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As we evolve into the new paradigm and begin to update the meaning behind currency exchange and payment systems, we are in a transition towards evolving a new economic model. We are going to need to begin to practice that model in our day to day lives in order to apply it effectively. It is unlikely that the concept of currency will cease to exist in our lifetime on the earth, so we need to think about a type of currency that honors and cares for humanity, adds incentives for personal merit, virtues, expertise and ethical qualities, while supporting the earth and placing the highest value upon life. Behind the scenes there are alternative currencies in play for ensuring global stabilization of the nations’ economies, yet the infighting within the cabals is raging over the perceived loss of territory and power.

Money or currency represents something of value, both at energetic levels and tangible levels. The paper or coin has no value outside of what it represents to that society. Money or currency translates into some tangible creation, service or achievement that the recipient of the money has generated in a value exchange through directing their own personal time and energy. Money represents the accumulated value of services and contributions that help to ensure the entire wellbeing of the community. We must spread that value and service to others, in order to keep circulating the money-energy to exchange with others that also contribute to the overall wellbeing of the community in their own ways. When we value human beings and what they contribute, the value is embedded in the work, service or product that is exchanged. The money received should represent the fair value exchange of that work. Money received represents the value of your work, time, energy, talents and contribution, when you spend that money you are letting go of the value created and honoring the value another person has created. We exchange our value for another person’s value and that circulates exchanges of energy between people and systems of energy. In order to function fairness, ethical conduct and trustworthiness is critical in that there is a fair distribution of resources between all parties involved that is based upon the time and effort made. Equity in a system means that there is a direct link between the value associated with one person’s actions and the value associated with another person’s actions. All people are component parts of the entire system of energy that is equally valued for their contribution, and this is needed to function well. Communities or systems of energy in organizations rely on collaboration, cooperation, and fair value exchange, in order to thrive as a community resource and remain available to those who value and participate with it.

In the current debt based monetary system, most people do not have value for themselves. They have no value or appreciation for others or their hard work, or the time and effort it takes in directing energy and effort towards something being created. When people do not hold value for energy or for others time and efforts, through self-entitlement or lack of value in themselves they become energy vampires that siphon energy and stop the flow of circulation. Any system of energy, such as an organization that has too many people that are energy vampires or refuse to contribute, and that group does not hold value for the services or does not want to engage in a fair value exchange, the overall energy drain can kill the organization. The organization or service becomes unsupportable with too many people that refuse to circulate a fair value exchange. This is why it’s critical to weed out energy vampires, and re-educate them beyond poverty consciousness to learn how to be competent enough to become a productive member of the community.

As humans learn to develop emotional competency, they develop self-worth and can then value other people’s time, energy and efforts in order to contribute. This energetic concept is crucial to understand in any organization. In the current 3D mind set, giving people free things that they have no value for is disastrous, it drains precious resources and is extremely wasteful and unproductive. The key component for humanity to learn in this economic shift is to appreciate human life and natural resources, while learning how to offer fair value exchanges that contribute to the whole community. To shift the economic model, we have to listen to what people need and not give them things they have no value or use for. Many of the politicians in power are totally out of touch with what people really need in order to have an increased quality of life. When we orientate ourselves to be of service to the whole and we cultivate our talents and act authentically, caring for others and applying effort to improve ourselves, it is a natural byproduct to manifest more prosperity and happiness.

Flourishing in the New Energy

As we may be dismantled from the old anti-life structures that have pervaded the economic system, to be successful going forward we have to transform our personal values in the ways we have exchanged our energy and our currency. We have the opportunity to realign currency with what we truly value, and to direct it in ways that support life force, peace and prosperity. Even if we have pennies to our name, we have to value our selves and others without resentment or bitterness. We have to learn the strength and discipline in maintaining fearlessness in the now moment, and not hoard things from fears of poverty consciousness. This experience of feeling financially insecure, although it can feel terrifying, teaches us to learn how to be inner directed and cultivate our spiritual connection to lead us forward, first and foremost. If we master this uncertain state by maintaining peace and calm, we can listen to guidance and be led in the right direction. Patience is required as delayed gratification teaches the ego that it is not in control anymore.

The creation of new currency formats will be explored and developed much more progressively during this phase of transition. The recent changes in the new energy architecture since the end of 2012, will finally support balanced energy exchange for those human beings that sincerely support goods and services with intentional humanitarian values. We have to better understand the corruption and satanic ritual used to control the world money supply and consciously override its control over us. Learning to bless our selves and bless money, while changing our values about money, is a potent way to begin to positively change the distribution of money supply that we have right now.

There are some common ground rules to understand going forward, in learning that you will be provided for when you commit to serve your spiritual values through a Service to Others orientation. Even when it may look dismal and impossible on the external. Sometimes you may feel that you are in a dead end job so you can spend your free time developing your inner knowledge and clarity of self. Getting past poverty consciousness fears and clearing feelings of dependency on materialism may take some time. Becoming aware of where there are weak spots, where there is poverty consciousness, is the first step in learning to strengthen your self to face these fears and go beyond them. If you are in a forced hiatus in earning revenue, reflect on how you can create value exchange with humans that value life force. Refocus and revalue all poverty thought forms as not your own, but as reptilian mind control in order to engineer a slave race. Override those thoughts with feelings and inspirations of freedom, creativity and untapped human potentials as inner sustaining life force expressing through your mind, body and spirit.

Here are some guidelines to remember in creating value exchange currency in the new energy architecture:

Intend to establish a clear value exchange and purpose in all professional and personal relationships. Honor all transactions you make as win-win scenarios, rather than winner-loser. Be fearless with parting with currency or money in every transaction, even if it's bills. Develop better communication skill and open the dialogue for absolute clarity with exchanges and expectations that may be discussed beforehand, between parties involved. Payment given is intentionally exchanged at full 100% value of currency transacted. Do not devalue who you are paying or the service and goods you are paying for. Set the intention to receive currency from only those who truly value you and your service. Bless and sanctify all resources that you have with an appreciation for Life. Be grateful. If a payment is received with negative energy or devaluation, bless the transaction at 100% value and release the negativity cords between the parties exchanged. The way exchanges based on poverty consciousness were commonly made in the past, such as vampirism deals, selling your soul for money, deceit or manipulation to suck something out of another is not tolerated. Dressing up a product you do not believe in or doing work that is not aligned to your personal or spiritual development will be felt as dead energy. If we do not address the dead energy, we may have energetic consequences to that decision. Achieving a healthy self-esteem and personal worth by aligning ourselves to soul worthy goals and inspirations is our daily practice of revaluing our personal priorities. The good news is that we do have every support in the Universe to help us make these profound shifts into a supportive and loving outcome. We must understand that we are being asked to raise the bar. This year is going to increase the intensity to transform the old order and this will target the economic structure and money supply. Do not let this scare you, stay awake as we walk through the Dark Night on the planet, knowing this is a necessary part of the transformation. Revalue your priorities and revalue yourself.[1]


See Also