United States Constitution: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 00:30, 2 July 2020

The Constitution which shapes the western value system in the United States, although severely corrupted by the moral failings of its governmental leaders, was originally designed around a living document that holds an energy signature aligned with truths found in the Natural Laws. This Blueprint is the ideological thorn in the side of the NAA and other despots, who want to design nations of mind slaves and brain washed followers, not nations of free independent thinkers who value personal freedom and hold reverence for life.

Orchestrated Coup d'etat

Thus, there are armies of funded activists and fake journalists from many interrelated organizations that are strategically working together with the deep pockets of globalist funding to destroy individual human freedoms within all democratic nations that use the template of this living document. This year they pulled the trigger on their long awaited and meticulous plan for activating a multipronged ideological subversion in the western nations, with millions of people being subjected to unprecedented restrictions on their personal freedoms, human rights and free speech, which has forced radical changes and limitations be made in their ability to freely carry out their personal and professional lives. Upon closer examination of the current crisis events and using some critical thinking, we can follow the money back to non-government organizations and globalist institutions who seem to have a penchant for False Flags and bad actors. Then we can ask who and what is actually benefiting from all of this orchestrated plandemic, economic terrorism, division and upheaval, subversion of western democracy while fanning the flames of anarchy in the streets? This is a well-orchestrated coup attempt happening on physical and metaphysical fronts, and the rabbit hole goes deeper than most people can digest.[1]


See Also


Culture Wars