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With the current activation cycle there are new opportunities for repair and rehabilitation at higher dimensional levels, effecting Universal Melchizedek lineages. This is also awakening new levels of memory recovery, to identify factions that have historically and are currently working against humanity and the Ascension process. We are looking at who these factions are behind current attempts to hijack collective awakening, as well as the weaknesses they play on. As the veils that hide the NAA agendas are getting thinner, many of us are recollecting more pieces of our true history, while simultaneously activating more aspects of our original blueprints and consciousness coding.

During the intense cycle of ongoing Paliadorian Activations that commenced during the Mid-May electrical peak, there has been a focus on the rehabilitation of the Universal Melchizedek lineages, and the Emerald Order Guardian reconnaissance mission, involved in the recovery of many of the fallen aspects that were originally corrupted and infected when the Melchizedek factions fell into the black hole and suffered metatronic reversals. The artificial intelligence holograms and dimensional splicing that included the intentional corruption of the azurite shield by Thothian Luciferians, has been extracted from the phantom replicas, and has been expanded into the Holy Father’s Aquafey structure, which allows for re-templating for Universal Diamond Sun coding for Christos-Sophia and for performing Melchizedek family retrievals.

This is a part of the process of reassembling the Universal Tribal Shield network, and allows for certain stages of corrections to the Emerald Order Melchizedek architecture that opens and expands direct access to the Holy Father principle, through the building of the Universal Rod. This support to the Universal Tribal Shield allows more of the Paliadorian families and Starseeds on the ascending earth to directly access and communicate with the Omniversal Emerald Order Guardians, the original founders and architects of the Interdimensional Free World Councils. Many of us on the earth during the Ascension cycle, will give testimony from our consciousness experiences to show direct evidence in the tribunals held against those in the NAA groups that have sought to maintain a consciousness prison on the earth, while targeting the Starseeds and awakening population with many aggressive forms of covert technological warfare and dark entity harassment.

Along with the current themes of the Universal Master Templar coding being returned to the rightful owners, this has elevated the tragic events of the fallen, and the related historical timelines of the Thothian entities specifically involved in the covert conspiracy against humanity to carry out the Luciferian Covenant. As the Luciferian Covenant between humans and non-human groups comes into surface view for mass consciousness witnessing, the counter attack methods of these Thothian Luciferian groups are to ramp up technological mind control, psycho-emotional warfare and controlled opposition to another whole level of deception, aggression and tyranny. This is escalating right now in the globalscape and will continue, as the immense pressure of these conflicts are amplifying behind the scenes.[1]


See Also

Sirian High Council