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Parasitism is a non-mutual symbiotic relationship between species, where one species, the parasite, benefits at the expense of the other, the host. During the Dark Cycle, earth became a consciousness prison based on the predatorial parasitism of the life force energy of all living creatures, especially when they die. As a result of the transdimensional parasitism of the planetary body, the human race became infected with Energy Parasites and implants that are designed to siphon the higher consciousness energy and vital forces from out of the body. This means that as a result of the parasitism of the human body, this generated severe energy depletion or entropy, which made it very difficult for humanity to embody their spiritual layers, such as connecting with their soul, monad and avatar consciousness bodies.

Additionally, most people on earth do not have access to their other lifetime consciousness memories, and thus are not aware that they have spiritual bodies that are made of electromagnetic frequency and pure intelligent consciousness energy that exist in other dimensions. If these spiritual bodies are ignored by the person while they are incarnated in the physical reality, it means that predatorial people and parasitic entities can use the consciousness energy of that person without their consent and awareness.

When the human body is weakened and the mind is in amnesia, it is easier for the NAA extradimensional parasites to gain control over the mind and body of those they intend to siphon and imprison. We must better understand the concepts of energetic parasitism that are designed to weaken all the layers of the human body, and how that weakness is exacerbated through the attachment of many different shadow creatures, spirits, implants and microorganisms that exist in physical and nonphysical dimensions. When we are weakened by energy parasites we can get sick, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, thus making it easier to be controlled through an assortment of attachments and possessions. Energetic imbalances weaken the body and produce energetic parasites that when they remain uncleared, the demonstrated effects of parasitism will eventually show themselves in the physical plane and reveal as illness in one or more of the layers, within the physical body, mental body, emotional body and spiritual body.

When Earth was Invaded by Predatorial Parasites

From the Guardian perspective, the Luciferian Rebellion reached its culmination during the Atlantian cataclysm, which set into motion the darkest of Dark Aeons, the cycle in which the fallen predators in this Universe would rise to rule as the False Gods on the earth plane. The last 26,000 years is delineated as the darkest descent into the phantom and underworld realms that are upheld by predatorial parasitism, blood sacrifice and consciousness enslavement which was enforced by the False Alien Gods or Archons, under which the entire planetary soul was imprisoned in a closed source system. As a consequence of these events, the earth and her inhabitants would experience the furthest separation that is possible from the Universal Godhead, as the Archon predators built frequency fences and bi-wave machinery around the planet’s body that would continually recycle souls and continue to harvest all living things on the earth for energy and food source.

As the planetary body became more infected over time with the bi-wave architecture, which includes the lunar matrix, alien machinery, alien genetic modification implants and assorted technological devices used to siphon life force energy, this fed and generated an assortment of Energy Parasites which digressed the earth realm to convert into a material reality based upon predatorial parasitism. Parasitism of other’s life force is needed by those who are inherently parasitic, such as these black hole entities that are unable to generate life force themselves. The invaded earth became designated as a playground for these fallen predators in order for these NAA groups to stay at the top of the pyramidal scheme as the Power Elite in order to maintain control over the distribution of energy upon the material plane, directing earth resources to power up systems in other dimensional realities. The Archontic Engineered Parasitism escalated in the last hundred years into the consumptive modeling, psychopathic corporatocracy and the continual efforts made in social engineering to mind control the public into accepting and normalizing the inverted systems of the death culture that we can see operating on the earth today.[1]


See Also

Sourcing Parasitic Structures

War Over Consciousness