Biological Cycles of Spiritual Expansion: Difference between revisions

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So let’s briefly review the Biological Cycles of Spiritual Expansion in the Original Human DNA. As in the structure of the Four Corners, The Four Faces of Man, there are also Four Main Pillars of Spiritual Foundation for Human Biological Cycles.

  • Biological Age 12 (Soul or Initiate, 4-5-6)

Prior to the year 2000, most all earthlings were blocked in their DNA and unable to access or begin full soul embodiment by Age 12. This is a mutation in the genetics. In the last 26,000 years and prior to 2000, about 68% of the earth population met partial soul accretion levels at some point in their lifetime and were reincarnated back into 3D again. A very small percentage were freed of the karmic wheel, while the rest were trapped in servitude in the Underworld. After 2000, this is accretion is possible above 4D at age 12 and happens in approximately 20% of the population, all Indigos. The rest of us have to catch up in our biology later or have specific contract.

  • Biological Age 22 (Oversoul or Adept, 7-8-9)

Prior to the year 2000, most all earthlings were blocked in their DNA and unable to access or begin oversoul embodiment by Age 22 or in their lifetime. This is a mutation in the genetics. After 2000, this is possible and happens in approximately 20% of the population, all Indigos. The rest of us have to catch up in our biology later. Monadic waves for biological embodiment became available in 2009 on planet and are undergoing further ascension development now. Prior Monad embodiment is by specific individual agreement. This means for the soul embodied, the oversoul/monad is beginning to possibly inhabit the biology now.

  • Saturn Taskmaster – Age 27

During this Cycle preparation for catching up on soul lessons that were missed by accelerating painful or unresolved issues in the life stream will begin. How the person chooses to deal with this cycle of time determines the spiritual level that can be accessed. The more resistance to change, the more suffering the person will experience. The goal is to alter the life path of the being to be interested in soul pursuits. This is created as an early exit point, or “escape hatch” when the soul is not sure if they want to stay here. If they stay 1st level of Ancestral Miasm is activated to begin clearing.

  • Biological Age 33 (Avatar Teacher or Christ Ritual Master 10-11-12)

Prior to the year 2000, most all earthlings were blocked in their DNA and unable to access Avatar embodiment by Age 33 or in their lifetime. This is a mutation in the genetics. After 2000, this is possible and happens in less than 1% of the population in predestined agreement, all Indigos. The rest of us have to catch up in our biology later or have specific contract. Avatar waves for biological embodiment become available in 2012 on planet and are undergoing further ascension development now. This means for the few oversoul embodied, the Avatar is possible to begin to inhabit the biology. Most all above 12 stranded Indigos will have a walk in, massive kundalini or spiritual event at Age 33, especially if they are incarnated for World Teacher or World Service. Many humans will have spiritual events at Age 33 also to reflect this biological pattern in the DNA. When this happens they have to start at the Soul accretion, and move up the Jacobs ladder to accrete each level until the Avatar levels. Because of the physics of consciousness, there are no shortcuts. Too much frequency exposure can damage the brain and nervous system extensively.

  • Biological Age 44 (Guardian or Rishi Sun, Zero Point)

Most all earthlings were blocked in their DNA and unable to access Guardian Sun embodiment by Age 44 or any Age. This is a mutation in the genetics on this planet and currently unavailable in a physical form. New templates of embodiment are being created for Aurora Guardian templating. This is a Founder Guardian God Consciousness in Form. The Founders are returning to the planet to resurrect the dead and repair the DNA damage. They are completely Neutral.

  • Saturn Taskmaster – Age 54

During this Cycle preparation for catching up on soul lessons that were missed by accelerating painful or unresolved issues in the life stream will begin. In many cases if the person did not get the message at Age 27, they will manifest disease or sickness as an exit point now. How the person chooses to deal with this cycle of time determines the spiritual level that can be accessed. The more resistance to change, the more suffering the person will experience. The goal is to alter the life path of the being to be interested in soul pursuits. Many times awakening comes in disease and during the process of death transition and the person receives much evolution by undergoing the learning process this way. So they may manifest a disease path that results in rapid death of the body, or choose to exist in the disease state for many years forward to learn how to love themselves better. This is generally brought on by an Ancestral Miasm activation. If they did not clear the first level of it at Age 27, they have a double level of intensity applied now. The Taskmaster has no mercy at this point, in its goal to mold the person to connect with their Spirit.

As you may note in advanced biological human Age (after Age 54) these biological cycles can be repeated in order to best serve the evolution of the person. As an example there are many people biologically older than 54 that are just now beginning to advance into the Soul Initiation. However their lifestream will still obey this cycle moving forward as it is in the human DNA record.

When we understand that the true DNA of our human race has been mutated, the natural spiritual expansion cycles get distorted and you will notice the cycles playing out at different age levels of the biology. As example, when a person begins soul accretion, the original template is to begin that process at Age 12. A human being not understanding emotional intelligence and emotional maturity or responsibility may revert to emotionally childlike behavior. How many of us have had our biological parent act like a child? When one is undergoing spiritual shifts, the behaviors, or imbalances get extremely amplified. So you may see a person acting out their emotional tantrums like a 12 year old. This gives you a clue why humanity is so “childlike”. Without soul connection, a human can revert to infantile rooting behavior. Embodiment of spirit also increases emotional intelligence and maturity for these reasons. Humanity has not only been oppressed spiritually, but stunted and damaged emotionally.[1]


See Also:

12D Ray

Krystal Star

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 107