproductive system adjustment and calibration, as God Would Have it Be. Please Return to Rightful Owner my Sexual Ecstasy and Bliss.


I call for an axiatonial line upgrade in the core of my genitals, extending to my heart so that the architectural lotus points of my heart matrix may emerge from LOVE into, through and beyond my sexual expressions, and be a part of breathing the zero point of God.

I call to the Aurora Elemental Command to upgrade my physical elemental structure so that the base~pulse rhythm of my body and consciousness may be encrypted to allow Monadic Integration and Hieros Gamic Sexual Union with my Self, and my Lover/ Heartner/ Beloved, so the life~seed atom that is a part of the Christ Seed in the heart of my genitals may be Reclaimed as an Expression of Divine Love and Sacred Harmony.

I Dedicate and Consecrate my Genitals as a Temple of Divine Union between the Mother Arc 13th dimensional frequency, and the Yod of Father God. I ask that as I connect with the Universal Kundalini Biorhythmic Sphere to restore all related hormonal chemical responses to Organic Living Light now. Connect the axitonial lines through my reproductive system into my Heart. I call upon the Celestine Fire to ignite my genitals for purification of purpose. Upgrade my Sacred Sexuality to be fully resonant with the Hieros Gamos Template so that I may wear the Wedded Garment Robe of God.

STS Sweep, Clear and Heal all past and parallel sexual relations so that the multiple energetic levels of my genitals may reach toward the physical embodiment of the Christ~Consciousness. Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair all negative sexual memories, NRG distortions, reversal matrixes, dead~light miasmatic structures, astral debris, Lunar Distortions, Sexual Misery Programs, Sexual Archetypes and Moloch Overlays. Open all Spiritual-Energetic Communication Links between GOD-AVATAR-MONAD-SOUL-ETHERIC-NADIS-MIND-BRAIN-CNS-SPINAL-CORD-and my Genitals.

Beloveds, please remove all genital distortions where there are mutations, reversal movements and drag. Please protect and bless the Sexual Expression of my genitals and that of my Lover/ Heartner/Beloved.

Anchor, lock and seal this work into the hologram now.

I thank you with all my heart for your assistance.

And so it is.[1]


See Also

NRG Implants




Princess Code

Sacred Sexual Embodiment Invocation