Subconscious Programming: Difference between revisions

From Ascension Glossary
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Revision as of 20:00, 15 July 2018

Until a human being awakens into higher states of observation with self-awareness and Self-Responsibility, he is a puppet of his Subconscious Programming, impulses and instinctual reactions, which maintain the most primitive and animalistic behaviors.

The subconscious or Unconscious Mind is not only a repository of instinctual and primitive impulses, it’s a hard drive that organizes all of our experiences and memories into complex mental processes that are arranged on the hidden motivations, perceptions, beliefs and feelings we have. For people that stay focused only upon the external view of the conscious mind that makes up their Ego/Personality, their inner landscape has a hidden world of subconscious judgements, biases and beliefs that remain hidden from conscious view and unknown even to them. We cannot know the subconscious mind and Subconscious Programming without turning inward, without shifting into calm and relaxed states while observing our deepest selves.[1]


See Also

Three Layers of Ego

Negative Ego