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In spirituality, Nondualism, also called non-duality, means "not two" or "one undivided without a second". Nondualism primarily refers to a developed and mature state of consciousness, in which the dichotomy of I-other is "transcended", and pure awareness is the result and can be described as unified and "without dichotomies". [1] In the Guardian context, nondualism can be considered an spiritual ascension stage that occurs in embodying the first practice of the Law of One, which is Unity consciousness.

Essentially, the state of nondualism also reflects spiritual integration within the Lightbody layers that results in the perfect alignment with gaining dominion over one's consciousness, having synthesized the mental, emotional and spiritual layers into oneness. In the state of inner unification, we become fully centered in the authentic core self, which aligns us to our inner spiritual essence of the male-female energies in Sacred marriage or hierogamic union. When we are in harmony with our inner aspects, male and female united, we align to the harmony of the laws of creation, and perfect will, which reflects the will of God or the will of creation.

When the individual has achieved a state of unity or nondualism, their thoughtforms, feelings and actions are coherent and aligned with the core essence of the inner spiritual being. We could also compare this state to achieving Personal Integrity and representing and living as your core authentic self. In unity, the mental body, emtoianl body and action principle are one. As you think, so you feel, and so you act, as one within, this is nondualism brought into physical embodiment.

Unity Consciousness is the first practice of the Law of One, in the belief or direct Gnosis that every being is an individualized expression of God, which our ultimate spiritual purpose is to give expression to God in order to embody our Heroic Probability, the highest fulfillment of our Krystic divine eternal nature. When we experience or feel into the truth of unity consciousness, our connection expands with all of life. Then we feel spiritually inspired to dedicate our life to the seeking of truth and to live in dedication to serve truth principles.[2]


See Also

Law of One