Spiritual Abuse in Organ Donation: Difference between revisions

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Every human being has a unique combination of spiritual forces and physical forces that make up the entire constitution of that person, and this information is enmeshed within their cellular material, it is recorded in every part of their body. The physical tissues are imbued with the intelligence of the soul that has spiritual imprints that are unique to that individual. If you cut out an organ and transplant that tissue into another body, the soul and spiritual imprints carried in the transplanted tissues are now enmeshed in the body of another unique individual soul. The physical and spiritual layers of the donor and the transplant recipient are now forever entwined in all of the energetic consequences of the actions that have happened behind the event, and within all people involved.

If the organ was received from an unwilling donor, or they were potentially murdered for their organs, the incredible pain and destructive elements will be carried forth in both the soul of the donor and in the physical body of the recipient. The impacts to all involved are incredibly destructive, especially when the transplants take place without any recognition of the soul and consciousness that is involved in the process. In such destructive situations, the transplanted body parts can be used as demonic homes that set up a variety of spiritual attachments, fragments, demonics, and harmful portals in the donated organ itself.

The cellular information in the transplanted tissues will attempt to communicate with the consciousness and the body of the people involved, which can create a host of spiritual problems and breakdown into more physical issues. Every organ has a counterpart organ in which it seeks balance, and in healthy functioning bodies, the parts communicate with each other. Transplanted organs do not have the same birth imprints or unique DNA messaging of the recipient, which can wreak havoc in the internal circuitry of the body, making them even more dependent on the medical system and taking drugs.

It is extremely harmful and even painful for the soul body to feel its physical counterpart being cut open and used for parts, in many cases it generates horrific spiritual trauma to the consciousness. This is especially so when the body is alive and the person is declared brain dead, because the soul has not yet left the body if it’s still alive. If the body remains alive, but the person is brain dead and their organs and parts are harvested, many times they will attach themselves to the recipient’s physical body. They may be in shock as they watched their body be cut up for parts, while they were unable to speak and defend their body. This may in effect change personalities, and create the problem of multiple soul attachments connected to one human body.

The current medical practice of organ transplantation supplied by the human body trade has very serious spiritual consciousness body implications, that overall promote even more diseases and human suffering, from the violation of natural laws.

  • Spiritual body attachments that get enmeshed to physical bodies with their transplanted organs so they cannot leave the earth plane.
  • Mismatched body parts that generate spiritual blockages from incompatibilities in the unique arrangement of spiritual forces that make up the spiritual anatomy.
  • Soul fragmentation as a result of the shock or trauma that is experienced from the destructive elements of the events taking place.
  • Alteration of birth imprints and blood record that may alter the spiritual purpose for that individual in the physical body they inhabit.
  • When the blood record changes from the use of transplanting different filtering organs, this has effects on the consciousness development and stations of identity of that person.
  • Soul binding that occurs from the dark entities that take advantage of the pain and suffering of the people involved, in order to harvest their potential energy.
  • Satanists are able to procure body parts that are used for a variety of ritual purposes, as they are aware the soul record is recorded in human tissue, and the body part can be bound or harvested for hungry satanic entities.

When we understand more about how our consciousness and physical bodies work in alignment to the principles of the natural laws, then we are more equipped to recognize the violations that are directly related to producing more worldwide suffering, deprivation and disease in all human beings.[1]


See Also

Violating Laws of Nature

Media Manipulation