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The Luciferian Attributes and Impostor Spirit Qualities (STS or Service to Self Agenda)

These are general energetic qualities of the Luciferian Spirit and its archetypes that one will find driving the motivation of the Negative Ego False Light systems:

  • Cloaks itself within the authority of False Father God archetypes to manipulate though domination and control while shapeshifting its outward appearance in both physical genders.
  • Siphons spiritual light and rapes the Mother's Holy Spirit through the feminine principle with Vengeance and Self-righteousness, while propping up a false spiritual parent of the Mother to the masses.
  • Through False Parent Archetypes it can only use the Negative Ego constructs to produce false spiritual light for its creations.
  • False Light is temporary and has to be consistently replenished through stealing or vampirising from others inner resources of Light, primarily covets the Mothers Holy Spirit therefore misogynistic.
  • Has hatred and disdain for the power of the Mother's spiritual principle and resents and blames her Son, Christos for his position, therefore has crucified him/her.
  • Has a superior, hierarchal and elitist mental body belief system that tricks it to believe its position or ability is higher than it really is; self-entitled.
  • Deception, manipulation and vampirism of others are its theme to survive within promoting chaos, confusion and ambiguity.
  • Self-aggrandisement of personal leadership role through its negative ego compels it to abuse power and authority believing the innocent are stupid to be led deceptively and controlled.
  • Promotes false hierarchy for domination and control through promotion of hive mind mentality. (Hive mind is carry out group orders and do not question authority)
  • Becomes hostile and violent when its authority or power is questioned.
  • Uses inner and outer violence to promote its agenda and will sacrifice others easily for its own selfish motivations.
  • Skillful to use manipulation techniques to avoid transparency, accountability to actions which is to continually deceive others through a divide and conquer strategy.
  • Uses biblical deception and salvation models to promote seed fears of Armageddon software and Victim/Victimizer archetypes to target any development of unity consciousness including attacking and destroying human values for achieving unconditional love and peace.
  • Steals access to paranormal ability or supraluminal intelligence in order to use astral glamour as the way to pretend or provide proof to the enslaved human in the display of its "superior" intelligence and authority of those who serve the Luciferian False Light System (This is the razzle and dazzle to create followers of the false light systems.) This way the person who is "astral hypnotized" does not realize the same Luciferian spirit in that person feeding the astral glamour is actually being used as their spiritual jailer and prison warden. This creates a reliance and dependency on the very thing that enslaves the person in the false light which traps them without evolutionary possibility continued in the afterlife.

Newsletter Reference

October 2013 Newsletter

See Also

Imposter Spirit
