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To become better equipped to discern where we are placing our energies, it is important to attempt to identify and discern the differences that exist between the façade of promoted appearances, versus the hidden motivation or intention that exists behind the façade. When a structure or person represents themselves as something they are not, we call that an Imposter. When referring to the system of energy that the Imposter structure is running in disguise or behind a facade, this is an inverted system or reversal of the overall system of energy. This means that the energy being collected in a system is based upon the appearance of the Imposter Façade, while the true motivation is actually the opposite of what has been energetically represented. This is what usurps consciousness energy through Misaligned Personal Intention from those unaware of what they are actually engaging with.

Knowing how to discern Inverted Systems increases our ability to make accurate assessments, which better inform our decisions. This is a skill set of paying attention to details and subtle energies in the environment, structures and in people, in order to translate that information into an awareness of their unspoken primary motivations. When we have knowledge of the motivation behind things, we can assess if their intentions are truthful or deceptive, as well as consider their competency levels to manage a system, so that it does not become inverted. This is defined as a person that is inner directed and ethical, not prone to reactive impulses and jumping for money. Then after accurate assessments, we can adjust accordingly to refine our decisions and personal intentions in those particular circumstances.

Improved Discernment comes from recognizing that the human culture has been infiltrated with a general NAA storefront that uses Inverted Systems to represent their interests to the public. If a thug intends to harm or steal from you, they surely will not announce this to your face. To get away with criminal behavior, it has to be dressed up as something pleasing to the eye or seductive to catalyze feelings of attraction, to play on their targets needs and desires. Therefore, the NAA and Power Elite employ genius marketing strategies in order to satisfy their objectives of deceiving the public, through a parade of skillful distractions.

And so to hide their true motivations, marketing propagandas are produced to represent certain narratives that are given to the public, while in private, the hidden or harmful motivations are the complete opposite. Secrecy and hiding in layers of Compartmentalization produces corruption and deception. This defines the sophisticated levels of deception and manipulation designed to invert the truth, in order to distort the media images used to portray someone or something. What is represented to the public is heavily marketed and advertised, and our goal should be to see the outward sales tactic and look deeper towards the motivations behind it. What are they selling to us and for what reasons? The Death Culture promotes duplicity and manipulation while rewarding Psychopaths in the workplace. To remain coherent and clear, we have to see this duplicity and take firm steps to correct this behavior in ourselves.

When there are motivations that are being made toward you that are deceitful, hidden or harmful, you have every right to deflect them through accessing higher knowledge of them. Therefore, observe the facade of storefronts in inverted systems and the duplicity within other people without judging them. Use careful discernment so that you are able to sense the hidden motivations that are revealed in their actions. Most people operate from the cluttered unconscious mind and have hidden motivations and perceptions that they do not share with others directly or overtly. People have been conditioned to be duplicitous in manipulation, in order to get the upper hand over other people. This is the common tactic used to gain power or control over others. How many times have you observed manipulation in sales tactics? Using highly unethical behavior that is rewarded and is designed to grossly take advantage of other people?

But if we pay attention to people’s actions and see if their words match, we will be greatly informed of their belief systems, which are revealed outwardly in their activities every day. To have a greater comprehension of the world of inverted systems that we live in, we can recognize an effective line of inquiry towards revealing the hidden truth in the matter. The demonstrated longer-term actions of a person, corporation, or structure, will inform us of the belief systems in place, which define the energy within the structure. Knowing the beliefs powering up that person or entities drives will lead to knowing the hidden perceptions they have about the environment. Their perception of others will link into their deepest hidden motivations, and this line of inquiry will give you clarity on what quality or kind of person or thing you may be dealing with.

In everything and everyone motivation is usually hidden and influences perception. Perception influences belief systems, while their beliefs will influence their actions in the external. Pay attention to a person’s actions, pay attention to a corporation or government body’s overall actions, and follow the trail to the hidden motivation. It is there that their real intentions can be observed. Generally on this planet we can follow the money and see where it leads, from the destruction it wields. The Imposter cannot hide themselves 100 percent of the time, they always reveal themselves over time.

Controller System of Inversion

In everyday life, Inverted Systems allow for the production of artificial storefronts or business facades that more effectively hide the real intentions of that industry from the public, which allows for easy dark infiltration to feed corruption, reversals and blackmail. The imposters hire psychopaths and marketing propaganda teams to represent them, while operating from within the deep compartmental layers built upon the same inverted system of energy. Thus, they generally remain hidden from view and scrutiny, unseen and unknown by the rest of the workforce, or the greater public. It is important to be able to identify the profiles of psychopathic and criminal behavior, because psychopaths are specifically being groomed in humanity in order to act as the managerial gatekeeper in the industries that enforce the inverted systems and enforce the reversals to stay in place. Thus, the workplace psychopaths are doing their job of serving the anti-human structures that increase the overall suffering in the world.

Consumptive Modeling

This is carried out in the design of siphoning energy, which is consumptive modeling. Consumptive Modeling is the taking, stealing, superimposing or using of another's energetic resources or life force for one's personal use or personal gain, which is enforced by the False King of Tyranny archetypes or False Gods. Usually this process is the taking or stealing of other people’s energetic resources, which are hidden within complex deceptions, lies and manipulation carried out through a sophisticated militarized design that is layered with Compartmentalization and Mind Control. Inverted Systems are the core structural program of the NAA to enslave planet earth and humanity, through the stealing of energy and Self-Ownership made through the Workplace Psychopath Corporatocracy Model, which is based on the same closed loop system of energy inversion. Let’s look deeper at the impact the current corporate culture has made in promoting consumptive modeling and inverted systems throughout our society, while shaping and rewarding psychopathic behaviors in humanity. See If Corporations Are People, They Are Psychopaths.[1]


See Also